An update from the Forums Council for May of 2013
- Overdrank has been put on emeritus status per request. He has served as both a moderator and administrator during his time, he will be missed.
- A new subforum for Forum approved Ubuntu Members has been created. We hope this will lead to greater transparency and involvement in issues aas they arise.
- The Ubuntuforum Code of Conduct is being looked at - to make the CoC more specific in some cases, the Posting tips will be removed and posted elsewhere on the forum. The registration code will be a simplified version of the full CoC.
- We had a visit from pleia2 asking if we wanted to look at getting forum information into the newsletter, we have asked the userbase for ideas.
We approved one new Ubuntu Member this month, Irihapeti -
ForumCouncil/TeamReports/13/CURRENTMONTH (last edited 2013-05-26 13:51:20 by ip70-191-193-70)