19:59 < itnet7> Time for the meeting
20:00 < Michelle_Qimo> howdy, itnet
20:00 < itnet7> how are you?
20:00 < Michelle_Qimo> tired.  You?
20:00 < crashsystems> did I ever say I hate printers?
20:00 < itnet7> Ditto
20:00 < itnet7> crashsystems: why what did they do to you??
20:00 < crashsystems> break
20:00 < itnet7> Ah!
20:00 < Michelle_Qimo> super glue it!
20:01 < itnet7> Sorry to hear that!
20:01 < crashsystems> no, it is more of a software issue
20:01 < Michelle_Qimo> superglue that, too
20:01 < itnet7> a show of hands for who is present?
20:01 < crashsystems> I'm not sure CUPS really likes the Internet Printing Protocol
20:01 < crashsystems> me
20:01  Michelle_Qimo is here
20:01 < itnet7> o/
20:01  pak33m is here
20:01 < Michelle_Qimo> mhall119 is in the kitchen, making dinner
20:01 < itnet7> dantalizing: ?
20:02 < itnet7> it's not looking as though Vikram is here
20:02 < itnet7> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings/#Agenda
20:03 <*> mode[#ubuntu-us-fl] (+o pak33m) by ChanServ
20:03 <*> Joins[#ubuntu-us-fl] ->dhillon-v10 [n=dhillon-@]
20:03 < itnet7> Oh, I didn't realize that dantalizing had planned on discussing the Ubuntu Global Jam
20:03 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: START METING
20:03 < itnet7> Ah there he is
20:03 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: START MEETING
20:03 < dhillon-v10> salutations, I made it in time
20:03 < itnet7> Nice!
20:04 <pak33m> should we wait a minute for others?
20:04 < itnet7> lets give it about 5 min. k?
20:04 < dhillon-v10> depends on you :)
20:04 <pak33m> cool
20:05 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: you will get to go first on your topic lets start again around 8:10
20:05 < dhillon-v10> I might have to leave in between the meeting, so sorry about that
20:05 < dhillon-v10> alright got it
20:05 < dhillon-v10> :)
20:05 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: that's okay thankd for coming
20:05 < itnet7> s/thankd/thanks/
20:05 < dhillon-v10> sure man my lightning extension poped up so I know
20:09 < dantalizing> i'm here
20:09 < itnet7> k sorry
20:10 < dantalizing> just got here
20:10 < dantalizing> pc issues
20:10 < itnet7> anyone else join up??
20:10 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 1 - Driver Automation Procedures - Vikram Dhillon (dhillon-v10)
20:10 < dhillon-v10> that looks cool how do you do that
20:10 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: you have the floor for your topic
20:11  itnet7 is remote controlling pak33m  :-)
20:11 < dhillon-v10> alright thanks, so how is everyone doing today
20:11 < itnet7> so far so good
20:11 <pak33m> dhillon-v10: good to have you on board
20:11 < dhillon-v10> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dhillonv/Sandbox
20:11 < dhillon-v10> so here's the proposal
20:11 < dhillon-v10> it is going to be web-based
20:11 < dhillon-v10> I am pretty sure you guys have read it, so I am just going to summarize it
20:12 < dhillon-v10> We take in some already build drivers, then analyze them manually, perform meta data analysis and then apply it
20:13 < dhillon-v10> meta data analysis provides us with some information that we  can provide to other unknown situations in our case which is drivers for a new computer
20:13 < dhillon-v10> so, any questions so far...
20:13 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: I understand the goal, but it seems to me that this is going to be difficult across the board
20:13 < itnet7> If all of the vendors would cooperate I think it would work, but they don't cooperate for a reason
20:14 < dhillon-v10> yes absolutely, but that's what makes me accomplish this even more
20:14 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: approximately where do you live?
20:14 < itnet7> like Orlando area?
20:14 < dhillon-v10> I live in Orlando, Rouse Run
20:14 < itnet7> Can you come up to Stardust on Sat. between 2 - 6
20:15 < dhillon-v10> but I get too much of school work to be able to attend any of the community stuff sorry :(
20:15 < itnet7> and meet with some of the team and we can hash this out
20:15 < dhillon-v10> my apologies
20:15 < itnet7> Not so much asking you to do community stuff
20:16 < itnet7> it would be to try and get a better feel for what you are trying to accomplish in person
20:16 < itnet7> I think with your idea, and you wanting to not target community for help, that this may be the wrong place for you to discuss it
20:16 < dhillon-v10> I understand that, please don't get me wrong, I can't manage my time properly so I end up with a lot of work
20:17 < dantalizing> it would have been nice if you coulda made it up to Atlanta Linux Fest to talk to the kernel devs about this, as i'd previously mentioned
20:17 < dantalizing> they can give you much better feedback
20:17 < dhillon-v10> I am new to United States so I don't know the areas around Orlando, that's why I couldn't do that
20:18 < dantalizing> i also think this is one of those "if you build it they will come" projects
20:18 < itnet7> I am sure in the team there would be some interest, and on Saturday at the coffee shop with free wifi, we are going to meet-up. Some of the guys that will be there might have an interest
20:18 < itnet7> maybe you can hop in IRC that day
20:18 < itnet7> and remotely talk with them, as they are currently in classes themselves
20:18 < dhillon-v10> sure, I am really thankful to you for understanding that
20:18 <pak33m> dhillon-v10: i could help if you like i live in orlando
20:19 < itnet7> I think that chaynie may have an interest, possibly roadmap
20:20 < dhillon-v10> alright, but  I can't drive though I am only 16 now so yah IRC is a really good way going about this idea
20:20 < itnet7> cool, then we can pick this up on Saturday if that is okay with you
20:21 < dhillon-v10> Guys I know everyone would be a bit disappointed in me for this but please bear with me, I'll try my best
20:21 < dhillon-v10> sure Saturday is fine
20:21 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: it's understandable I didn't realize your age
20:21 < itnet7> it is probably difficult to get around
20:21 < Michelle_Qimo> dhillon-v10: no one is disappointed!  I, for one, am blown away that you're 16, and undertaking such a project!
20:22 < dhillon-v10> Can you give me further instructions on what to do and no need to apologize, I am a solid programmer but my parents...
20:22 < dhillon-v10> want me to be a doctor and I am getting all A's in my classes
20:22 < crashsystems> not many people understand the concept of linear regressions
20:22 < dhillon-v10> I can't thank you guys enough for understanding my situation especially, itnet7
20:22 < dhillon-v10> :)
20:22 < dhillon-v10> you guys are amazing people
20:23 < mhall119> I'm here now
20:23 < itnet7> we will try and come up with some good ideas to help you dhillon-v10 !
20:24 < dhillon-v10> sorry for not being supportive enough and thanks again for your help, I will give you guys an initial draft of what this project might look like if that's fine with everyone
20:24 < itnet7> cool send it to the ML !
20:24 < itnet7> Mailing list!
20:24 < itnet7> dantalizing: ready?
20:24 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 2 - Ubuntu Global Jam -- dantalizing
20:25 < dhillon-v10> alright, one question just curiosity, why is everyone so nice here, I have never met people like you guys
20:25 < itnet7> Isshan must be teaching dantalizing proper python syntax
20:25 <pak33m> dhillon-v10: cos we have lots of sunshine all the time
20:25 < crashsystems> lol
20:25 < dhillon-v10> may be that's it
20:25 < itnet7> dhillon-v10: because we're friends in RL as well
20:25 < mhall119> dhillon-v10: we've for the most part all met eachother in person
20:25 < dantalizing> i'm ready
20:25 < crashsystems> I think in part due to the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct, it tends to attract more non-troll like people.
20:26 < dhillon-v10> ah, thanks
20:26 < itnet7> all yours!
20:26 < dantalizing> So i was hoping more people would be here ...
20:27 < dantalizing> hoping we could do more stuff for the global jam
20:27  itnet7 *sighs* ditto
20:27 < mhall119> I said I washere
20:27 < dantalizing> currently we have chaynie leading a packaging jam at stardust video on 10/3
20:27 < dantalizing> and chaynie is also working on some wiki updates (doc jam) proposals
20:28 < dantalizing> was hoping we could get some miami and tampa participation
20:28 < Michelle_Qimo> you know I'll participate in whatever doc jam we can come up with
20:28 < dantalizing> :)
20:28 < Michelle_Qimo> Can't program, but I can proofread.
20:28 < mhall119> yet
20:28 < itnet7> We will have to mail the list in an encouraging way
20:29 <pak33m> yeah im here too
20:29 < Michelle_Qimo> 'encouraging', itnet7?
20:29 < itnet7> dantalizing: have you heard about Sunday at the Hall's?
20:29 < dantalizing> well what do yall think about trying to scare up maxo and some miami folk to do installs? or something else?
20:29 < Michelle_Qimo> great name for a band, I think
20:29 < dantalizing> i only have about 12 cds left :(
20:29 < itnet7> The Hall's?
20:29 < itnet7> yeah
20:30 < itnet7> dantalizing: I have bunch of CD's
20:30 < dantalizing> saturday at the halls, no?
20:30 < dantalizing> i cant make 26th
20:30 < itnet7> uh-oh was it Saturday?
20:30 < dantalizing> moving, events
20:30 < Michelle_Qimo> Sunday
20:30 < dhillon-v10> is there anything that needs to be done, that I can help with
20:30 < dantalizing> we're moving by end of the month.... thats my only weekend :(
20:30 < mhall119> to where?
20:31 < dantalizing> up the road
20:31 < itnet7> Oh man... I wanted to help you guys move
20:31 < mhall119> oh
20:31 < dantalizing> a mile
20:31 < Michelle_Qimo> dantalizing: get the handcart!
20:31 < mhall119> easy
20:31 < itnet7> I mean Oh Dan
20:31 < dantalizing> yes itnet7 please drive 3 hrs to help me carry furniture
20:31 < dantalizing> lol
20:31 < dantalizing> crazy
20:31 < itnet7> dantalizing: is that a challenge?
20:31 < itnet7> ROFL
20:32 < itnet7> You know I would!
20:32 <*> Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: zoopster, jamalta-afk, jblount, ANTRat, jims, ejv, poningru, zbrown, crashsystems, Gareth,  (+3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
20:32 < dantalizing> lies
20:32 < dantalizing> so anyway ... itnet7 is it possible to send some CDs to ropetin or reya or someone in miami if i can scare up an installfest?
20:32 < itnet7> Okay so let me piggy back on your topic with #5
20:33 < mhall119> netsplit
20:33 <*> Joins[#ubuntu-us-fl] ->mudsplatter [n=mudsplat@adsl-233-70-214.mia.bellsouth.net]
20:33 <*> Netsplit over, joins: crashsystems, ANTRat, c0mp13371331337, poningru, ejv
20:33 <*> Joins[#ubuntu-us-fl] ->mhall119|work [n=mhall@rrcs-24-227-64-126.se.biz.rr.com]
20:33 <*> Netsplit over, joins: Gareth, jims, jblount, zbrown, statik, jamalta-afk
20:33 < itnet7> dantalizing: do you think it would be better for them to do the installfest for Karmic/
20:33 < dantalizing> go itnet7
20:33 < mhall119> netjoin
20:33 < dantalizing> itnet7: yes
20:33 <*> Netsplit over, joins: zoopster
20:33 < itnet7> One PRESENTATIONS. Ropetin was going to volunteer to do a talk for a user group down south, but he doesn't have the time to put together a presentation. We can help solve this problem. Also the Wiki's need some Love!!! If anyone else has any other ideas on what they would like to focus on during the Global Jam please share with the team. If you come up with any ideas during the week you can e-mail the lists!
20:33 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 2 & 5 - Ubuntu Global Jam -- dantalizing Global Jam Ideas - Presentation Jam? itnet7
20:33 < crashsystems> welcome back
20:33 < itnet7> that is one of the ideas that I had
20:34 < mhall119> presentation jam?
20:34 < Michelle_Qimo> itnet7: I'll be happy to help with presentations
20:34 < Michelle_Qimo> :-)
20:34 < dhillon-v10> I can send some slides from a presentation  I gave on Ubuntu
20:34 < dhillon-v10> a little time ago
20:34 < itnet7> ropetin: said he was willing to do one for a local user group that requested us to speak on the mailing list
20:34 < dantalizing> i like the presentation jam idea
20:34 < itnet7> but no presentations
20:35 < Michelle_Qimo> so he wants to speak, but has nothing to say, essentially?
20:35 < itnet7> I was thinking we could release them cc and add them to spreadubuntu
20:35 < mhall119> oh, dantalizing, got a question for you about FLS after the meeting
20:35 < dantalizing> i can modify my jaunty server stack
20:35 < dantalizing> mhall119: k
20:35 < dantalizing> i can modify my jaunty server stack *presentation*
20:35 < dantalizing> for karmic
20:35 < Michelle_Qimo> I don't see why we couldn't knock out a couple of general presentations to be used as needed in teh future
20:35 < itnet7> Yeah, that was a good solid presentation that you added to Spreadubuntu
20:35 < dantalizing> Michelle_Qimo: +1
20:36 < dantalizing> Michelle_Qimo is now on the ubuntu-florida presentation team
20:36 < itnet7> Okay so we can add that to the Global Jam Wiki on what we plan to do
20:36 < itnet7> +1
20:36 < Michelle_Qimo> sure thing!
20:36 < mhall119> +1
20:36 < mudsplatter> rofl
20:36 < mudsplatter> ll be formating the day karmic comes out
20:36 < mudsplatter> before i even give a speak
20:36 < itnet7> for Michelle_Qimo being ont he presentation team
20:36  Michelle_Qimo will chair presentation team, if need be
20:37 < itnet7> too bad we don't have anyone we can trust leading an installfest downsouth
20:37 < itnet7> ....Oh Hey there mudsplatter
20:37 < dantalizing> ropetin: ?
20:37 < crashsystems> just don't throw chairs at presentation team
20:37 < mhall119> lol
20:37 < Michelle_Qimo> ROFL
20:37 < mudsplatter> ya
20:37 < dantalizing> stickystyle
20:37 < Michelle_Qimo> +1 dantalizing
20:37 < Michelle_Qimo> or itnet7
20:37 < Michelle_Qimo> or whomever said that
20:37 < mhall119> crashsystems: can we thrown chairs if we're chanting "developers, developers developers"
20:37 < Michelle_Qimo> I can't type for the laughing.
20:37 < crashsystems> lol
20:38 < itnet7> lol
20:38 < dhillon-v10> lol
20:38 < dantalizing> only if you wave your arms and scream too
20:38 < mudsplatter> devs suck
20:38 < mhall119> and step on iPhones
20:38 < itnet7> mudsplatter: you'r going to be dismissed
20:38 < mudsplatter> it is true...
20:38 < itnet7> s/you'r/you're/
20:39 < itnet7> this is a team meeting
20:39 < dantalizing> developers control the world
20:39 < itnet7> so please leave the troll out
20:39 < itnet7> anyway
20:39 < mhall119> can you mute just mudsplatter?
20:39 < itnet7> On to topic 3?
20:39 < mudsplatter> grrrr
20:39 < Michelle_Qimo> sorry, distracted
20:40 < itnet7> we can all simultaneously /ignore
20:40 < itnet7> :-P
20:40 < dhillon-v10> <itnet7> can you give me the link for agenda again
20:40 < mhall119> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings/#Agenda
20:40 < dhillon-v10> thanks
20:40 < itnet7> thanks mhall119 !
20:40 < mhall119> np
20:40 < itnet7> pak33m: no topic 3 love?
20:40 < Michelle_Qimo> Topic 3?  Are we moving on?
20:41 <pak33m> itnet7: just a sec
20:41 < mudsplatter> ill jsut go
20:41 < mhall119> pak33m needs a mootbot
20:41 < itnet7> mudsplatter: just stay and be cool
20:41 < mudsplatter> naw
20:41 < mudsplatter> i dont to
20:41 < itnet7> okay then bye
20:41 < mudsplatter> ill go nuts
20:41 < mhall119> mudsplatter: there are kids present, so mind yourself
20:41 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 3 - Karmic Release Party Ideas itnet7
20:41 < itnet7> Here is what I was thinking: On November 7th we are having a meet-up at the Hall's. I am hoping that we will have the Karmic CD's from ship-it, it will be cutting it close, last year it took 7 business days from the release for us to receive the CD's. If I have them we I will bring them with me and we can split them up, and strategize if we are going to stagger the install/release parties similar to last year, or have one big simultaneos ...
20:41 <pak33m> mhall119: still gotta get that
20:41 < itnet7> ... one! This is going to be difficult with UDS coming up. The 14th and the 28th will be out for those that are planning on attending UDS Lucid.
20:42 < mudsplatter> u have the karmic already
20:42 < mudsplatter> not the beta
20:42 < Michelle_Qimo> Yep - Nov.7th is the date for the loco b-day bash.
20:42 < Michelle_Qimo> Tampa guys, this will probably be the Nov. Meetup, as well
20:42 < itnet7> wow pasted my typo
20:42 < mudsplatter> ill be in arazona
20:43 < itnet7> simultaneous
20:43 < dantalizing> itnet7: there are lots of people not going to UDS in local areas
20:43 < dantalizing> maxo was asking about organizing in Tallahassee again
20:43 < dantalizing> i'm sure crashsystems would love to organize another one in gainesville ;)
20:43 < dantalizing> i guess
20:43 < itnet7> dantalizing: I was just thinking from the perspective that for those two weekends we couldn't go to their place for support
20:43 < dantalizing> i'm saying
20:43 < crashsystems> o_O
20:43 < dantalizing> i like the many parties idea
20:44 < Michelle_Qimo> I'll help put together something in the Tampa area, if we want to look at later in Nov.
20:44 < dantalizing> itnet7: true
20:44 < mudsplatter> why dont we do one in miami
20:44 < mudsplatter> ya mudsplatter this is a great idea
20:44 < mhall119> we just need sponsorship for the whole team
20:44 < itnet7> So if the team thinks staggered ones are the way to go no prob
20:44 < itnet7> mhall119: for UDS?
20:44 < mhall119> mudsplatter: set it up
20:44 < itnet7> :-P
20:44 < mhall119> itnet7: sure
20:45 < itnet7> mudsplatter: can pay all of our ways
20:45 < mhall119> hey, California Team just got approval today
20:45 < Michelle_Qimo> itnet7: I think staggered will be better for everyone - those of us close enough to make it to multiple can
20:45 < itnet7> the roundtrip ticket to Dallas is 200 right now
20:45 <pak33m> of ccourse you know i (with chaynie) will coordinate a party in orlando 
20:45 < itnet7> Michelle_Qimo: that is what we did last year and it worked out well
20:45 < Michelle_Qimo> Indeed
20:45 < mhall119> itnet7: I spent my last $200 traveling money on ALF
20:45 <pak33m> im all for multi parties
20:45 < dantalizing> woot pak33m
20:45 < Michelle_Qimo> I'm hoping we can swing making it to Orlando's party this year
20:45 < mhall119> I was counting on you getting UDS in Orlando
20:46 < itnet7> I just wanted to try and schedule them after we get the official pressed cd's if everyone thinks that is a good idea
20:46 < Michelle_Qimo> Aye, Captain
20:46 < dantalizing> +1 itnet7
20:46 < itnet7> mhall119: next year, we're working on it
20:46 <pak33m> it would be great if  we could get a bigger turn out in orlando this time
20:46 < Michelle_Qimo> pak33m: let me know just as soon as it gets on a calendar, please
20:46 < itnet7> mhall119: we might be able to get flag to sponsor you if you are serious about wanting to go and can take the time off
20:46 < dantalizing> we got chaynie and roadmap, so thats a net positive
20:46 < mhall119> itnet7: if we schedule them starting mid-November, it's likely you'll have the CDs
20:47 < mhall119> flag?
20:47 < itnet7> mhall119: agreed
20:47 < dantalizing> florida linux alliance group
20:47 < dantalizing> ftw
20:47 < dantalizing> .org
20:47 < itnet7> dantalizing: is always faster than me
20:47 < mhall119> oh right, I'm sure Rod will get right on it
20:47 < dantalizing> lol
20:47 < dantalizing> as i say in bengali
20:47 < dantalizing> chup
20:47  Michelle_Qimo will sponsor mhall119 to go, if he really, really wants.
20:47 < itnet7> mhall119: I will absolutely put pressure on him for that if you want to go and don't get sponsored after applying
20:48 < mhall119> how long is it?
20:48 < crashsystems> ftw should be a URL extension
20:48 < itnet7> One week
20:48 < Michelle_Qimo> more precisely, WHEN is it?
20:48 < dantalizing> +1 crashsystems
20:48 < mhall119> not sure I could get that much time off
20:48 < crashsystems> ubuntu-us-fl.ftw
20:48 < dantalizing> Michelle_Qimo: nov 16-21
20:49 < mudsplatter> rofl
20:49 < mhall119> I'll have to look into the logistics of it
20:49 < mudsplatter> i know where to thow a party in miami
20:49 <pak33m> i can get that much time off but no dinero
20:49 < Michelle_Qimo> pak33m: yeah, that's the truth.
20:49 < mhall119> it'll be around the time my Moffitt contract ends
20:49 < mhall119> so my time and financials will be kind of in limbo
20:50 <pak33m> if somebody wants to sponser me that is
20:50 < itnet7> I was just saying considering it was 520 dollars for me to fly to OSCON that it was great for the flight to dallas to be @200 dollars
20:50 < dantalizing> pak33m: +1
20:50 < dhillon-v10> <itnet7> that's quite a bit of money
20:50 < Michelle_Qimo> heck, yeah, 200 for Dallas isn't bad
20:51 <*> Joins[#ubuntu-us-fl] ->stickystyle [n=stickyst@c-67-191-40-240.hsd1.fl.comcast.net]
20:51 < mhall119> itnet7: what does Canonical sponsorship pay for?
20:51 < dantalizing> stickystyle: !
20:51 < mhall119> flight and hotel??
20:51 < mudsplatter> to make me go away
20:51 < itnet7> depends on how you apply
20:51 < Michelle_Qimo> Is there anything else on the agenda that we should get to...?
20:51 < itnet7> there is a check box for flight, and one for lodging
20:51 < itnet7> Michelle_Qimo: one more topic
20:51 < itnet7> Hey there stickystyle !
20:51 < Michelle_Qimo> okey doke
20:52 < stickystyle> howdy
20:52 < itnet7> We are going to have approximately 4 spaces if we want them all in the exhibitor's hall. This is One will be for the Florida Team Booth, One could be for Qimo, unless Michael and Michelle don't want this time around. One could be a troubleshooting/install area, and one could be a Demo Area/DJ area if Pak33m is able to come :-). With that being said we are going to need some peeps to hang around and be able to answer questions. I was ...
20:52 < itnet7> ... thinking it might be a good idea to possibly do some more kernel testing with the USB images like we were doing @ Alf if anyone is inclined.
20:52 < itnet7> If anyone wants to speak at the show please let me know so that I can forward it on and get you a slot.
20:52 < itnet7> I do have a map of the layout but there is no confirmed organization on what is going to be where.
20:52 < itnet7> Oops that is in reference to FLS
20:52 < mudsplatter> i want to speak
20:52 < Michelle_Qimo> itnet7: Ok
20:52 < Michelle_Qimo> Yeah, we were looking at a booth for Qimo this time around
20:53 < Michelle_Qimo> I wanna rock with DJ Pak at the booth next to us!  :-)
20:53 < itnet7> Michelle_Qimo: I can give you one of the 4 booths, or I can get a total separate both, but it will be exactly like last year
20:53 < itnet7> gratis
20:53 < Michelle_Qimo> no worries
20:53 < Michelle_Qimo> whatever is easiest, itnet7
20:53 < mudsplatter> itnet7, like i said i wanna speak
20:53 < Michelle_Qimo> :-)
20:54 < itnet7> mudsplatter: are you meaning during this meeting?
20:54 < Michelle_Qimo> If you need a presentor to fill a slot, we can recycle our ALF presentation
20:54 < itnet7> or at FLS?
20:54 < mudsplatter> no
20:54 < mudsplatter> the fls
20:54 < itnet7> Michelle_Qimo: They could seriously use you guys, and this time it won't be like before
20:54 < Michelle_Qimo> Sure thing, put me on the list
20:54 < itnet7> I guess I should be saying We could use you guys
20:55 < itnet7> guys/gal
20:55 <pak33m> wait, did i miss the topic change? 
20:55 < Michelle_Qimo> I'm ok with non-gender-specific-guys
20:55 < mudsplatter> what can i give a talk about
20:55 < dantalizing> pak33m: sorta
20:55 < itnet7> pak33m: Yeah, it's getting kind of late, I forgot to ask
20:55 <pak33m> hehe np
20:55 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 4 - Florida Linux Show Support -- itnet7
20:55 <pak33m> there you go
20:55 < mudsplatter> i wanna speak dam it
20:56 < mudsplatter> at fls
20:56 < Michelle_Qimo> You could speak on the nature of trolldom
20:56 < itnet7> mudsplatter: can you do a topic on 1001 ways to be politically correct in an irc channel
20:56 < Michelle_Qimo> ROFL
20:56 < itnet7> ?
20:56 < mudsplatter> yes
20:56 < mudsplatter> i will
20:56 < dhillon-v10> guys I gotta go right now, thanks for help and I'll join around on Saturday bye
20:56 <pak33m> see ya dhillon-v10 
20:56 < Michelle_Qimo> bye dhillon-v10!
20:56 < dantalizing> later dhillon-v10
20:56 < itnet7> talk with you soon dhillon-v10 ! thanks for swinging in
20:57 < itnet7> mudsplatter: if you can't control yourself here, I find it hard to recommend you for a talk at FLS
20:57 <*> Quits ->dhillon-v10 [n=dhillon-@] ["Later"]
20:57 < mudsplatter> o i can
20:57 < mudsplatter> let me speak
20:57 < mudsplatter> ill give the best talk
20:57 < mudsplatter> about cats or dogs
20:57 < dantalizing> itnet7: if he can provide the $250 fee, then lets let him
20:57 < mudsplatter> or anything
20:58 < itnet7> dantalizing: that's true
20:58 < Michelle_Qimo> check's in the "mail", itnet7
20:58 < itnet7> ROFL
20:59 < itnet7> pak33m: do you want to dj in the corridor again?
20:59 < itnet7> or would you prefer to be inside?
20:59 < dantalizing> no he doesnt
20:59 < dantalizing> :)
20:59 < dantalizing> +1 inside
20:59 <pak33m> id like to be inside but i guess wherever rod wants me
20:59 < itnet7> if you do dj inside you can't play quite so loudly
20:59 < Michelle_Qimo> +1 inside
21:00 < itnet7> We are going to make recommendations
21:00 <pak33m> oh      watch me
21:00 <pak33m> heh
21:00 < itnet7> ROFL
21:00 <pak33m> if i have ot play in the corridor thats fine too
21:00 < itnet7> pak33m: inside the exhibitors have to be able to discuss things with attendees, that is the only issue I can see that Rod may have with you being inside
21:01 < mhall119> itnet7, dantalizing, have you been in the exhibition hall?
21:01 < dantalizing> mhall119: gnope
21:01 < itnet7> mhall119: no, but i have pdf of the layout of the rooms, no real dimensions, but it is a much bigger area
21:01 < mhall119> ok
21:02 <pak33m> itnet7: i getcha np
21:02 < itnet7> I can forward it on, if you would like to see
21:02 < itnet7> I will send it to you too dantalizing
21:02 < dantalizing> thx
21:02 < mhall119> please
21:02 <pak33m> oh oh me too
21:02 < itnet7> but, he hasn't said what is plans are for where the exhibitors will be
21:02 < mhall119> I think pak33m should play it from the roof, as loud as he can
21:03 < itnet7> I will definitely forward it on all of you
21:03 < itnet7> not on the Mailing list
21:03 <pak33m> mhall119: now that would be great
21:03 < mhall119> to draw in a crowd
21:03 < Michelle_Qimo> spotlight, too
21:03 < mhall119> any  pyrotechnics
21:03 < Michelle_Qimo> ooo fire
21:03 <pak33m> i could get mc dantalizing to sing benny lava too
21:03 < itnet7> Nice!
21:03 < itnet7> ROFL
21:03 < mhall119> +1 benny lava
21:03 < itnet7> Okay so I think we have went over a lot
21:03 < itnet7> this meeting
21:04 <pak33m> wait
21:04 < itnet7> pak33m: ?
21:04 <pak33m> one moreagenda item
21:04 < Michelle_Qimo> sure thing
21:04 <pak33m> i just added it a bit ago before firefox put my compute rin a coma
21:04 < mhall119> dantalizing: Michelle_Qimo needs the benny lava video link
21:04 < Michelle_Qimo> I am unfamiliar with this Benny Lava
21:04 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Agenda Item 6 - Orlando Meetup 9/26/09 pak33m
21:04 < dantalizing> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw
21:05 < Michelle_Qimo> pak33m: we won't be available to come over.  We're dogsitting.
21:05 < Michelle_Qimo> six dachshunds and a chihuaua
21:05 <pak33m> on behalf of chaynie i wante dto just mention the meetup
21:05 < itnet7> I have signed up
21:05 <pak33m> its this sat 2-6 pm at stardust
21:05 < itnet7> I will bring CD's in case maxo can make it
21:05 < itnet7> I can give him some
21:05 < itnet7> there
21:06 < dantalizing> Michelle_Qimo: better be tapping her feet by now
21:06 <pak33m> this is going to be a f2f meeting-fun thing
21:06 < mhall119> she is
21:06 <pak33m> more info in the topic
21:06 < Michelle_Qimo> ROFL, dantalizing, he reminds me of George Michael, for some reason
21:06 <pak33m> and i will be getting more info out to the ml, etc laterz
21:06 < dantalizing> pak33m: we need an image for the website post
21:07 < itnet7> cool
21:07 <pak33m> dantalizing: its that grey background that i cnt get beyond
21:07 <pak33m> thats all i have about the orlando meetup
21:07 <pak33m> oh
21:07 <pak33m> and i ll be there
21:07 < itnet7> coolbeans!!
21:07 <pak33m> dantalizing: i really might need you help on that 
21:07 < itnet7> meeting ajourned, have to help Breanna make a chart for school
21:08 < itnet7> she was using OOo
21:08 <*> pak33m changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: END MEETING

FloridaTeam/Minutes/20090922 (last edited 2009-09-23 05:24:00 by 180)