Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.

Agenda / TODO


This document specifies how to improve communication (bugs, ideas, forum users feedback) between the forums and the developers. The idea is to elect Forum Ambassadors and/or have a special forum for this to help to improve communication.

We will create a forum section on where people can request help of the Forum Ambassadors or convey their opinions in a constructive, concise and useful way (see design).

A team of Forum Ambassadors will connect to the developers to facilitate communication. We will use ambassadors to collect ideas, bugs and feedback from users. This team would probably connect to developers via UWN, mailing lists or irc.

This idea originated on the forums. This idea was originally by Aysiu but many people have contributed to this spec. The current forum discussion is here :

Our intended target is that the Forum Ambassadors become a team like : (If this doesn't happen we will become a 3rd party section)


Currently there's little communication between the forum users and the developers. The forums can be a great resource for developers that are looking for bugs, testers, or improvement of useablity -- but not in a way that they have to spend too much time browsing the forums. The idea is to bring the forums to the developers with this team, and bring the perceived presence of the developers to the forums.

The proposed Forum Ambassadors Team will improve information flow between the forums and the developers. This information flow will be bi-directional.

It's not practical for the developers to spend much time monitoring the forums. Instead of waiting for developers to come to the forums let's take a more active approach and create this team. The amount of information going from the forum-ambassadors to the developers will be very manageable for the developers.

It also provides a sense of entitlement to the users at Ubuntu Forums. They will feel represented, involved, and perhaps be able to take a larger part in making Ubuntu better. This is definitely good for improving the integration and communication of the forums with the rest of the community.

The users often find it hard to reach the developers, with notices like "Please note developers are not very active here." strung all over the place in bold font. They are told to "file a bug", post to the mailing list, and this may seem daunting in this radically different world. As well as making it easier for the developers to reach the users, the spec tries to make the users able to reach the developers.

Use cases



structure of the team

comparison with bugsquad

tasks,criteria and responsibilities of the Forum Ambassador team Members

Tasks of Forum Ambassador Members

Criteria for Forum Ambassador Members

tasks,criteria and responsibilities of the Forum Ambassador team Leaders

Tasks of Forum Ambassador Leaders

Define Criteria of Forum Ambassador Leaders

Define stepping down of FA Leaders

the new Forum Ambassadors subforum

polls/discussion threads in forum section

goals to achieve

information we are interested in

communcation with devs


bug reporting

intra-FA-team communication

conflict handling


about this document

action plan / what to do before creating this team

  1. work through the agenda today
  2. as many gobby sessions as needed to solve most unresolved issues and to work through the agenda.
  3. make sure the wiki document is clear and readable
  4. ubuntu_demon will blog to and will send emails to ubuntu-devel / ubuntu-devel-discussion asking for feedback on this document.
    • We should specifically ask for feedback on the "communication with devs" part of design.
    • CC to jono bacon
  5. incorporate dev feedback in small meeting
  6. ask the admins or FC to review the document and give their feedback.
  7. incorporate admin/FC feedback (maybe in small meeting)
  8. people should nominate themselves if they want to be FA members / leaders.
  9. ask the admins if they want to make this Forum Ambassadors team official. Ask them for a forum section and if official ask them to create the forums team. Ask them to appoint 3 leaders. (There will probably always be 3 FA leaders.)
  10. The FA Leaders will propose candidates to become FA Members, and the admins will either approve or deny this request.
  11. create moderated launchpad team. Hobbsee already created one :

    • This LP team won't be used until points 1-10 are done.
  12. We have to make sure we can post to ubuntu-devel, edubuntu-devel, kubuntu-devel and xubuntu-devel (the new team will ask Jono Bacon).
    • ubuntu_demon : AFAIK only ubuntu-devel is moderated currently by Jono Bacon.
  13. request official irc channel. (#ubuntuforums-ambassadors sounds nice)
  14. Create document: HOWTO be an ambassador
  15. talk with bugsquad. bugsquad is in a way a similar team. We can learn from them. write comparison with bugsquad. Communication with bugsquad is useful.

discussion of dev feedback

Forum Council Feedback

The following link contains a summary of the meeting where the forum ambassadors spec was presented to the FC. They have agreed to recognise us and provide any assistance we require.

nominate yourself for FA member/leader thread

first post :

About Forum Ambassadors :

We will create a forum section on where people can request help of the Forum Ambassadors or convey their opinions in a constructive, concise and useful way (see design).

A team of Forum Ambassadors will connect to the developers to facilitate communication. We will use ambassadors to collect ideas, bugs and feedback from users. This team would probably connect to developers via UWN, mailing lists or with possibly some irc contact.

This idea originated on the forums. This idea was originally by Aysiu but many people have contributed to this spec. The current forum discussion is here : [WWW]

Our intended target is that the Forum Ambassadors become a team like : [WWW] (If this doesn't happen we will become a 3rd party section)

This news :

We are happy to inform you that we are currently in a phase of the forum-ambassadors project where it makes sense to investigate who wants to become Forum Ambassador members / leaders.

We will probably start with a tight scope (helping with bugs,reporting important bugs to UWN) and slowly broaden the scope to the other tasks we have defined.

If you are considering to join the Forum Ambassador team you should read the wiki : If you think you make the requirements you should introduce yourself and tell us what kind of tasks are suitable for you. You can find a list of possible tasks for Forum Ambassadors members on the wiki. We need volunteers to make this work :).

We will soon ask the admins to make the new forum-ambassadors project an official ubuntuforums project and team.

documentation & tools

some developers who have helped us and/or who have volunteered to give us some guidance


Unresolved issues

Future work

archived commments

Archived comments: Talk page



ForumAmbassadors (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:37 by localhost)