
Revision 15 as of 2010-04-20 07:33:20

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Foundations Support

As usual, Foundations will be providing Ubuntu support for the other teams. A high-level listing of projects where we likely will be involved is given in this section.


  • As part of their UNE work, Desktop may end up promoting Chomium to main
  • HUGE push for Software Center
    1. goal: sell stuff in software center,
    2. goal: figure out how to deliver opportunistic apps via the software center
    3. finish ratings
  • Big push for touch, not sure what the impact is going to be for Foundations yet, but we need to be aware of it
  • It would really help Desktop if Upstart+Plymouth work stabilized so they could work with it




  • Improved battery power support work; Foundations may need to (or be able to) assist
  • more ...


  • Graphical boot selecter that OEM did will likely want Foundations to maintain
  • OEM might want to create an ISO of WebNow

  • more ...

Placeholders for big topics

  • 10.04 review (hold this early to aid breakout topics, maybe in the first roundtable)
  • Distributed Development
  • Boot Performance/Experience
  • Spring Clean (right after an LTS release is a good time for an aggressive cleanup of things we don't need or that should be extensively refactored)
  • Python
    • Migration to Python 3?
    • Eliminate symlinks for python-[central|support] using PEP 3147?
    • Python 2.7?
    • Freezing (e.g. cx_freeze) critical dist upgrade tools?

Lucid specs not done

(Numbers in parentheses indicate to-do/postponed/done.)

Lucid specs partly done

Lucid specs mostly done