About Me
My name is Efraín Valles, I am a student of Informatics Engineering (a branch of computer science) at Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín [www.urbe.edu (URBE)] . I am an Ubuntu enthusiast and I have used it for a bit more than a year… 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog was my first install. I am a young man who is always online chatting and talking. I belong to different linux user groups, VELUG-MCBO. I also hold a branch of a local group. at my university. To follow up the work of www.igluve.org
Much Recently, I have worked with the LoCal Community in my country (ubuntu-ve). my work has consisted in bridging communications between the team and the LoCo proyect at large. Helping out new people get established in the ubuntu world and to get familiar with the community support.
My Ubuntu Collaboration
The community is what has driven me to ubuntu. Therefore I see my work with the people very rewarding. "some days you teach .. some days you learn".
- Visited a School: I had the chance to talk about ubuntu in a ITGS (Information Technology in a Global Society). the outcome of it has created awareness. to the point were international day at the school carried the UBUNTU feeling. It also brought up the issue of taking computers to less privileged and it is being considered as a Community Project at a school. Donating hardware and offering (ed)Ubuntu as OS.
- Given Talks: On three occasions, I have given talks at Universities in two different states. my presentation being oriented towards building community. FOSS is well known and the LoCo can surely benefit from people involved in the venezuelan LoCo team and the Ubuntu project.
- OP #ubuntu-ve: I am one of the #ubuntu-ve ops. I try to keep things friendly in the channel. my initial advocacy task was to bring the #ubuntu-ve community that didn't log to FREENODE. they had lost the channel on freenode and I did some liaison work to get guys to come back to FREENODE where all the other LoCo's meet and this has helped the LoCo team grow and think of ourselves as more than just one small group but a part of a bigger whole.
- Translation and Documentation: I am currently involved in translating Ubuntu into Spanish (not on the official team) through suggestions. Much recently I began looking into the possibility to translate UBUNTU into Wayuunaiiki Wayuunaiiki Team . but it has proven to be a big challenge mainly because of the language complexities. University Professors contacted will provide assessment to help out the translation. there is obviously a great need for the translation as the local government is offering PC's to navites y remote areas . I am also working with a documentation team to help keep ubuntu documentation up to date in our language cointinuing the work of the LSM team, LSM team page.
-Distribute System 76 stickers, For the time being I have distributed 500 stickers nation wide. I am still keen on getting everyone in the loCo team to have these on their machines :D.
- Organized one release party at my University to further promote the use of Ubuntu the outcome was fantastic. People from everywhere came down to just have a day of ubuntu talks and install Feisty Fawn.
- MOTU Hopeful (aren't we all): I have done my small part to help ubuntu grow in technical aspects as well. I have done small bug triaging and currently I am learning the ways of the force (python programming) to get hands on with bug fixing.
My Short term Goals
- In the Near future, Continue helping the LoCal Community and making it stronger and healthier as always. get more people interested in ubuntu (not being annoyingly pushy :D). and bring in more advocacy and continue learning from other loCo's on how best to share the ubuntu feel amongst us. (I've been hinted I'll be loCo contact some day :S).
- Develop a sustainable project of recycling used PC's (Social Justice and Environmentally friendly) to share with kids in schools that don't have pc's this way bringing the ubuntu feeling full circle. the idea is to get the pc's people with discard and install ubuntu and make them available to children. (What will they do with a linux box... THE SKY .:(and BEYOND):. IS THE LIMIT)
- Pinpoint the main issue with the wayunaiiki translation and get the translation and begin translation ASAP.
- Hold a small Event before the end of the year to congregate all ubuntu users nation wide. Ubucon Venezuela???.
My Long term Goals
- Become a MOTU. The help with the software would be my ultimate contribution and I find it imperative that me as an engineer give back to ubuntu in this area.
- Foment the use of Free and Open Source to English Language Teaching.
My Ubuntu Memories on Pics
= References =
I have known Efrain for some time now, and I can vouch for his dedication to Ubuntu in Venezuela. He has also helped a lot answering IRC questions on their IRC channel, but also providing help to the Ubuntu Colombian team. As on of the initiators of the Ubuntu in Wayuunaiki project, I can say Efrain is an important contact without whom the project could not have been possible. It's been painfully slow but steady progress. I think Efrain is a very valuable asset to me - but also to Ubuntu
- FabianRodriguez 2007-05-29 04:20 UCT
EfrainValles (last edited 2010-10-27 23:27:29 by 200)