
ubun3small.png Next Florida LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 9:00 PM EST (details) ubun3small.png

For a full list of LoCo activity all over the world, see this page

Info about contributing to and participating in the Ubuntu Global Jam

Packaging Jam

Saturday, October 3, from 12-6pm in Orlando, cary-haynie will be running a Packaging Jam at Stardust Video ( map ).

We will be running a demonstration using a simple package, then letting people start on their own packages, and will be available to answer questions. Participants should understand how to use a terminal, use a text editor, install packages via a command line, and how to navigate around launchpad.

We'll start from the beginning and make no assumptions as to pre-installed software.

Doc Jam

pak33m will be working on the FloridaTeam wiki redux Smile :)

It would be great if the FloridaTeam could continue from last weekend at the OrlandoMeetup to further collaborate on the FloridaTeam wiki redux.

Presentation (Marketing) Jam

FloridaTeam/Projects/GlobalJam200910 (last edited 2009-09-30 15:04:46 by 199)