
ubun3small.png Next Florida LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 9:00 PM EST (details) ubun3small.png

Miami Bug Jam & F2F

The Ubuntu GlobalBugJam is scheduled for the weekend of 2/20 - 2/22. BarCamp Miami is 2/22, and FOWA is 2/23 - 2/24. Sounds like a perfect time to get together and get our geek on. The fact that we have several Florida LoCo team members in Miami who we've never had a chance to meet with just makes it even better.

We'll be meeting at Brikolodge on 2/21 to make Florida's contribution to the Ubuntu GlobalBugJam. Even if you've never triaged a bug, you can make a contribution! Its gonna be the best BugJam ever in Florida!

Schedule (subject to change)


  1. 1pm - 6pm - Bug Jam - Brikolodge, Miami

  2. 7pm - ? - Dinner @ Titanic Brewery - 5813 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Miami, FL 33146 (305) 668-1742 Map


  1. BarCamp Miami

Bug Jam Project Plan

  1. Secure Bug Jam location - done
  2. Secure Dinner Meetup location - done
  3. Jammer setup work - at the event - please read this

    1. Launchpad & team signup

    2. SSH Key
    3. application installation
    4. set team - "5-a-day --add-team ubuntu-us-florida"
    5. set tags - "5-a-day --add-tag gbj-florida-0902"
    6. reading list - Bugs/Events Bugs/EasyTasks

  4. Equipment List - in progress
    1. projector - provided at site
    2. mic -
    3. webcam - Zac Brown(zbrown/rufius) is bringing one
    4. squid(x5) - Dan, Chris, available at the location
    5. extension cords - Dan, Chris
  5. Snacks -

FloridaTeam/Projects/MiamiBugJam-200902 (last edited 2009-02-21 18:35:08 by adsl-233-40-156)