Chris Crisafulli (itnet7) has taken over leadership of the FloridaTeam.
On January 10, the several members of the team attended a Linux meetup in Tampa that was run by jpugh
After the meetup itnet7 and thelupine gave a short tutorial on 5-A-Day in preparation for the GlobalBugJam
dantrevino is currently organizing a BugJam in Miami for the February GlobalBugJam.
Full Report
dantrevino is currently organizing a BugJam in Miami for February.
dantrevino and reya276 have begun upgrading the FloridaTeam website to drupal.
The Florida Team held a Meeting on January 6th and discussed the following:
# Miami Face-to-Face meeting 2/21 to coincide with BarCampMiami and FOWA (google it) -- dantrevino 2009-01-06 19:51:20 # Florida Linux Show Jacksonville on 3/9 -- dantrevino 2009-01-06 19:51:20
Next meeting is scheduled for January 20th at 8 PM in the LoCo channel.
Florida Team Membership
- 172
Recently Approved Members
- Richard Flores (rcxjflores)
- ANTRat (antrat)
- emil (farfan)
- Youri Volkov (omgomgomg)
- freakinjonathan (icebreaker747)
Team Owner
FloridaTeam/TeamReports/09/January (last edited 2009-06-23 02:33:56 by 99-21-107-94)