
This specification was implemented in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex. For usage information, see:



Provide a default location for users to securely store sensitive data using filesystem encryption.

Improve the user experience of filesystem encryption.


Ubuntu has supported LVM+LUKS encryption of entire partitions--an encompassing method of encrypting an entire disk. However, there are several drawbacks:

Powerful filesystem-level encryption technology has been present in the Linux kernel since 2.6.19, including the ecryptfs filesystem and the kernel keyring. Userspace components, such as ecryptfs-utils, have been present in Ubuntu universe since Gutsy. Encrypted filesystems can now leverage advanced key management technologies (e.g. openssl, tpm, pkcs#11). to The tools exist for users to cobble together encrypted filesystems.

This specification defines the remaining tooling and missing pieces required to provide a cryptographic storage location for each user on an Ubuntu system automatically and by default.

Use Cases

  1. Lindsy uses her SSH keys for authentication, but does not lock them with passphrases since she uses them for a number of automatic operations (backups and such). Lindsy wants a simple location where she can securely store her private SSH key without using an ssh-passphrase, protected cryptographically in case her laptop is stolen.
  2. Leigh frequently uses her system to compile non-sensitive open source code. While she has data on the system that she would like to cryptographically protect, she does not want to pay the encryption performance penalty on highly intensive i/o operations such as her kernel compiles. She would like to only encrypt some of her documents she stores in /home/leigh, rather than all of /.
  3. Donna administers a small office server where several users have shell accounts. She would like to provide a simple mechanism whereby each of them have their own private directories where they can store their own sensitive files, which are readable to them when logged in, but encrypted on the disk and unreadable once they log out.
  4. Donna also administers a desktop system similar to the office server, where several users have their own account and unique desktop environment. She would like to provide a simple mechanism whereby each of them have their own private directories where they can store their own sensitive files, which are readable to them when logged in, but encrypted on the disk and unreadable once they log out.
  5. Kim uses Linux on her corporate desktop/laptop workstation, and mounts Samba/CIFS/NFS/(other-network-storage) for performance/redundancy/replication/data-integrity. She would like to ensure that all data written to the remote storage is encrypted, but available in clear-text on her workstation.
  6. Steph is very diligent about incrementally rsync-ing her home directory to her remote co-lo backup system. Since other people have physical access to her co-lo, she would very much like to incrementally sync encrypted copies of each file to her remote backup system.
  7. Gerri has an ecryptfs ~/Private mountpoint, but now wants to remove the ecryptfs-utils package and eliminate the filesystem-level encryption on ~/Private (she's a huge fan of DAC, apparently). She wants a way to undo the crytographic mountpoint.

In all use cases, the proposed functionality provides cryptographic protection (beyond normal UNIX discretionary access controls) for each user not-currently-logged-in, but would protect the confidentiality of the ~/Private data in the event of physical theft of the system.


The current scope is to create a per-user encrypted mountpoint at ~/Private (which contrasts nicely with a ~/Public directory).

As demonstrated within the sessions at UDS Prague, encryption within Ubuntu is a somewhat charged topic. The goal is to scope this specification to something realistically achievable within the Intrepid development cycle.

Additional items outside of the current scope include:


Provide a location for users to securely store sensitive data using filesystem encryption.

Improve the user experience of filesystem encryption.

In the Intrepid time frame, no information will be automatically written to ~/Private. Users may be encouraged to move a few selected, sensitive files/directories to ~/Private and symlink to their traditional locations. Some candidates might be:

Do NOT move ~/.ecryptfs into ~/Private!!! The ~/.ecryptfs directory contains a key signature required to mount ~/Private, and the only valuable data (your key) is already encrypted in that directory. Should you do something silly like this, to recover your data, you will need to manually mount ~/Private as root, and using the unwrapped passphrase.

In a future release of Ubuntu (beyond Intrepid), we can consider automatically writing such sensitive date to ~/Private, or perhaps encrypting all of a user's $HOME.


Scripts used to configure, mount, and unmount these ~/Private cryptographic mountpoints are under development in cooperation with the upstream ecryptfs-utils project. The project is active, and the Debian package maintainer closely tracks upstream releases.

Currently, the following scripts in the ecryptfs-utils package (Ubuntu universe) can be used to setup a ~/Private ecryptfs mountpoint:

The following C program produces a binary that, when setuid root, allows a non-privileged user to mount/unmount their ~/.Private directory onto ~/Private, using the AES algorithm, and their 16-byte passphrase in the keyring.

The pam_ecryptfs module captures the user's login password and uses that to unwrap their encrypted ~/Private mount passphrase. It also executes mount.ecryptfs_private on login, and umount.ecryptfs_private on logout.

A complete set of manpages are now package with ecryptfs-utils 53-1.

MIRs have been approved and all necessary packages are in main.

The module handles rewrapping of mount passphrases on password change.

Outstanding Issues

Necessary for Intrepid

  1. MIRs:

Hopefully by Intrepid

  1. Translation of "Private" (xdg-user-dirs?)?
    • See: bug:247421
  2. The adduser utility should be hooked to optionally call ecryptfs-setup-private

    • As a related item, the adduser configuration files should be documented better, showing how admins can set home dirs to 700 by default. Along these lines, we could probably document how an admin could expand ecryptfs usage beyond ~/Private (perhaps to all of ~).

  3. ecryptfs-setup-private could perhaps use an --undo mechanism.
    • This is much harder than it seems.

Outside of the scope of this spec, but hopefully in Intrepid:

For a Future Release

Although all contents of files below ~/Private are encrypted, filenames are not. This is a known feature request in eCryptfs upstream. See:

Getting Involved

If you are interested in helping with this Blueprint, here are the things you can do to help.

  1. Subscribe to changes of this page

  2. Join the Server Team's IRC channel and mailing lists, as described in ServerTeam/GettingInvolved.

  3. Make sure you are aware of the IntrepidReleaseSchedule.

  4. At the very least, install ecryptfs-utils and run ecryptfs-setup-confidential and make use of your ~/Private directory, filing bugs as you see them.


The most important thing you can do to help develop this item is to use the scripts that create and maintain your Encrypted Private Directory, and file bugs against ecryptfs-utils.

Here are step-by-step instructions for setting up an Encrypted Private Directory:


DustinKirkland of the ServerTeam is handling most of the development. If you're interested in assisting:

Discussion, Questions, Answers

Please leave questions and discussion points below, sign your comments with your wiki-name, and [ subscribe to this page].


EncryptedPrivateDirectory (last edited 2010-02-17 19:53:05 by cpe-66-69-226-228)