
Revision 14 as of 2006-05-04 15:27:17

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Emmet Hikory

I'm a big fan of having icons for my programs when I use a GUI. There's a MOTU effort to fix this for everything in universe, at ["MOTU/Packages/NoDesktopFile"], to which everyone may contribute. I wrote a couple scripts (at the bottom) to help with this effort.

Please run the generate-desktop script, and submit any generated .desktop files that haven't been put there yet:)

Digging through .desktop files, I've noticed that a large number (mine included Smile :) ) don't quite match the specifications. ["UniverseDesktopFileAbsolutePath"] describes some of the common problems and their fixes, and any created .desktop file should probably be validated using desktop-file-validate (in the desktop-file-utils package).

Also, although the debian menu files are not used so extensively in Ubuntu, as long as a .desktop file is being updated (possibly with attendant changes to the package), the menu file ought to be checked to make it is contains the same names, icons, paths, etc. Furthermore, when updating, this should probably be installed in /usr/share/menu, instead of /usr/lib/menu, as it is very rarely architecture specific.

There are a few bugs with patches in Malone that I would like to see uploaded. If you are able, please take a look:


