

  • The FloridaTeam exhibited at the Floirda Linux Show on February 11th.

    There was a F2F meeting the night before the show to engage socially. Members of both the FloridaTeam and GeorgiaUSTeam met up the night before in a show of LoCo bonding. Many, many CDs were given out particularly Edubuntu CDs. The FloridaTeam was very busy at the show advocating the use of Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Server and Xubuntu and capped the night off with a dinner with the Jon "Maddog" Hall.



  • The Floria Team held a Meeting on February 17th to discuss the agenda items following:

    1. Review actions from previous meeting
    2. Review Open Project status
      1. FloridaTeam/Projects/FloridaLinuxShow
        1. Review
        2. Things we could have done better or things we didnt do at all.
        3. keep a sharper eye on conference pack
        4. 'signup' here computer
        5. more room for installing/updating
        6. monitors for display & use

        7. keep pak33m away from the wine
      2. FloridaTeam/Projects/CssDesign
      3. FloridaTeam/Projects/WebSite
        1. Please Review: http://florida.ubuntu-us.org/

      4. HardyReleaseParty

    3. Plans for BarCamp Miami/FOWA??

    4. UbuntuDeveloperWeek

  • The next Florida Team Meeting will be March 2nd @ 8 pm EST.

Florida Team Membership

  • 130

Recently Approved Members

  • chuckr (chuckrister)
  • dznodes (josedwyer)
  • Chris Friedel (chrisfriedel)
  • Mike Feravolo (feravolo)
  • Christian Zambrano (czambran)

Team Owner

FloridaTeam/TeamReports/08/February (last edited 2009-06-23 02:36:15 by 99-21-107-94)