Meeting opened by mhall119 at 00:00

  • <maxh> Can I add "giving me $4000" to the agenda?

    <mhall119> ?

    <mhall119> ah, there is goes

    <mhall119> maxh: sure, but I can already tell you the answer

    <maxh> Haha.

    <mhall119> welcome everybody

    <itnet7> [LINK] http://tinyurl.com/ubuntu-fl-agenda

  • <mhall119> tonight's agenda, as always, can be found

    <mhall119> there

    <maxh> Why oh why am I trying to be in three meetings right now?

  • mhall119 was just about to paste it

    <mhall119> itnet7: the floor is yours

    <mhall119> oh wait

    <itnet7> set the topic? Smile :-)

    <mhall119> [TOPIC] he Importance of Team Reports, deadlines for UWN, and how we can all lend a hand in getting them done!

The Importance of Team Reports, deadlines for UWN, and how we can all lend a hand in getting them done!

  • <itnet7> Thanks!

    <mhall119> there

    <itnet7> Okay, So there has been a really big push for Team Reporting. There are several good reasons to do it

    <itnet7> Up until now, I have been doing most of them and having occasional help

    <itnet7> but there is an easier way for everyone to contribute

    <itnet7> Here is how team reports work

    <itnet7> Each month a new wiki page is created

    <itnet7> for example this months

    <itnet7> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/TeamReports/10/August

    <itnet7> It has the Year, then the month

    <mhall119> it that auto-created, or do you do that?

    <itnet7> We have to do it

    <cjohnston> manual

    <itnet7> but it updates everything else

    <itnet7> give me one sec just checking something

    <carlosepc> hi I'm new to this community

    <cjohnston> hi carlosepc !

    <mhall119> hi carlosepc, feel free to listen in, we hold meetings like this twice a month

    <itnet7> Hey there carlosepc !!

    <itnet7> Ok

    <carlosepc> ok

    <itnet7> at the end of the Month or so, we just need to create the new month and change the redirector here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/TeamReports/Current

    <carlosepc> I'm Cuban, I do not speak much English, but I read something,

    <MichelleQ> itnet7: you still want me to send out monthly reminder emails, right?

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: that would be great

    <carlosepc> belonged to a very large community that we had in Cuba

    <MichelleQ> when is the reporting deadline? the 23rd?

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: it is if we want the items to appear in UWN, I believe

    <MichelleQ> so, a monthly email round about the 20th?

    <itnet7> but I have heard they actually change the template for the next mont the 1st sunday of the next month

    <MichelleQ> ok

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: Let's think about the best time to do it.

    <MichelleQ> ok

    <mhall119> itnet7: should the entries just be plain text in a list, or can we include links and images in our reports?

    <itnet7> If anyone has any items that they want to add and are unsure how, ping me and I will guide you through until you get the hang of it

    <itnet7> it should just be bulletted items

    <itnet7> not very long one sentence or so

    <MichelleQ> it's tentatively scheduled on my calendar for every 15th (just a memo to send the email).

    <itnet7> just enough to let others know what's happening with the team, hopefully it will help others come up with ideas for what their loco's could do

    <itnet7> Cool

    <mhall119> any anything can go on here right, even if it's just a couple of us meeting up?

    <MichelleQ> once we know of a deadline date, I'll add a memo to my calendar to go through the wiki page and make sure it's proofread before we send it in

    <itnet7> Yes, just make sure you realize that when you update that link, everyone that looks at the Main Reports will read it

    <itnet7> Tonight after the meeting I am going to add the meeting for example

    <mhall119> ok

    <itnet7> That's all I have, please try to help with the reporting if you can!

    <MichelleQ> and everyone watch for reminder emails from me. :-D

    <itnet7> ty MichelleQ !

    <mhall119> reminder emails will to to which mailing list?

    <MichelleQ> erm... whichever one itnet7 tells me to email?

    <itnet7> There is only one active mailing list now

    <itnet7> lists.ubuntu.com

    <MichelleQ> so, that one

    <itnet7> the other has been deactivated as planned

    <mhall119> okay, so anybody not on ubuntu-us-fl [at] lists.u.c needs to add themselves

    <itnet7> I can't do anything about it still appearing on LP though Sad :-(

    <mhall119> being on the launchpad team isn't enough to get you on the mailing list anymore

    <itnet7> but no one can join that list

    <mhall119> thanks itnet7

    <mhall119> next topic

    <mhall119> [TOPIC] UDS Host Party Planning

UDS Host Party Planning

  • <itnet7> When People join the team, I have been sending out the welcome aboard notes

    <mhall119> itnet7: good idea

    <MichelleQ> I've not done a lick with the host party planning this week, sorry. Been a little ... operated upon.

    <mhall119> so, for those of you who weren't here for the last meeting, we are planning on hosting a party for UDS attendees as a way of welcoming them to Florida

    <mhall119> the current plan is to have pizza in one of the UDS conference rooms, and maybe some movies on a projector if we can

    <itnet7> I haven't contacted Marianna, because I wanted to find out how many Florida Team Members are going to commit to hosting it, before asking for a room

    <MichelleQ> itnet7: me

    <MichelleQ> Smile :-)

    <mhall119> I'm in

  • MichelleQ commits to ROCK IT!

    <cjohnston> I am not positive yet...

    <MichelleQ> cjohnston: you don't show up, and nigelb will kick you

    <mhall119> cjohnston: you'd better be coming to UDS

    <itnet7> Well, I will be there, and so will dantalizing I'm sure

    <mhall119> I think maxo was planning on being there, he's been talking about renting a condo

    <MichelleQ> I'm stoked at the number of u-w women who think they're coming.

    <mhall119> itnet7: how about Lupine?

    <maxh> itnet7: Handwritten notes?

    <itnet7> and hopefully some others, I will ask her what the chance are of us getting an area to do it

    <cjohnston> I'll be at uds.. the party is what I'm not sure about

    <mhall119> cjohnston: oh, ok, working that night?

    <cjohnston> no.. may be on a cruise

    <mhall119> :P

    <MichelleQ> itnet7: let me know asap if she can get us a room, if not, I'll get another venue lined up

    <itnet7> mhall119: I am sure that we can count Daniel in

    <itnet7> Cool MichelleQ !

    <mhall119> Please register here http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/242/detail/

    <mhall119> to let us know if you'll be coming to the host party or not

    <crashsystems> ooh, shiny

    <mhall119> you can register that you are, or that you're not (or maybe)

    <mhall119> but it'll help us keep track

    <itnet7> perfect!

    <MichelleQ> mhall119: register me there too, please?

  • MichelleQ doesn't want to break the new shiny

    <mhall119> I can't, you've got to login through launchpad

    <itnet7> maxh: not sure what you mean, sorry

    <MichelleQ> oh, foo

    <mhall119> you can't break it

    <cjohnston> mhall119: register _1

    <cjohnston> +1

    <mhall119> cjohnston: true, I could do that

    <crashsystems> to say I might be going, would I do that through the register button?

    <mhall119> but she's a team member, and should count as such

    <mhall119> crashsystems: yes

    <MichelleQ> oh, I'll get around to it

    <ejv_> did someone say pizza

    <ejv_> O_O

    <MichelleQ> ejv_: pre-party for UDS, yes

    <mhall119> ejv_: possibly, Oct 24th in Orlando

    <cjohnston> I want pizza

    <MichelleQ> cjohnston: no cruise for you

    <cjohnston> you tell hope that

    <cjohnston> im not going to

    <ejv_> will there be lil ceaser's breadsticks, with dipping sauce? -_-

    <MichelleQ> bwahahaha

    <mhall119> ejv_: possibly, are you going to be at UDS?

    <cjohnston> o.. MichelleQ we were gonna drop the kids at your place

    <MichelleQ> what I wouldn't give for a good slice of pizza right now.................

    <crashsystems> This will officially be called UDS Narhwale, yes?

    <ejv_> man im hungry

    <cjohnston> prolly uds-n

    <mhall119> crashsystems: no, UDS Natty

    <crashsystems> crap

  • ejv_ also has no idea what UDS is, sounds big-brother-ish Wink ;)

    <mhall119> ejv_: it's where Ubuntu contributors make plans for the next release of Ubuntu

    <MichelleQ> ejv_: geeky-type people, doing geeky-type things

    <cjohnston> only the most awesomest thing ever

    <MichelleQ> also known as a chance for me to feed people

    <cjohnston> FWIW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/UDS-N

    <mhall119> cjohnston: yay, planning space!

    <ejv_> oh "developer summit"

    <cjohnston> I didnt link to the page since it isnt official yet

    <mhall119> cjohnston: too late, I put it on the locodirctory event

    <cjohnston> lol

    <cjohnston> nice

    <MichelleQ> ok, so we're going to go ahead and move forward, itnet7?

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: Yes, I will contact Marianna, just wanted to make sure there was some level of commitment

    <itnet7> from more than just you, me, cjohnston, mhall119, and dantalizing

    <itnet7> and crashsystems

    <MichelleQ> rofl

    <MichelleQ> sounds good to me

    <itnet7> and maxolaser

    <mhall119> cjohnston didn't sound that committed

    <cjohnston> I think I may have trouble adjusting to the TC

    <cjohnston> TZ

    <MichelleQ> lets go for it,and we can beat people about the ears later.

    <itnet7> I know that he will try to make it if he can

    <itnet7> pak33m: ???

    <crashsystems> I'm not exactly commited to going to the party, though I _am_ committed to really really wanting to

    <cjohnston> We are planning on the cruise that will get back saturday

    <mhall119> yeah, where is pak33m

    <mhall119> and chaynie for that matter

    <MichelleQ> slackers

    <cjohnston> fwiw: https://edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n <--register that you will be there

    <mhall119> sweet!

    <mhall119> where do we apply for sponsorship?

  • <cjohnston> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/sponsorship/

    <zus> hey sorry im a lot late

    <cjohnston> it hasnt been announced yet tho

    <mhall119> ok

    <mhall119> would you let us know in here when it is announced?

    <cjohnston> umm

    <cjohnston> i guess

    <itnet7> hey there zus !

    <cjohnston> itll be everywhere

    <mhall119> thanks

    <mhall119> cjohnston: yeah, but you seem to know about it

    <cjohnston> I follow the rumor mill

    <cjohnston> also s/M/N in urls Wink ;-)

    <mhall119> okay, so anything else on the host party before we move on?

    <cjohnston> and follow links from the uds page

    <cjohnston> none from me

    <MichelleQ> nlope

    <MichelleQ> nothig from me

    <mhall119> [TOPIC] Oct 26 Team Meeting at UDS

Oct 26 Team Meeting at UDS

  • <mhall119> we're currently scheduled to have our second October team meeting on the 19th

    <cjohnston> -1

    <mhall119> but if a large number of us are going to be physically present at UDS, I thought it might be nice to hold the meeting on the 26th instead

    <maxh> What is UDS?

    <MichelleQ> makes reasonable amounts of sense to me

    <crashsystems> Ubuntu Developer Summit

    <mhall119> itnet7 says we might be able to use the audio streaming setup that they'll have there to allow remote participation from members who can't attend

    <cjohnston> I don't want to tie us down to not be able to participate in any other events that may come up

    <maxh> Why not video streaming?

    <itnet7> very good point cjohnston !

    <mhall119> maxh: I don't think they'll have video streaming available

    <itnet7> There are dinners and things that people form up and do nightly

    <mhall119> cjohnston: that was my concern, not having attended a UDS before, I wasn't sure how many nights had after-session festivities

    <maxh> Ah, I suppose that's a good reason.

    <mhall119> what time do the sessions usually end?

    <zus> whats UDS?

    <cjohnston> no offence, but i dont want to sit in a meeting with people who i can meet with frequently (infact, dont we have a gathering two weeks later?) when i could be spending time with friends who are in town from the other side of the world

    <mhall119> cjohnston: the birthday bash was going to be replaced by the host party

    <cjohnston> even still... we could get together monthly if we wanted

    <mhall119> the other option would be to hold the meeting in an empty room during the day

    <cjohnston> -1 there also

    <zus> wasnt it held in belgium a bit ago?

    <itnet7> zus: yes

    <mhall119> zus: it alternates between Europe and North America

    <mhall119> different cities each time

    <cjohnston> again, making someone decide between something they are a part of/want to be a part of for a loco team meeting

    <zus> now its comming here to florida?

    <mhall119> this cycle it's going to be in Orlando

    <zus> nice. Smile :)

    <mhall119> yeah

    <mhall119> okay, so "no" on the team meeting during UDS

    <cjohnston> IMO

    <mhall119> I guess that means cjohnston will cancel his cruise so he's around for the one on the 19th

    <zus> was times and dates given? and was it mentioned on how to attend already?

    <cjohnston> nope

    <itnet7> I think it would be good for us to have that final meeting before UDS to hash out any last minute ideas Smile :-)

    <mhall119> zus: Oct. 25th to the 29th

    <cjohnston> +1

    <mhall119> itnet7: true

    <mhall119> okay, that's all the topics for tonight, I'm going to open it up if anybody wants to add something else

    <ejv_> forgive me if this has been answered, but you guys are organizing a local UDS, not in brussels... in orlando?

    <MichelleQ> I'm good either way. A last-minute planning session might be good

    <mhall119> [TOPIC] Open


  • <cjohnston> Closed?

    <mhall119> carlosepc: welcome to the FLorida team!

    <itnet7> ejv_: it's organized my Canonical

    <itnet7> there are two a year

    <itnet7> the earlier one is in Europe

    <itnet7> and the second one is in the States

    <mhall119> ejv_: the site of UDS changes every time

    <itnet7> Orlando was picked

    <itnet7> for this time Smile :-)

    <ejv_> ah so orlando was picked, how convenient, in our backyard

    <mhall119> ejv_: exactly

    <itnet7> Well, suggested (a lot), and picked

    <itnet7> Smile :-)

    <mhall119> and I'd add that itnet7 was working hard to make this happen

    <mhall119> we all owe him a big thanks for that

  • MichelleQ applauds itnet7

    <itnet7> pak33m and cjohnston also went to bat and dantalizing !

    <itnet7> Smile :-)

    <itnet7> Even RoAkSoAx, but he wanted it in Miami Smile :-)

    <mhall119> thanks to everyone who helped bring UDS here

  • ejv_ does the slow clap Big Grin :)

    <itnet7> Which still would have been great!

    <cjohnston> too despensive

    <mhall119> yeah, anywhere in Florida would rock, but Orlando is the best I think

    <MichelleQ> all the more reason we need to have a spectacular turn out from our Loco.

    <ejv_> too great a risk we'd run into Snookie... *drum rolls*

    <mhall119> yeah, if anybody wants to attend UDS, it's free

    <mhall119> if anybody needs help with travel or lodging, there are sponsorships available you can apply for

    <mhall119> if anyone plans on paying for their own hotel/condo/whatever, and would like to share the cost with someone else, let people know

    <ejv_> again forgive me, is there an orlando summit website online, with all the event info

  • chaynie pops in.

    <ejv_> or is it on our ubuntu-fl site...

    <itnet7> mhall119: on our wiki page we should list rates and contact info, for the dedicated ones that come over from Europe without sponsorship

    <mhall119> hey chaynie, dorgan , maddog_2009

    <maxh> UDS is free except for travel. :P

    <maddog_2009> hey

    <mhall119> itnet7: good idea, do you know what hotels are nearby?

    <itnet7> hey there mhall119

    <chaynie> what did I miss?

    <itnet7> lol

    <cjohnston> theres a thousand

    <itnet7> that was supposed to be maddog_2009

    <itnet7> sorry

    <mhall119> chaynie: planning for UDS

    <mhall119> chaynie: dorgan: if you guys are going to come to the host party, register here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/242/detail/

    <ejv_> definitely priceline 'name-ur-own-price'

    <zus> i would love to go , but i know i wont have any money.

    <dorgan> mhall119: sorry cant make it I will be on a cruise

    <dorgan> i REALLY wish i could

    <mhall119> dorgan: not you to!

    <dorgan> who else was on a cruise?

    <itnet7> We should make a list of good restaurants in the area and any other deals that might be of interest for those coming a bit earlier and staying a day or so later

    <zus> brb

    <mhall119> dorgan: cjohnston is the week before

    <dorgan> ahh

    <mhall119> itnet7: +1

    <mhall119> also, if anybody is going to have a car there and can help drive people who fly in to and from restaurants when everybody goes out, that would be great

    <MichelleQ> itnet7: I'll be happy to coordinate that list

    <itnet7> We can look at what the catalan team provide for UDS-Karmic and do something similar

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: Awesome!

    <mhall119> itnet7: what did they do?

    <cjohnston> to/from airport canonical will supply travel/pay for sponsored people

    <mhall119> cjohnston: the hotel might even run an airport shuttle

    <mhall119> but I was thinking for dinner and such

    <MichelleQ> itnet7: could you send me copies of what the catalan team did?

    <cjohnston> mhall119: normally its done by can

    <itnet7> every loco team fills in the wiki with things to do etc.

    <mhall119> itnet7: do you think we can keep up with after-session plans and add them to loco.ubuntu.com?

    <itnet7> mhall119: I am bringing my Honday Oddysey, it seats approx. 9

    <ejv_> 9!? now we know who to blame for global warming

    <itnet7> mhall119: possibly

    <ejv_> Smile :)

    <mhall119> itnet7: cool, we'll have the trailblazer which seats 5 (9 if people cram into the back)

    <mhall119> 10 if you count the luggage rack on top

    <chaynie> mhall119: my car sits 4

    <MichelleQ> we're going to be limited by kid-care, too, mhall119

    <cjohnston> ill have either my little tiny car or my little tiny truck

    <itnet7> It would be cool to develop something using tags or something and during UDS leverage the LoCo Dir for planning!

    <mhall119> MichelleQ: oh right...

    <mhall119> itnet7: tags?

    <cjohnston> tags?

    <cjohnston> o

    <cjohnston> that reminds me

    <cjohnston> mhall119: i got another bug for ya :-P

    <mhall119> uh oh

    <itnet7> Well not necessarily meta-tags, but something to

    <mhall119> tags on what though?

    <MichelleQ> ok, anyone need me for anything else in this meeting?

    <ejv_> badges, we dont need no stinkin badges!

    <itnet7> I was just trying to think of a simple way with each UDS of populating a page with all UDS related events

    <itnet7> nvm

    <itnet7> not very thought out

    <itnet7> as usual I can't focus... I have 50 things going on around me

    <itnet7> well really only 4

    <itnet7> but still ;-P

    <itnet7> MichelleQ: no, Thanks dear!

    <MichelleQ> no problemo!

    <MichelleQ> I'm gonna go pass out on the couch for a bit.

    <itnet7> Oh

    <mhall119> itnet7: I think loco.ubuntu.com could serve for that purpose

    <mhall119> just using the host country's loco team

    <itnet7> Make sure you register on the UDS LP page, so you have a proper name badge

    <MichelleQ> yes, I will

    <itnet7> If you forget, you will still get one but you will have to write your name and nick

    <itnet7> which is no big deal if you have good hand writing

    <mhall119> link again, for registering that you're coming to UDS: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n

    <mhall119> itnet7: do nametags have gpg fingerprints or anything for keysigning?

    <itnet7> mhall119: No, but that brings up a great point

    <itnet7> keep your eyes peeled for the key signing they hold at every UDS

  • mhall119 makes a mental note to add that to loco-dir when I know the date/time

    <itnet7> To make it easier, you need to do send your public key info and stuff to the Person who is generating the key for everyone, just prior to the keysigning you will recieve an e-mail that makes it much easier to complete

    <itnet7> mhall119: definitely

    <itnet7> If I see it announce I will add it

    <mhall119> itnet7: they don't use the ones on launchpad?

    <itnet7> They do

    <mhall119> ok

    <mhall119> so what do we need to send?

    <MichelleQ> ok, ok, registered

    <itnet7> I will see if I can find the info from the last couple of one's that explains what we'll need to do

    <mhall119> itnet7: does Marianna schedule these things?

    <itnet7> No

    <itnet7> The two I have went to have been Steve L. I believe

    <mhall119> ok

    <mhall119> summit.ubuntu.com is a launchpad project and Django, so any ideas for features to that, we have some folks who can work on them

    <mhall119> it actually shares the same server as loco.ubuntu.com

    <mhall119> not sure if they share database though....I'll have to ask, that would make things fun

    <itnet7> Oh, anyone have any ideas for any Global Jams??

    <mhall119> oh yeah, Global Jam is next weekend (17th - 29th)

    <mhall119> 27th

    <mhall119> not 17th

    <mhall119> that's back-to-school week at the Hall residence, so we won't be planning anything

    <itnet7> Ah!

    <mhall119> but depending on time and place, we can attend one

    <itnet7> mhall119: has anyone contacted you about the tampa meetup stuff?

    <mhall119> zoopster has told me that he'll be too busy to plan, and so far I have been too

    <mhall119> I don't think anyone else in the tampa meetup has expressed interested in taking over planning

    <itnet7> I know what you mean, just wondering if anyone else had expressed an interesting in giving you a hand in ogranizing anything with that, (I saw zoops e-mail)

    <itnet7> ah

    <mhall119> I'd like to hold one before UDS just to let them know about it

    <itnet7> Oh, yeah!

    <mhall119> I think I've found a good venue we can use, air-conditioned porch at Panera by the university

    <itnet7> +1

    <mhall119> but there's no power outlets there

    <mhall119> so it'll be battery only

    <mhall119> but hopefully it won't be too crowded on a saturday morning

    <Michelleq> i am back... yay android.

    <crashsystems> Big Grin :)

    <crashsystems> what android irc client are you using?

    <Michelleq> yaaic

    <crashsystems> never heard of it

    <crashsystems> btw you should install swype. after a day or two of using it, you'll love it

    <mhall119> okay, any other meeting items before I end it?

    <Michelleq> yet another android irc client

  • cjohnston waves g'nite

    <itnet7> Thanks mhall119 for chairing it!

    <Michelleq> itnet said something about swype too

    <mhall119> chaynie: you're still on to chair the next 2 meetings, right?

    <crashsystems> if you install it, go into it's settings and crank the accuracy slider all the way up

    <Michelleq> ok

    <mhall119> chaynie: ???

    <chaynie> mhall119: right

    <mhall119> cool, thanks

    <chaynie> itnet7: where do i need to mention that i'll be in charge?

    <mhall119> [ACTION] chaynie to chair September IRC meetings

chaynie to chair September IRC meetings

  • <itnet7> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings add your nick under Meeting Chairperson

    <mhall119> chaynie: I'll add you on the schedule when I update the wiki page

    <itnet7> Thanks!

    <chaynie> mhall119: Thanks.

    <mhall119> #endmeeting

Meeting closed at 01:14

People Present

  • maxh
  • mhall119
  • itnet7
  • cjohnston
  • carlosepc
  • MichelleQ
  • crashsystems
  • ejv_
  • zus
  • chaynie
  • maddog_2009
  • dorgan
  • Michelleq

Actions Recorded

  • chaynie to chair September IRC meetings

FloridaTeam/Minutes/20100817 (last edited 2010-08-21 04:11:17 by 142)