Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference
All serious issues should be still submitted as bug!
- Post known issues here
- Add feedback here
- From what I've tested so far on the AMD64 LiveCD version :
- I'm glad to say that laptop buttons support on my ASUS A6KmQ007H work well again (this functionality on my computer was lost during Edgy development since Knot3). Both sound and Light + or - using the "Fn" key now work.
Although the tiny animation showing "Volume" is here, the one for "Brightness" isn't. Well at least, they both work : try not to break it again, please...
Nice to hear this. Can you add info for your keyboard to LukaRenko/Keycodes page? I would like to better understand what has fixed this.
Using Kubuntu Daily build of Feisty (8th Jan 2007), I've just used xev to see the keycodes on my ASUS Laptop : Fn+F10 gives 160, XF86AudioMute ; Fn+F11 gives 174, XF86AudioLowerVolume ; Fn+F12 gives 176 , XF86AudioRaiseVolume ; Fn+ F5 or F6 (keys used to lower or raise brightness) gives no keycodes or effect on xev, but these combinations do lower or raise the brightness of the screen...strange./ Nikoo 10th Jan 2007
Looks like there's no nvidia driver since moving anykind of window is awfully slow. (my card : Nvidia GeForce Go 7300) ; it was working fine under Kubuntu Edgy Final.
- / Nikoo 6th Dec. 2006
- I'm glad to say that laptop buttons support on my ASUS A6KmQ007H work well again (this functionality on my computer was lost during Edgy development since Knot3). Both sound and Light + or - using the "Fn" key now work.
- I updated (k)ubuntu edgy to Feisty Herd1, and got two problems (after having to continue with upgrade -f). (I have added both to launchpad)
- after rebooting I also noticed the nvidia driver has gone (disabling the nvidia driver fixed the boot up, but without acceleration). (Re)Instaling the new nvidia driver fixed all (probably due to the new kernel).
- Things I miss in (K)ubuntu:
- easy setup for my (Logitech Dinovo) media keys, so Amarok will play/pause when I press play (it now again doesn't recognize my media keys, and I have forgotten the command-line options/config file hacks)
can you add info for your keyboard to LukaRenko/Keycodes page? We will see if we can improve this for Feisty... (I will...
- Same counts for my Mouse, getting to work all mouse buttons (Logitech MX Laser) including left/right "scrolling".
can you add info for your mouse to LukaRenko/Keycodes page? We will see if we can improve this for Feisty...
My SonyEricsson P990 telephone is recognized as a harddrive (probably due to the new kernel
). But when can I sync it with Kontact? Syncing with Evolution works partially, but not as it should. I don't have to sync with the sync station, bluetooth or SyncML are OK too, but both aren't quite ready for it yet, is seems, although I think kitchensync and opensync should be the main players for this.
Have an Exchange (server) replacement. I tried all kind of things, and I think HULA had the best options, with its use of all kind of open standards, but now Novell has stopped its development, maybe someone will pick this up... Kolab seems nice too, although I couldn'd find a package, after compiling it worked nicely (but I missed syncing of notes). -- Lvanderree 2006-12-07 13:58:19 updated at -- Lvanderree 2006-12-07 21:42:01
- easy setup for my (Logitech Dinovo) media keys, so Amarok will play/pause when I press play (it now again doesn't recognize my media keys, and I have forgotten the command-line options/config file hacks)
* i386 version on ASUS A3L (Celeron 1.4 M, 512MB DDR, i915 gfx chipset, ipw2200 wireless card), used alternate install cd
- KNetworkManager is not integrated with system scripts. When not using KDE Wallet manager, KNetworkManager forgets the WEP password
No ability to configure WiFi during installation (old module: 1.1.4, current: 1.2.1; firmware loading error in dmesg)
- Wireless Assistant is useless, as we now have KNetworkManager, could be removed
- Network configuration in KDE settings shows a warning about unknown Linux distribution; can be forced into thinking we're using Edgy. Though changing any options have no effect on real hardware; Changed options are also not saved in system scripts.
- Add Printer wizard takes 100% CPU and works _very_ slow (on 1.4GHz CPU !)
- No graphic interface for choosing default sound card (which in my case is the USB card, not the onboard one). Would be nice to automatically switch to an external sound card as it is connected (requires newer, still unreleased ALSA - with current one, disconnecting an external sound card while sound is being played crashes all programs accessing the disconnected device)
- No text/graphical indicators of suspend/hibernate. Additionally, installing suspend2ui-text does not automatically switch it on.
- As previous posters said, additional laptop buttons work, though changing volume shows a nice 'popup', while changing brightness does not. Wireless button (Fn-F2) turns off 'Wireless' LED, though has no effect on network interfaces. Pressing it again has no effect (the led doesn't turn back on).
Missing menu entry for KMail -- WitWilinski2 2007-01-13 19:43:55
It is rather an upstream bug, but i'll post it here first to here others' opinions. I broke my whole graphical environment by accidentaly creating a cross-reference to itself in the mouse cursor theme I'm using. While I intended to set the default cursor theme (by adding Inherits=kubuntu in default/index.theme), I did it in kubuntu/index.theme. Thus I've created a loop, causing nearly all programs to crash with meaningless "Segmentation fault". The problem took 2 days to debug, eventually strace helped to isolate the problem. My idea here is to modify libxcursor to prevent such situation (when a self-reference is detected, ignore user setting, falling back to X's internal mouse cursors) and inform user about the cause of the problem using a debug message. -- WitWilinski2 2007-01-13 21:25:00
FeistyFawn/Herd1/Kubuntu/Feedback (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:54 by localhost)