
Eucalyptus is a massive upstream project, that aims to work under multiple distributions. Ubuntu has worked extensively to package and enhance Eucalyptus in order to deliver the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud UEC). Because of this, there is now some "drift" between the upstream branch and the ubuntu branch:

This specification describes the work items related to the merging and packaging of the upstream Eucalyptus project, for the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud in Lucid.

Release Note

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS builds its Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on an updated, bug-fix-only Eucalyptus release.


It is in the interest of Ubuntu Server developers, Eucalyptus upstream developers, and all UEC/Eucalyptus users to have a well-maintained Ubuntu package, with minimal delta from the upstream code to ensure that:

  1. Ubuntu's merging of new Eucalyptus versions happens with as few conflicts as possible
  2. Eucalyptus upstream and other users get the benefit of some of Ubuntu's changes
  3. Code that each Eucalyptus user is running is as close to upstream mainline as possible, in the interest of shared testing, bug triaging, and support

User stories


  1. Ubuntu will merge for Lucid exclusively from a Eucalyptus bug-fix-only branch (either 1.6.x or 1.7)
  2. Eucalyptus and Ubuntu will continue using Launchpad/Bazaar for collaboration


Given that we're both hosting our code in Launchpad bzr, this should be a reasonable task.

Test/Demo Plan

Testing of UEC/Eucalyptus is a separate item. This specification covers merging/packaging of bug-fix only code. Testing of this spec should be covered by general UEC/Eucalyptus testing needed for Lucid.

Unresolved issues

BoF agenda and discussion

This specification was discussed at UDS Dallas in November 2009.

EucalyptusMergingAndPackaging (last edited 2009-11-30 13:02:01 by lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246)