Euca2ools / Boto 1.9 testing
For each command, test the different options (if any) and mark as green (with your name) when tested successfully (see euca-version for an example). list of optional parameters comes from the man page, checking that it matches the executable would also be great
If you find a bug, check if you can reproduce the issue with boto 1.8 before filing the bug. It will condition if the bug goes upstream or should be fixed on our side.
Test coverage
Command |
Options to test |
10.04 Status |
10.10 Status |
euca-add-group |
foo-group -d FOOGroup |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-add-keypair |
foo |
ttx, smoser |
kirkland |
euca-allocate-address |
<none> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-associate-address |
'--instance <iid> <addr-from-allocate-address>' |
smoser |
euca-attach-volume |
'--instance <id> --device sdd <vol>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-authorize |
'--protocol tcp --port-range 10-30 --icmp-type-code -1:-1 --source-subnet foogroup' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-bundle-image |
'--prefix <path> --kernel <eki> --ramdisk <eri> --destination <tmpdir> --arch x86_64' |
smoser (via uec-publish-image/uec-publish-tarball) |
kirkland (via uec-publish-image) |
euca-bundle-vol |
TODO: '--prefix foo --inherit --exclude /mnt --kernel <eki> --ramdisk <eri> --block-device-mapping /dev/sdd:ephemeral0 --destination /mnt/destfoo --arch x86_64 --volume / --fstab /etc/fstab' |
smoser |
euca-confirm-product-instance |
'--instance <instance_id> <product_code>' (548483) |
smoser |
euca-create-snapshot |
'<vol_id>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-create-volume |
'--size 2 --zone <az>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-delete-bundle |
'--bucket <bucket> --prefix <prefix> --clear' |
smoser |
euca-delete-group |
'foo-group' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-delete-keypair |
foo |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-delete-snapshot |
<snapshot_id> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-delete-volume |
<vol_id>, '<snapshot_id> --zone <zone>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-deregister |
<image_id> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-addresses |
<none>, <IP> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-availability-zones |
<az>, '--region FOO' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-groups |
<none>, foogroup, |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-image-attribute |
'--launch-permission <img_id>' |
smoser |
euca-describe-images |
-a, '--owner self', '-x self', '<img_id> <img_id2>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-instances |
<none>, '<instance_id>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-keypairs |
'<none>', 'fookey' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-regions |
'Eucalyptus', 'Walrus' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-snapshots |
<none>, '<snapshot_id>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-describe-volumes |
'<volume1> <volume2>', '<volume>', <none> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-detach-volume |
<vol_id> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-disassociate-address |
'--instance <instance_id> <address>' |
smoser |
euca-download-bundle |
'--bucket <bucket> --directory .', '--bucket <bucket> --manifest <local-file.manifest.xml>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-get-console-output |
'<instance_id>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-modify-image-attribute |
'--launch-permission --add admin <image_id>' |
smoser |
kirkland (via uec-publish-image) |
euca-reboot-instances |
instances |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-register |
<manifest_path> |
smoser |
kirkland (via uec-publish-image) |
euca-release-address |
<IP-From-allocate-address> |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-reset-image-attribute |
<image_id> |
smoser |
euca-revoke |
'--protocol tcp --port-range 22 --icmp-type-code -1:-1 foogroup' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-run-instances |
'--key fookey --user-data=foobar --instance-type m1.small <ami>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-terminate-instances |
'<instance1> <instance2>' |
smoser |
kirkland |
euca-unbundle |
'--destination . --source ../ --manifest ../foo.manifest.xml' |
smoser |
euca-upload-bundle |
'--acl aws-exec-read --directory . --part 1 --skipmanifest --bucket foobucket --manifest foo.manifest.xml' |
smoser |
kirkland (via uec-publish-image) |
euca-version |
ttx |
kirkland |
Testing with Boto 1.8
If you find a problem, please open a bug. It would also be nice if you are able to state whether this is not a problem using boto 1.8. To test with boto 1.8, do the following:
$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/karmic/python-boto python-boto.karmic $ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/python-boto.karmic # Now, just run the same command and it should use the python-boto from karmic.
Euca2oolsTestCoverage (last edited 2010-08-31 23:47:58 by 64)