
Log of the 2010-05-08 Meeting

<mahmoud> sensiva r u there
<Pronco> I still have a problem within the CD burner. b0rked.
<mahmoud> ok if u can't burn it
<Pronco> Error always came up within the finalization.
<mahmoud> bring the empty CDs with u tomorrow and we will try to burn it there
<mahmoud> i hane burned about 20 CDs till now
<mahmoud> and i think to bring the empty CDs 2morrow with me
<Pronco> That's my intention. However, investigation here is a must. CD burner issue has to be tracked out.
<Pronco> How do you burn your CDs? command line or a GUI
<mahmoud> GUI
<Pronco> Write to disc, I assume.
<mahmoud> no i burned them by
<mahmoud> brasero
<Pronco> brasero works here. but CD is empty, still.
<Pronco> No error occurred. But nothing still blank.
<Pronco> weird.
<mahmoud> i think it after burning it seems to be blank but actually it burned
<JeoTheLeo> so mahmoud and Pronco, might I ask you what do you do as support for linux?
<mahmoud> we do what we talk about now :D
<JeoTheLeo> online technical support?
<JeoTheLeo> no programming/IT-company maintenance
<JeoTheLeo> etc
<JeoTheLeo> or project management of some sort
<mahmoud> no we are talking about tomorrow event isA
<JeoTheLeo> oh neat
<JeoTheLeo> the one in cairo uni, right?
<JeoTheLeo> btw, are there any hacker events done in egypt?
<mahmoud> and there will be sessions about programing, graphics and etc
<mahmoud> i don't know
<JeoTheLeo> hmm
<JeoTheLeo> well anyways I'm happy I found this irc channel
<JeoTheLeo> getting in touch with linuxed egyptians is definitely exciting
<JeoTheLeo> then getting in touch with linuxed egyptian hackers
<JeoTheLeo> would be superb XD
<mahmoud> :)
<JeoTheLeo> it's like "I thought i was the only one" XD
<mahmoud> pronco do u sove the problem
<JeoTheLeo> well not really, but I couldn't get in contact with anyone else
<Pronco> mahmoud, still investigating.
<mahmoud> at all we can burn them 2morrow isA
<JeoTheLeo> about tomorrow's event...will they be documented and how about videos?
<Pronco> Track 01: 7 of 702 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 8.4x.
<Pronco> let's see.
<Pronco> write track data: error after 37394432 bytes
<Pronco> wodim: A write error occured.
<Pronco> No hope.
<JeoTheLeo> 64-bit iso?
<mahmoud> no 32-bit
<mahmoud> pronco did u try brasero
<mahmoud> i think it would solve the problem
<Pronco> mahmoud, also not working.
<Pronco> mahmoud, let's try once again.
<mahmoud> i burned them in 16x
<Pronco> mahmoud, enta betghesny ya3ni.
<mahmoud> la la ana ma2darsh
<mahmoud> sa7e7 eh ra2yak fe el name tags
<mahmoud> ?
<Pronco> haven't yet checked it.
<JeoTheLeo> is this event done every time a new distro issues?
<Pronco> JeoTheLeo, Planned to be on every release. Hopefully.
<Pronco> mahmoud, trying with 16x + burnproof enabled
<mahmoud> ya rab
<Pronco> yady el nela, error while burning. unknown error occurred.
<mahmoud> pronco, the name tags have been printed
<Pronco> Image is 702M while the CD is 700M
<Pronco> Is it related?
<mahmoud> u can verify them
<mahmoud> by md5
<Pronco> Verify meen. Did I say that the issue has been resolved.
<mahmoud> good
<JeoTheLeo> hmmm
<Pronco> I am just wondering here. the image is 702M while the disc CD is 700M. Perhaps it was trying to let me figure it out.
<JeoTheLeo> lol
<JeoTheLeo> 702>700 indeed
<mahmoud> mesh mohem el mohem it is working :D
<Pronco> mahmoud, still empty.
<mahmoud> no try to boot from it
<Pronco> No media found.
<mahmoud> i remember that it happens with me
<mahmoud> but in fact it was burned
<Pronco> tested in virtual machine. but nothing "no media"
<mahmoud> tyb enta 3andak another writer
<mahmoud> ?
<Pronco> mahmoud, what's your CDs capacities ?
<mahmoud> 700mb
<JeoTheLeo> may be there is something wrong with the image itself...why not tested on virtual machine while you're at it? just a suggestion
<JeoTheLeo> I shall leave now, thank you and I hope we discuss more linux details later
<mahmoud> i installed it on my lap
<JeoTheLeo> test it ***
<mahmoud> jeotheleo, u r welcome
<JeoTheLeo> Assalamu Alaikum
<mahmoud> pronco
<mahmoud> r u have another writer
<mahmoud> ?
<Pronco> mahmoud, will try another laptop.
<Pronco> mahmoud, winblow GRR>
<mahmoud> what u mean by wunblow GRR
<mahmoud> :)
<Pronco> mahmoud, will test it out in windows.
<mahmoud> i tested
<mahmoud> the CDs which i burned
<mahmoud> and it worked will
<mahmoud> and also my futher helped me in burning them
<mahmoud> by burning it by nero in windows
<Pronco> let me check another solution.
<Pronco> Quote "I always had problems with Brasero in Karmic. I eventually installed Gnomebaker (from the repos) and had no problems with it."
<mahmoud> ok isA it will be work
<Pronco> I'm getting it right now.
<mahmoud> will u come 2morrow at 8 am
<mahmoud> ?
<Pronco> ah sure. to burn the Cds and install ubuntu in a new laptop.
<Pronco> I get a laptop from a friend of mine to give it to Anas. he'll be presenting the inkscape on it.
<Pronco> But, I am still want to install it now. In case something went wrong within the installation. or elsewhere within the driver.
<mahmoud> ok but that will be at 10 am but we wanna meet before that to prepare every thing isA
<Pronco> Have we ever met before?
<mahmoud> isA every thing will be gonna be ok
<mahmoud> yes in the last meeting :D
<Pronco> really. I don't remember you. your a student at cairo university.
<mahmoud> yes
<mahmoud> i was set in ur side
<Pronco> remembered.
<mahmoud> kont 2a3d ganbak :)
<Pronco> ezayak :)
<mahmoud> l7l
<Pronco> gnomebaker is installed.
<Pronco> let me check it out.
<mahmoud> good
<Sensiva> oh lala
<Pronco> doesn't burn images to discs
<Sensiva> el shella kollaha hena
<Pronco> la2 ma7adesh hena.
<mahmoud> i burned one now :P
<mahmoud> 5las i think we can burn them 2morrow
<mahmoud> :)
<Pronco> I'll give them all to you.
<mahmoud> enta to2mor
<mahmoud> but we will solve that isA don't woory
<mahmoud> we men 3'eer datbees
<mahmoud> :D
<Pronco> la2 hadabesak
<mahmoud> rabena yesahl
<mahmoud> :)
<Sensiva> mahmoud 2olli arkab el metro we anzel ma7attet eh
<Pronco> k, let me check the name tags.
<Pronco> Sensiva, estanana ba3d el event 3and el metro.
<Sensiva> lol
<Pronco> so we might be able give your the right direction.
<Sensiva> enta meen ya 3am esma3een
<Pronco> ana bo7a el saba7.
<Sensiva> :D
<Sensiva> enta a7mad othaama
<mahmoud> we ana mahmoud tasharfna
<mahmoud> :P
<Pronco> allah, my name looks great.
<Sensiva> seriously 7ad ye2olli 3ashan matohsh
<Pronco> Sensiva enta saken feen?
<Sensiva> helio
<mahmoud> pronco is ahmed osama
<Sensiva> aywa mana 3erefto :D
<mahmoud> eshta
<mahmoud> pronco what u think about the name tags
<mahmoud> gamda mesh kda :D
<Pronco> mahmoud, still downloading.
<Sensiva> anzel feeen men el metro ya naas
<Sensiva> :@
<Pronco> name tags. 17M
<Pronco> leh.
<Pronco> Sensiva, ask in metro.
<Pronco> Cairo University station.
<Pronco> mahmoud, Where the hell did you upload the name tags?
<Sensiva> ty
*** Cyb0rg is now known as Guest91911
<d4de> HardDisk, I'm not dead, I'm just ridiculously busy (I'm even thinking about getting a hot secretary to give me a hand :P)
<JeoTheLeo> Assalamu Alaikum
<mustafa> hi
<mustafa> does any one here can help me ?
<mustafa> ??
<mustafa> hard disk ?
<mustafa> mr. sam ?
<mustafa> hi
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o HardDisk
*** HardDisk changes topic to "Welcome to Upuntu *ehem* Ubuntu Egypt. "Do you Ubuntu, like I do?" | HERE!: Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx | http://www.ubuntu.com/ | Release Party Success!!"
<mahmoud> viva ubuntu egypt team
<mahmoud> i think that i will see u celebrate here
<mahmoud> where r u guys
<mahmoud> hardDisk, there is some one ask u about some thing in ubuntu forums
<mahmoud> egypt ubuntu forums :)
<HardDisk> well I'll answer tomorrow.
<HardDisk> its been a long day
<mahmoud> ok i have answer him a temporary words
<mahmoud> waiting for ur words :)

EgyptTeam/Meetings/IRCLogs/2010-05-08 (last edited 2010-05-19 19:23:06 by host-196)