
Revision 4 as of 2012-01-19 11:51:22

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Meeting RSVP Link

Proposed Meeting Time

Wed 25 January 2012 at from 7pm to 8pm (GMT+4)


IRC Meeting to plan for the Release Party of Ubuntu 12.04 - #ubuntu-ae

Participants / RSVPs

Already confirmed :

  1. rverrips: RoyVerrips (Chair)

  2. tba


  • Define Primary Aim: Functional (upgrades) vs. Exposure (introduce people to Ubuntu)
  • Date and Time (on release day vs. better for exposure, i.e. weekends, etc.)
  • Venue considerations/needs (i.e. high speed internet vs. available for exposure)
  • Venue options (follows on date and time and other considerations)
  • Identify further actions items / next meeting time