Better Forum Integration

Related spec:


We should integrate the ubuntu forums better into the look and feel of the main website sections and continue to improve communication accross the wider community.


The forums represent many people's first meeting with Ubuntu and is an important resource for support and social interaction. As we grow, we do so organically in many ways, with new websites, mailing lists, IRC channels and local support forums being set up. Some concious effort must be applied as we go along to make sure that it is possible to get a resonable overview of this vast ecosystem and that useful ideas and knowledge that originates in one section has a resonable prospect of propogation to the wider community. Examples includes the easy availability of best-practice advice for new users as well clarity in the process of how bugs are reported and how new feature ideas can come to fruition in future releases. (HenrikOmma ?)

The community on the forums is too seperated from the rest of the community.UbuntuDemon

Use cases

Jack has a problem and thinks it's a bug. He logs into launchpad and has to wait for a long time until it turns out that it's not a bug. Jack still has problems and nothing's happening. This is not a great user experience and needs to be adressed. With proper forum integration we could move the bug report to the correct forum section and improve Jack's user experience. UbuntuDemon

Average Joe has a problem and goes to the forums. It turns out to be a bug. Now Average Joe has to go to launchpad, register and start telling about his problems again which is scary,confusing and a hassle. UbuntuDemon

Devy the Developer discovers a common problem on the forums and comes up with a specification to solve the problem. He creates a thread in the Development Release section of the forums in order to get some specific user feedback on his new spec. UbuntuDemon




Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion


After the chat, there was a phone conference between the key people who were present. A proposal was written by Mako regarding the the discussed governance policy.

Completed Items



regarding DrinkingFromTheFirehose : I suggested creating a group of volunteers. (we have a lot of users on the forums) This group can do bug-triarching and prioritising bugs regarding how important they are for users. I'm not talking about the actual priorities but just how users perceive them. UbuntuDemon

Another idea to think about for possible future integration efforts is perhaps adding a small IRC widget directly into the forums. This could be similar to the "Click here for live chat" or technical support. This would be an easy way to introduce new users to the idea of IRC without them having to use a client. The widget or "window in a window" piece could be manned by volunteers or even a direct link to an existing IRC channel. (Brainstorming idea - Belinda Lopez, 22 June 2006)

Can't we borrow the idea of and mysql-documentation by integrating a forum into launchpad... a single thread for each launchpad entry (or when popular: multiple threads). I know this woundn't build much of a social community but it could foster some good technical discussions of packages, alternatives to packages and use cases of packages. I think a standard bugs/solutions thread would help people a lot and could help lowering the amount of spam bugs. (JurjenStellingwerff)

ForumIntegration (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:20 by localhost)