
Revision 5 as of 2018-10-19 05:26:47

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Erich Eickmeyer (Eickmeyer)




Washington State, USA

Time Zone

Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-0700)

Launchpad Page


Email Address

erich at ericheickmeyer.com



IRC Nick

Eickmeyer on freenode (Other networks are listed on my Launchpad page)







About me

I'm a multimedia professional who works as an Audio/Video/Lighting engineer with some photography on the side. As you can imagine, Ubuntu Studio is my flavor of choice. My contributions to Ubuntu Studio started in March of 2018 when Set Hallstrom and Ross Gammon put out a call to form a council in order to sustain Ubuntu Studio, which had received very little, if any, attention since 2016. I came onboard and ran the meetings and presented ideas to enhance the flavor, which led to a renaissance and revitalization for the flavor that is apparent in the work that went into 18.10. I have also provided direction and ideas for the flavor to move forward.

Positions in the Ubuntu Community:

  • Ubuntu Ubuntu Studio Release Manager

    Ubuntu Ubuntu Studio Council Chair


Ubuntu Studio


  • Became a member of the Ubuntu Community Council in 2020
  • Became an Ubuntu MOTU in 2021
  • Contributed to PackageKit

  • Became familiar with Snap packaging, packaged Freeshow for inclusion in Ubuntu Studio.

  • Has spearheaded efforts to bridge the gap between potential contributors and the existing development community.
  • Pushes to fix User Experience issues throughout Ubuntu and flavors
  • Pushes to streamline community contributions and lowering barriers


Testimonials go below:

Erich has been an inspriring example of leadership by a newcomer to Ubuntu Studio. He's shown himself both willing to do the hard work and also humble enough to ask for help and advice when needed. He would be a great Ubuntu Member. -- valorie-zimmerman 2018-10-19 05:26:47

Sign with @ SIG @ (without the spaces). Please put this after your testimonial.