Weekly summary
foundations-m-btrfs-support (14%): No licensing progress, although we're still pushing. We'll probably land the btrfs patches for GRUB if the licensing situation is resolved before beta, but otherwise aren't going to worry about the rest of this.
foundations-maverick-buy-something (0%, 1 task): While we only have one remaining task involving handling multiple currencies, there appears to be more un-milestoned work items at the top. Both lead developers,Gary Lasker and Michael Vogt, were on holiday this week, so we will have updates for next week. We can say that the ability to "Buy Something" from the Software Center is now working end to end :).
foundations-m-cd-build-speed (14%): Mostly non-user-facing and not urgent. There've already been a number of sysadmin-side improvements here.
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (47%): I think we may end up backing this out just before beta. We haven't had as much time to work on it as I'd hoped, and there are a variety of kernel bugs prompted by this which haven't yet been resolved.
foundations-m-installer-redesign (48%): The bulk of this has landed, although there are a number of elements to polish.
foundations-m-package-culling (80%): A few merges remain, but this has been a very worthwhile project and is mostly complete.
foundations-m-python-versions (54%): We've postponed Python 2.7 support. The rest of this can continue in the background and land in Natty.
foundations-m-robust-python-packaging (80%): The rest of this is not urgent for Maverick given that we've postponed Python 2.7 support.
foundations-m-spring-cleaning (47%): Lots of small tasks here, and we can safely stop at any time.
foundations-m-uefi-support: This is waiting on Colin managing to get his test machine to boot in UEFI mode ... after that the changes to enable it are relatively simple build system machinery.
Our own work:
foundations-m-btrfs-support (33%, up from 0%): Significant movement on the licensing situation this week, so that's almost resolved, at which point we should at least be able to get it into Ubuntu. Postponed upgrade-related work items to beta.
foundations-maverick-buy-something (47%, up from 24%): Client code for paid-for repositories written; integration between software-center-agent and xapian database complete; purchase transaction UI workflow implemented; UI to display the list of applications for sale implemented.
foundations-m-cd-boot: Deferred to maverick+1; too complex to complete in the time available, and has too many knock-on effects (e.g. in usb-creator), but we'll continue to work on this.
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (42%, up from 25%): Uploaded the most invasive GRUB changes (still no default background, but that's relatively trivial in terms of impact). Bug reports suggest some problems on ATI cards.
foundations-m-python-versions (15): Barry continues work on the Python 2.7 stack.
foundations-m-robust-python-packaging (36%): Continuing work on versioned .so file patch ( and PEP 3149 (
foundations-m-installer-redesign (0%): Mostly finished automatic partitioning page. Working on the timezone page, including the geonames service. Hoping to have timezone and Jockey/extras pages done before the sprint, allowing parallel debconf work to be a sprint target.
foundations-m-package-culling (60%): Down to 13 remaining merges. One more good push should do it.
foundations-m-uefi-support (40%, up from 20%): Kernel team work item fixed. The rest of this is a sprint target.
Contributions to other teams:
arm-m-tool-chain-selection (50%): Test rebuild done (main only).
mobile-maverick-arm-improved-subarch-detection (100%): Reviewed as requested.
server-maverick-uec-liveusb (0%): Sprint target.
Other work items unchanged from 2010-07-09.
Still above the trend line, although we have a lot of work in progress (for example foundations-m-installer-redesign is much further on that the percentage makes it look, because nothing has actually landed yet). Colin may look at representing this explicitly in the burndown chart so that it's more visible.
Our own work:
foundations-m-btrfs-support (0%): Surbhi sent a patch to GRUB upstream, and is awaiting feedback. We won't know whether licensing will be such that we can integrate this until after review.
foundations-maverick-buy-something (24%, up from 18%): Work progresses; Michael has mostly been working on underpinnings such as lazr.restfulclient integration.
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (25%, up from 17%): Discovered that we don't need to change pm-utils. Aside from that, Colin and Andy have been spending time trying to thrash out exactly the right interface between GRUB and the kernel. Ironically, this is easier without KMS, and there are some difficulties with the switch to KMS which will need attention.
foundations-m-installer-redesign (0%): Evan is racing to finish as much of the installer redesign as possible before the sprint. Parallel debconf and gdk offscreen window work will take place at the sprint. Currently finishing the automatic partitioning page, then wiring up the timezone page to a local copy of the new geonames service pending IS support.
foundations-m-package-culling (60%): Several more merges done, and Colin posted an updated list to ubuntu-devel.
foundations-m-python-versions (15%): Barry scripted a py2.7 archive PPA in ~pythoneers; 2375 successful builds; 90 failed. Next step is to analyse the failures.
foundations-m-robust-python-packaging (36%, up from 27%): Versioned .so file proposal working its way through upstream. Next step is for Barry to write a PEP.
foundations-m-uefi-support (20%, up from 0%): Learned that UEFI only formally supports 64-bit OSes, so we don't need to worry about the proper grub-efi variant, but can just say that we only support this on amd64. Other work semi-blocked on foundations-m-cd-boot.
Contributions to other teams:
arm-m-memory-footprint (100%, up from 0%): Provided pointer to gcc-opt. Done from our side.
Other work items unchanged from 2010-07-02.
As predicted, we have a substantial amount of work ahead of us for this milestone, so it's just as well that the platform sprint falls in this period.
Our own work:
foundations-m-686-compile (33%): Spec still undrafted - Matthias has been very busy with Linaro work.
foundations-m-btrfs-support (0%): Following a decent chunk of support in Alpha 2, Surbhi has been making good progress on the GRUB code and will send upstream for review shortly; she's also looking at adding zlib support to GRUB in order to support compression. The licensing status is as yet unclear, although there are hopeful signs from btrfs upstream.
foundations-maverick-buy-something (18%): Michael and Gary met to review the work items yesterday, and Michael reports that this is "looking encouraging".
foundations-m-cd-boot (0%): Colin is planning to get back to the upstream conversation about this after making some progress on the more important foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer.
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (17%): We have most of the required kernel support for this now, apart from fbcon handoff; it's enough to get started (and has incidentally allowed us to speed up d-i's interface quite a bit). Colin will start work on this after finishing the next upstream pull into maverick.
foundations-m-installer-redesign (0%): Notwithstanding the percentage, Evan has the first cut of this on a branch now (lp:~ev/ubiquity/maverick-redesign, and is making steady and substantial progress, including a working wireless network configuration page.
foundations-m-package-culling (60%): List posted to ubuntu-devel recently, and there's been reasonable progress on stale merges. Colin will review this shortly.
foundations-m-python-continuous-integration (0%): Barry has started on this, doing a good deal of testing and working on a package to generate best-practice Python packaging with Debian.
foundations-m-python-versions (15%): Barry has been working on a Python 2.7 PPA.
foundations-m-robust-python-packaging (27%): Barry has sent a versioned .so file proposal upstream, which is under discussion.
foundations-m-uefi-support (0%): Most of the rest of this is semi-blocked on foundations-m-cd-boot. Colin attended a presentation yesterday and got a contact and some useful information. Possible modification with some useful risk control: support this only on amd64, since 32-bit UEFI support is strictly unofficial per the specification anyway.
Contributions to other teams:
arm-m-tool-chain-selection (0%): Test rebuild slipped past alpha-2 due to Launchpad problems; Matthias is actively driving this with Julian Edwards et al.
RC Milestoned bugs
553745 - plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()
- No status at this time; assigned to slangasek.
610898 - Upgrading Wubi systems from 10.04 LTS is known to fail if Wubi was installed to a partition other than the primary Windows partition, and is not recommended at this time.
This may or may not be fixable. When Ubuntu is started via Wubi, only the Windows partition that actually contains the Ubuntu disk images is mounted on /host. wubildr needs to go on the C: drive, but it's not clear that we have the information to know where this is. Windows expert advice welcome.
613288 - Wubi Windows installer was reported to be unable to open Windows' boot configuration data store in some (but not all) cases
- We're unlikely to be able to figure out what causes this. A vague release note warning of possible problems is likely to be the best we can do.
625294 - localboot in pxelinux recurses back into pxelinux, and eventually crashes
- Diagnosis in bug report; this is infinite recursion through the PXE stack. Perhaps a BIOS bug?
641259 - grub does not appear to load after maverick post-beta install
- We can't do much about this remotely. Marjo has an affected machine and Colin will try to arrange for a last-minute fix at the release sprint.
In progress
642344 - libspring-2.5-java needs an initial manual build
- Considerable progress made on dependencies, though briefly stalled by RC. Chris Jones is working on the IS side of this.
Not critical for release
635891 - libvigraimpex (main) build-depends on hfd5 (universe)
- Fixed for Maverick. We're keeping the bug open to evaluate a different approach for Natty, but there's no way to create a Natty task yet.
647597 - internal compiler error while building package 'witty'.
- In progress, but it's unlikely to be a good idea to change the toolchain for release at this point. Targeted for maverick-updates.
Fixed or fix-committed
441941 - grub fails after running Windows
- We now try to avoid certain sectors based on known signatures. There are still open issues for some people since the signature database isn't complete, so there's no point closing the bug yet since it'll just be reopened, but this is about as good as it's going to get for release.
459639 - X server starts randomly in failsafe when starting from cold boot
544139 - Active VT tracking can fail at startup
569900 - partman creates partitions with ambiguity between whether superblock is on disk device or partition device.
605042 - [armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4
- Nothing left to do for Maverick according to doko, only maverick-updates. Still a kernel task for lucid. We have a new and improved buildd which may help.
649810: fix for FTBFS
651880 - /etc/apt/trusted.gpg is 0600 (should be 644)
Release-targeted bugs
Milestoned features
Foundations BurnDown
A full burn-down breakdown is available.
Activity Status
Blueprint/Activity |
Overview |
Status |
arm-m-cross-compilers (1/0/1) |
Toolchain patch merge into the archive is in progress. |
Complete |
arm-m-memory-footprint (1/0/1) |
Preliminary investigation is done; now focusing on manual profiling and basic bootchart integration to identify Ubuntu/linaro components which need attention. Bootchart packages with experimental memory usage logging support can be found in Dave Martin's PPA: see |
Complete |
arm-m-tool-chain-selection (2/0/2) |
Done |
Complete |
xdeb 0.6 can now resolve/build only the specified packages (using --only-explicit) but it only uses native packages file for dependency resolution, not target arch packages file. It needs support for multiple architecture package-file downloading and use to be added. pdebuild-cross(using internal xapt) does now work on Ubuntu and installs correct dependencies. However this is not yet in maverick. |
Complete |
We've split this into 2 blueprints. 1. Implementation planning (this blueprint) 2. Process and Policy - now here: |
Todo |
UI enhancements planned for Software Center version 3.0. |
Complete |
foundations-m-686-compile (2/1/3) |
Compile for i686 as the default on i386 (instead of i486). |
Complete |
foundations-m-apt-ordering (0/5/5) |
It appears that under some circumstance the apt ordering algorithm fails (e.g. bug 571030 , #516727 or #566584). We should take the opportunity to write verification code that ensures we never violate the constrains. |
Postponed |
foundations-m-btrfs-support (4/0/12) |
We need to know what pieces we need, and what isn't done. At the very least, we add support for this with the usual caveats. |
Todo |
foundations-m-cd-build-speed (0/0/7) |
CD build speed has been creeping back up of late; attack it again. |
Todo |
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (6/1/15) |
GRUB2 supports programming a VBE mode in the boot loader and telling the kernel about it, causing the kernel to use a framebuffer at boot. With Linux 2.6.34, vesafb/efifb can hand over smoothly to a KMS driver, allowing us to assemble all of this into something very close to a flicker-free boot splash process. |
Todo |
foundations-m-gsoc-usbcreator (6/6/12) |
This is master blueprint of all deliverables for usb-creator GSoC project and auxiliary tasks related to GSoC project. |
Complete |
Command line frontend for usb-creator |
Postponed |
foundations-m-installer-redesign (12/0/25) |
Todo |
foundations-m-multiarch-support (1/0/1) |
gcc, eglibc bootstrapped packages available; multiarch apt support in experimental; waiting for dpkg |
Complete |
This is a blueprint to address many issues with oem-config that OEMs have addressed as issues to the first user experience. |
Todo |
foundations-m-package-culling (4/0/5) |
Find and aggressively deal with packages whose merges have been lagging for several releases. |
Todo |
It would be good to have some kind of CI framework for testing Python packages, specifically centered around transitions in major versions within the 2 and 3 families, as well as compatibility with Python 3 (perhaps via 2to3). Part of the idea includes promoting best practices for upstream authors so that consistency is encouraged (e.g. 'python test' works). |
Postponed |
foundations-m-python-versions (5/2/13) |
Python 3 is the future. Python 2.7 is the last Python 2 and it will be released before Maverick is out. Should we switch to Python 2.7 in M and what needs to happen before we can get to Python 3 as the default? |
Todo |
This is a carryover and scheduling combined blueprint for making packaging of Python on Maverick more robust. It carries on the deferred blueprint from Lucid: |
Todo |
The current application list does not scale well when it needs to display a huge number of packages at once (e.g. ~30k). Rewrite it so that rows gets added as they become available (maybe moving the actual search into a dbus backend). See lp:~mvo/softwarecenter/dynamic-adds for a prototype that works entirely with the event loop |
Complete |
foundations-m-software-center-dynamic-testing-improvements (4/0/5) |
Test for performance regressions, evaluate something like mango for automatic GUI testing. We should also use the session to talk about code review. |
Todo |
Will cover the following areas: |
Todo |
foundations-m-spring-cleaning (12/2/30) |
Right after an LTS release is a good time for an aggressive cleanup of things we don't need or that should be extensively refactored. |
Todo |
foundations-m-uefi-support (8/0/10) |
Support booting on systems using UEFI firmware. |
Todo |
Various improvements to update-manager: - run inside screen on server mode ? or leave that to the admin? show message! - ufw allow 9004 when run in server mode with additional ssh - easier upgrades via usb key (update-notifier cdrom like media detection, part of apt-cdrom ?) - automatic removal of demoted packages ? (e.g. xsane/simple-scan, f-spot/gthumb) - better UI for demoted packages (part of the final screen)? - slideshow - morphing windows |
Todo |
Instead of processing all updates in one go in update-manager, split them into the smallest possible chunks to save diskspace on low-memory systems. This also makes it trivial to implement a "cancel" button in the upgrade that will just stop the current chunk. |
Todo |
make update-notifier a more modular design (probably with vala), as it has out-grown to be a update-notifier since some time. |
Complete |
Identify testing infrastructure that can be shared across our projects. |
Todo |
Make GRUB2 the default when used with Ubuntu 10.10 or later source ISOs. Add additional polish to the UI. |
Postponed |
foundations-maverick-buy-something (19/0/21) |
In Maverick we will offer *one thing* for sale to end users. |
Todo |
This specification deals with improving detection of armel sub-architectures for the 10.10 cycle so that boards do not have to be enabled individually. It also looks over the current implementation, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible improvements that can be made. |
Complete |
This session will discuss ways to get security updates installed quickly and easily. |
Todo |
security-m-metric (1/2/3) |
Review additional metrics to report from the mass of security update data. |
Complete |
security-m-popcon (0/0/4) |
Review how popcon is being used and what changes are needed for it. |
Todo |
security-m-support-status (0/0/4) |
Investigate: - Providing an early notification of EOL in update-manager - Creating a GUI front end for ubuntu-support-status - Investigate linking tool to CVE tracker to get a risk evaluation |
Todo |
server-maverick-uec-liveusb (1/0/1) |
accepted into ubuntu seeds, awaiting first ISO from cdimage; will use live-helper to generate ISOs |
Complete |
Activity Task Status
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Milestone |
Status |
arm-m-cross-compilers (1/0/1) |
LP: 603497 : allow building intermediate stages for gcc (gcc-4.5) |
doko |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
arm-m-memory-footprint (1/0/1) |
pointers on how to use compiler wrappers to achieve feedback-directed optimisation |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
arm-m-tool-chain-selection (2/0/2) |
decide whether to take 4.4 CS for arm+x86+powerpc, or for all archs |
doko |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
ppa test rebuild of maverick/i386 using g++4.4 as default C++ compiler and libstdc++6 built from gcc-4.5 |
doko |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
rebrand chromiumos-build to xdeb |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
add to default sources.list |
canonical-foundations |
Todo |
add code that indexes new apps in the archive |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
add code to detect new packages in and mark them as new in the database |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
add code to update-software-center/update-apt-xapian-index that reads /var/lib/apt/lists to process the plugin code (else, can't show icons) |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
create prototype implementation in software center for display of new apps in the app-review-board PPA |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
define additional metadata in debian/control (XB-AppName, XB-Icon, XB-Screenshot-Url, XB-Category) needed in debian/control |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
implement ability to limit the number of new items to appear in the list |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
integrate additional archive metadata in software-center |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
implement an "All" navigation button when viewing the full category list, e.g., Get Software -> Games -> All |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
foundations-m-686-compile (2/1/3) |
LP: 587186 : libc6 upgrade fails: illegal instruction (eglibc) |
doko |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
determine whether kernel options need to change to follow this change (once documented) |
leannogasawara |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
LP: 587186 : libc6 upgrade fails: illegal instruction (update-manager) |
doko |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Postponed |
foundations-m-apt-ordering (0/5/5) |
add verification before processing |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate dontkults alternative ordering and add progress reporting for that |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate if "unpack" could actually become --install |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate order failures in LP |
mvo |
Postponed |
try to isolate test-case |
mvo |
Postponed |
foundations-m-btrfs-support (4/0/12) |
add compression support to grub2 btrfs module |
csurbhi |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
automatically revert to snapshot on upgrade error |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
investigate UI options for easy revert after upgrade |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
investigate if /home can be excluded from the snapshots via sub-volumes |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
investigate integration with the release upgrader |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
investigate snapshot integration with apt's dpkg::pre-install-pkgs hook |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
port btrfs filesystem support to grub2 |
csurbhi |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
provide UI to discard snapshot after upgrade to save space |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
LP: 598946 : Include btrfs support for gparted (gparted) |
csurbhi |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
enable installer support for btrfs |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
make grub-probe work with btrfs |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
make ureadahead work with btrfs |
scott |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
foundations-m-cd-build-speed (0/0/7) |
Add and use dpkg option to turn off syncing entirely |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Evaluate live-helper as a replacement for livecd-rootfs |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate effects on parallelisation of livefs builds |
lamont |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate removing /usr/share/doc report and fdupes run from release builds |
lamont |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Log total time for livefs builds |
lamont |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Switch to tmpfs for non-DVD builds |
lamont |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
rsync tree to a safe location following debootstrap, and following non-DVD builds; copy this back as the starting point when necessary, but only if the corresponding archive timestamp is correct |
lamont |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (6/1/15) |
LP: 605614 : [ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep (grub2) |
scott |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
LP: 605614 : [ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep (linux) |
scott |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Arrange for a suitable GRUB background image |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Coordinate testing to ensure that GRUB can set a VBE mode on all supported hardware |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Fix Plymouth to cope with framebuffer mode change |
scott |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Make sure GRUB shows background image even when not showing the menu |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Once everything is working well so that it can be done attractively and discreetly, restore brief pause during GRUB startup to allow menu access |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Visual indication if we wind up on fbdev as a fallback (replacing old failsafe X) |
scott |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Change GRUB packaging to use vesafb by default if we have a new enough kernel |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Change GRUB to program vesafb on BIOS systems rather than efifb |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Develop cleanedup fbcon handoff patch kit, test, and push to maverick |
apw |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Get the fbcon handoff patch kit together in a PPA |
apw |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
fbcon needs to be built-in on all architectures (already done on ports) |
leannogasawara |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
vesafb needs to be built-in on x86 |
leannogasawara |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Quirk pm-utils to do VBE state/mode save/restore when using efifb or vesafb (already in place upstream; see wiki) |
scott |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Postponed |
foundations-m-gsoc-usbcreator (6/6/12) |
LP: 535061 : Install and Startup Disk Creator icon is incongruous with the new Ubuntu icon set (humanity-icon-theme) |
kwwii |
Complete |
LP: 535061 : Install and Startup Disk Creator icon is incongruous with the new Ubuntu icon set (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
LP: 570174 : Please export translations and rebuild package (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
LP: 574089 : error: no such option -v (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
community bonding - fix random bugs |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
submit tax-forms |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
final evaluation |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
final evaluation |
ev |
Postponed |
free ice cream at Mentor's Summit at the Google |
ev |
Postponed |
mid-term evaluation |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
mid-term evaluation |
ev |
Postponed |
submit code tarballs |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
inclusion in ubuntu server |
ev |
Postponed |
foundations-m-installer-redesign (12/0/25) |
Add a Jockey hook |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Add a panel to the installer session that contains indicators for sound, networking, battery, keyboard |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Add functionality to take a photo with the attached webcam, if present |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Clean up the 'welcome' (greeter) page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Create an 'installation detail' frame to show terminal output and skip buttons |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Create copy for the 'needed for a better experience' checkbox and get legal to sign off on it |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Evaluate whether we can preseed the data for the last logged in user of other installed operating systems in an expected fashion |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Expose and refine the navigation controls on the slideshow |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Install ubuntu-restricted-addons if option checked |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Modify the installer to reboot automatically by default |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Preseed language, keymap, timezone, wireless (?) based on other installed operating systems |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Work with Cody and Ken to modify the progress bar (thin and dark) and remove metacity frame save the titlebar |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Write an algorithm to calculate installation time remaining |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Adding an --auto-install option to Jockey |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Better align the controls on the 'About you' page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Change 'Strength: weak' to 'Weak password' on the 'About you' page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Create a 'Get Ready' page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Create a new automatic partitioning widget |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Create a wireless network configuration page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Factor out a 'download updates while installing' checkbox that applies to both language pack and package updates |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Flagging particular handlers for being eligible for auto-installation in Jockey |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Integrate partitioning widget into the automatic partitioning page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Leverage debconf passthrough to allow components to run alongside |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Make bcmwl the recommended driver in Jockey |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Refresh the layout of the keyboard selection page |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
foundations-m-multiarch-support (1/0/1) |
upload multiarch support into ubuntu/maverick |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
LP: 315648 : [Feature Request] OEM config language selection should have hover text (ubiquity) |
ev |
Todo |
LP: 371444 : [Feature Request] Add Wireless configuration screen to oem-config if wireless is available (ubiquity) |
mterry |
Todo |
LP: 390677 : Hidden line during install wizard (ubiquity) |
ev |
Todo |
Benchmark oem-config install time |
ev |
Todo |
Create a derivative slideshow for oem-config |
ev |
Todo |
Fix references to installing in oem-config |
ev |
Todo |
Move oem-config removal into ubiquity, getting rid of the debconf dialog |
ev |
Todo |
Start plymouth from ubiquity when starting the new X server |
ev |
Todo |
foundations-m-package-culling (4/0/5) |
Merge everything that is badly behind |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Compare snapshot against Maverick and the sync-blacklist, and post results to ubuntu-devel ( ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Confirm behaviour of process-removals with respect to Ubuntu deltas (it does not consider whether a package has a delta or not, and removes it anyway) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Hunt down snapshot index of Debian unstable at Karmic DebianImportFreeze ( ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate changing process-removals to skip packages with Ubuntu deltas, and report the results somewhere ( for now, currently empty) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Build prototype CI w/Hudson and test with Cheeseshop packages using Python 2.6 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to run 2to3 and test with Python 3.1 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to use Python 2.7 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to use Python 3.2 |
barry |
Postponed |
Investigate automated or guided Trove classification setting |
barry |
Postponed |
Quickly template for Python package best practices |
barry |
Postponed |
Spec out build system w/integration of isolated VMs |
barry |
Postponed |
Specify test API with help from distutils-sig |
barry |
Postponed |
Write guidelines for Hitchhikers Guide to Packaging docs |
barry |
Postponed |
investigate paste for ideas/useful code |
barry |
Postponed |
investigate pypi:pyron for ideas/useful code |
barry |
Postponed |
foundations-m-python-versions (5/2/13) |
Fix Python 2.7 related FTBFS |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Review dh_python2 for support of PEP 3147 |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Work with debian-python on Python 2.7 and 3.2 transition |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
collate results to produce easy to track status reports |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
evaluate size changes for two shared libraries on CD |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
perform rebuild test using Python 2.7 and report |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Create PPA with Python 2.7 as default |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
PEP 3149 versioned .so files |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Populate Python 2.7 PPA with rest of Python stack |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Script packaging imports from Ubuntu to PPA |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Work with PyGI group to begin planning Python 3.2 support |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Attempt a build with Python 3.2 for all packages that support Python 3.1 |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Postponed |
Work with Debian to get Python 2.7 supported and/or default in experimental |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Postponed |
Add an auto-upgrade test profile that installs all/most of python (including universe) and tried to upgrade it and import all modules from 2.6, 2.7 |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
Add switch to dh_python2 |
barry |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
Investigate amount of work to adopt dh_python2 to eliminate symlinks |
barry |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
Update dh_python to support versioned .so files |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Decide which versions of Python will be shipped with Maverick |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Implement PEP 3149 versioned .so files |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate amount of work to backport PEP 3147 to Python 2.6 and 2.7 |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Take versioned .so files upstream |
barry |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Keep source packages shared b/w 2 and 3 but split if upstream stops shipping py2 version |
barry |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Postponed |
Run 2to3 at build time |
barry |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Postponed |
create branch that does not load the model in one go but instead uses "row_added" |
mvo |
Complete |
find a better way in trunk/ (hidding non-technical items by default and it only takes 0.8s to display it all, still 13s when clicking on show all) |
mvo |
Complete |
measure how long getting the mset from the xapian db takes compared to reading all documents (displaying all rows 13s, just reading the data from xapian 7s) |
mvo |
Complete |
measure how long it takes until the model/view is fully populated with that (depending on the paramter it can take several minutes because with the row_added signals) |
mvo |
Complete |
foundations-m-software-center-dynamic-testing-improvements (4/0/5) |
add performance regression tests for the query code |
mvo |
Todo |
add unittests policy for the non-ui bits |
mvo |
Complete |
integrate tests into the package build |
mvo |
Complete |
investigate mago (and/or LDTP) for automatic testing goodness |
mvo |
Complete |
investigate xvfb 'fake' xserver to run gui unittests headless |
mvo |
Complete |
Design ??? |
mpt |
Todo |
add create-download-bundle feature |
mvo |
Todo |
define metadata for displaying license information (e.g. for partner) |
mvo |
Todo |
foundations-m-spring-cleaning (12/2/30) |
LP: 550507 : pbzip2 should replace bzip2 (bzip2) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Add data.tar.xz support to Launchpad |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Announce availability of lintian results |
persia |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Complete preparation of automatic lintian runs against the archive |
persia |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Convert all packages using -Zlzma to use -Zxz instead |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Discuss command-not-found in standard on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Discuss ftp/lftp duplication on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Discuss iputils-arping in standard on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Discuss maintenance of list of printing packages with till-kamppeter |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate libhpmud -> libsnmp -> libsensors -> lm-sensors dependency chain |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate porting foo2zjs to a more common widget set |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate possibility of replacing bzip2 with pbzip2 ( bug 550507 ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate whether language-selector-common can usefully be installed dynamically |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Investigate whether libpango can load libthai dynamically |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Remove klibc from initramfs |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Review lucid-duplicated-packages and complete where necessary |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
Drop acpi-support from desktop-common, or else remove its dependency on finger |
vorlon |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Drop cdparanoia from desktop-common |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Install tasksel and aptitude dynamically |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate apparmor-utils -> libwww-perl dependency chain (filed bug 618928 ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate gnupg's recommendation of libldap-2.4-2 |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate iputils-tracepath/mtr-tiny duplication (almost certainly not worth the effort of arranging for the union of their features in a single tool, given that the total .deb size consumed by both is only 66KB) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate whether libdns can load libgeoip dynamically (filed bug 618935 ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Investigate whether libgl1-mesa-* still need to be seeded directly |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Merge dpkg and drop lzma from base system |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Stop explicitly seeding bogofilter in desktop-common |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Stop explicitly seeding dvd+rw-tools and wodim in desktop-common |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Verify availability of storage for persistent lintian lab |
persia |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Complete |
Assemble use cases for availability of unpacked source |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Postponed |
libjpeg8 transition (postponed in Debian, so it would not be economic to spend time on it in Ubuntu; see ) |
cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Postponed |
foundations-m-uefi-support (8/0/10) |
Make d-i mini.iso images multi-catalog |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
Make primary CD images multi-catalog |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
Create new i386/efi and amd64/efi subarchitectures in d-i |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Default */efi subarchitectures to GPT |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Instruct efibootmgr to make Ubuntu the default OS |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Investigate situation with Intel graphics drivers on EFI |
colin-king |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
Investigate support for EFI graphics in GRUB (seems to basically work, at least under OVMF) |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Investigate whether GRUB bit length needs to match firmware, and adjust grub-installer as necessary |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
Switch on EFI System Partition handling for */efi subarchitectures |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Test viability of multi-catalog images |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
add code to ufw/iptables allow 1022 if additional sshd is started (and close again after the upgrade finished/system restarts) |
mvo |
Todo |
add easy way to launch computer-janitor from u-m |
mvo |
Todo |
add upgrade via reinstall and keep /home option more prominent |
ev |
Todo |
before making the "upgrade now" button available check if internet is available |
mvo |
Todo |
check how screen can be configured to not use "ctrl" keys inside a new upgrade session |
mvo |
Todo |
check if running in screen on server upgrade and if not, display warning (optional restart inside screen) |
mvo |
Todo |
document that server upgrades can easily be resumed this way |
mvo |
Todo |
get rid of "demoted" dialog, move into main confirmation screen |
mvo |
Todo |
make the release-upgrade check if there is a running screen with "release-upgrade" label |
mvo |
Todo |
make upgrades via usb key easier (update-notifier media detection) |
mvo |
Todo |
redesign for using morphing windows instead of dialogs |
design |
Todo |
redesign release-upgrader main window to make embedding the slide show easy |
design |
Todo |
support "keep package selection" on install that preserves /home |
ev |
Todo |
get rid of popup dialogs and use inline information for cache open and restart required |
mvo |
Complete |
use port 1022 for optional server sshd |
mvo |
Complete |
add flag to firefox (and openoffice?) debian/control to detect if it breaks on background upgrade |
mvo |
Todo |
add mode for disk-space saving that performs the upgrades in steps and cleans in between the steps |
mvo |
Todo |
allow nice/ionice on update |
mvo |
Todo |
attempt to get unattended-upgrades more used in maverick |
mvo |
Todo |
check if reboot required shows up in motd when background upgrades run and require it |
mvo |
Todo |
integrate into the wrapper scripts of firefox/OOo to detect pending upgrades |
mvo |
Todo |
make it possible to "chunk" updates into small steps |
mvo |
Todo |
make unattended-upgrades faster and interrupt them on shutdown (by canceling the current chunk) |
mvo |
Todo |
offer in more prominent place to install updates in the background (background better than on shutdown) |
mvo |
Todo |
support downloading in parallel while upgrading the chunks |
mvo |
Todo |
use aptdaemon by default in update-manager |
mvo |
Todo |
provide Scott with use-cases/examples what triggers the scripts |
mvo |
Complete |
add transition plan |
mvo |
Postponed |
factor out functionality into scripts |
mvo |
Postponed |
move all the functionality into upstart user session scripts |
mvo |
Postponed |
Integrate Sikuli tests into Hudson |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
Launchpad PPA that runs tests on packages and copies them into the primary archive |
james_w, cjwatson |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
Look at hudson as a centralized location for driving tests and graphing their output |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
Look into handover of Soren's testing system to QA (Carlos?) |
hggdh2 |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
figure out what to do about failed packages |
ev |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
improve output of to show more clearly what failed |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
run the kvm autotest update-manager upgrade test on pommerac |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
work with QA to task someone with overseeing our test process |
mdz |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
Add a "Test Disk" option |
ev |
Postponed |
Correct the behavior of the format button |
ev |
Postponed |
Ensure that errors are reported in a clear and detailed fashion |
ev |
Postponed |
Hand caught exceptions to apport |
ev |
Postponed |
Only show the smartest choice for each disk |
ev |
Postponed |
Support GRUB2 |
ev |
Postponed |
foundations-maverick-buy-something (19/0/21) |
Discover multi-currency capabilities of the payment system |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10-beta |
Todo |
extract the private PPA tokens from the sources.list line that s-c-agent gives out and write it out seperately into auth.conf |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Todo |
add ability to view previously-purchased items to allow e.g reinstall on a new computer |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
auto-switch to the Previous Purchases node when it is added in the left navigation pane |
gary-lasker |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
centralize the install/remove functionality and wire to menu, list and details view buttons |
gary-lasker |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
consolidate backend code from the purchasedialog to a single call to add_repo_add_key_and_install_app in the backend |
gary-lasker |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
create UI to display the list of items for sale |
gary-lasker |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
create a s-c-agent API stub implementation for client dev use |
michael.nelson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
find a way to ensure we do not hammer LP too hard while still waiting for a newly added repository but still trying to respond quickly (ideally it would be LP notifiying us instead of s-c polling) |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
implement Buy button in new gtk-based appdetails view |
gary-lasker |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
implement payment verification check between LP and billing system in s-c-agent |
michael.nelson |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
implement the purchase transaction UI workflow |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
move available-to-buy items to a separate database and refresh more often (at every startup) |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
work with Michael Nelson to define s-c-agent API |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write UI that can show available private repos even if they are not in sources.list yet |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that can talk to the software-center-agent API for "giveMeMyForPayRepos" and that understands the tokens |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that gets Apps from the s-c-agent and feeds it into the xapian db |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that installs the package from a private PPA |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that shows a UI for login (in a good place) |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that talks to a lazr-restful app in a non-blocking way |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
write code that talks to ubuntu-sso for login/account setup |
mvo |
maverick-alpha-3 |
Complete |
Review changed with cjwatson [1 day] |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
add a checkbox to enable automatic updates to the update-manager dialog |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
create a helper to install updates before applications start |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
modify firefox packaging to use the helper on firefox startup |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
modify openoffice packaging to use the helper on openoffice startup |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
add indicator that a restart is required to the mail that unattended-upgrades sends |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Complete |
fix unattended-upgrades config file to not hard-code the current distro_codename in it (fixes conffile prompt) |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Complete |
security-m-metric (1/2/3) |
check in with website folks to see if there can be a common "ubuntu security" section |
robbie.w |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Complete |
define set of desired data visualizations |
robbie.w |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Postponed |
delegate data visualization tasks |
robbie.w |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Postponed |
security-m-popcon (0/0/4) |
identify cause of the spike in popcon data collection |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
make graphs readable and interesting |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
review bug 298617 |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
verify that aging is happening and makes sense |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
security-m-support-status (0/0/4) |
add cleaning out insecure packages capabilities to computer janitor |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
add info dialog to update-manager when a release is EOL with no upgrade path |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
add nag to update-manager when a release is EOL |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
create logic that determines if a package is risky and needs to be uninstalled |
mvo |
ubuntu-10.10 |
Todo |
server-maverick-uec-liveusb (1/0/1) |
Review live seed (merged with one small change) |
cjwatson |
maverick-alpha-2 |
Complete |
Total (112/42/278) 55% |
Milestone maverick-alpha-2
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Status |
create prototype implementation in software center for display of new apps in the app-review-board PPA |
mvo |
Complete |
implement an "All" navigation button when viewing the full category list, e.g., Get Software -> Games -> All |
mvo |
Complete |
foundations-m-btrfs-support (3/0/3) |
enable installer support for btrfs |
cjwatson |
Complete |
make grub-probe work with btrfs |
cjwatson |
Complete |
make ureadahead work with btrfs |
scott |
Complete |
foundations-m-uefi-support (5/0/5) |
Create new i386/efi and amd64/efi subarchitectures in d-i |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Default */efi subarchitectures to GPT |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Instruct efibootmgr to make Ubuntu the default OS |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate support for EFI graphics in GRUB (seems to basically work, at least under OVMF) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Switch on EFI System Partition handling for */efi subarchitectures |
cjwatson |
Complete |
find a way to ensure we do not hammer LP too hard while still waiting for a newly added repository but still trying to respond quickly (ideally it would be LP notifiying us instead of s-c polling) |
mvo |
Complete |
Review changed with cjwatson [1 day] |
cjwatson |
Complete |
server-maverick-uec-liveusb (1/0/1) |
Review live seed (merged with one small change) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Total (13/0/13) 100% |
Milestone maverick-alpha-3
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Status |
arm-m-memory-footprint (1/0/1) |
pointers on how to use compiler wrappers to achieve feedback-directed optimisation |
cjwatson |
Complete |
arm-m-tool-chain-selection (2/0/2) |
decide whether to take 4.4 CS for arm+x86+powerpc, or for all archs |
doko |
Complete |
ppa test rebuild of maverick/i386 using g++4.4 as default C++ compiler and libstdc++6 built from gcc-4.5 |
doko |
Complete |
add code that indexes new apps in the archive |
mvo |
Complete |
add code to detect new packages in and mark them as new in the database |
mvo |
Complete |
add code to update-software-center/update-apt-xapian-index that reads /var/lib/apt/lists to process the plugin code (else, can't show icons) |
mvo |
Complete |
define additional metadata in debian/control (XB-AppName, XB-Icon, XB-Screenshot-Url, XB-Category) needed in debian/control |
mvo |
Complete |
implement ability to limit the number of new items to appear in the list |
mvo |
Complete |
integrate additional archive metadata in software-center |
mvo |
Complete |
foundations-m-686-compile (2/1/3) |
LP: 587186 : libc6 upgrade fails: illegal instruction (eglibc) |
doko |
Complete |
determine whether kernel options need to change to follow this change (once documented) |
leannogasawara |
Complete |
LP: 587186 : libc6 upgrade fails: illegal instruction (update-manager) |
doko |
Postponed |
foundations-m-btrfs-support (0/0/2) |
add compression support to grub2 btrfs module |
csurbhi |
Todo |
port btrfs filesystem support to grub2 |
csurbhi |
Todo |
Add an auto-upgrade test profile that installs all/most of python (including universe) and tried to upgrade it and import all modules from 2.6, 2.7 |
mvo |
Todo |
Add switch to dh_python2 |
barry |
Todo |
Investigate amount of work to adopt dh_python2 to eliminate symlinks |
barry |
Todo |
Keep source packages shared b/w 2 and 3 but split if upstream stops shipping py2 version |
barry |
Postponed |
Run 2to3 at build time |
barry |
Postponed |
foundations-m-uefi-support (3/0/5) |
Make d-i mini.iso images multi-catalog |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Make primary CD images multi-catalog |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate situation with Intel graphics drivers on EFI |
colin-king |
Complete |
Investigate whether GRUB bit length needs to match firmware, and adjust grub-installer as necessary |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Test viability of multi-catalog images |
cjwatson |
Complete |
foundations-maverick-buy-something (18/0/19) |
extract the private PPA tokens from the sources.list line that s-c-agent gives out and write it out seperately into auth.conf |
mvo |
Todo |
add ability to view previously-purchased items to allow e.g reinstall on a new computer |
mvo |
Complete |
auto-switch to the Previous Purchases node when it is added in the left navigation pane |
gary-lasker |
Complete |
centralize the install/remove functionality and wire to menu, list and details view buttons |
gary-lasker |
Complete |
consolidate backend code from the purchasedialog to a single call to add_repo_add_key_and_install_app in the backend |
gary-lasker |
Complete |
create UI to display the list of items for sale |
gary-lasker |
Complete |
create a s-c-agent API stub implementation for client dev use |
michael.nelson |
Complete |
implement Buy button in new gtk-based appdetails view |
gary-lasker |
Complete |
implement payment verification check between LP and billing system in s-c-agent |
michael.nelson |
Complete |
implement the purchase transaction UI workflow |
mvo |
Complete |
move available-to-buy items to a separate database and refresh more often (at every startup) |
mvo |
Complete |
work with Michael Nelson to define s-c-agent API |
mvo |
Complete |
write UI that can show available private repos even if they are not in sources.list yet |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that can talk to the software-center-agent API for "giveMeMyForPayRepos" and that understands the tokens |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that gets Apps from the s-c-agent and feeds it into the xapian db |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that installs the package from a private PPA |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that shows a UI for login (in a good place) |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that talks to a lazr-restful app in a non-blocking way |
mvo |
Complete |
write code that talks to ubuntu-sso for login/account setup |
mvo |
Complete |
Total (32/3/43) 81% |
Milestone ubuntu-10.10-beta
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Status |
arm-m-cross-compilers (1/0/1) |
LP: 603497 : allow building intermediate stages for gcc (gcc-4.5) |
doko |
Complete |
rebrand chromiumos-build to xdeb |
cjwatson |
Complete |
foundations-m-btrfs-support (1/0/7) |
automatically revert to snapshot on upgrade error |
mvo |
Todo |
investigate UI options for easy revert after upgrade |
mvo |
Todo |
investigate if /home can be excluded from the snapshots via sub-volumes |
mvo |
Todo |
investigate integration with the release upgrader |
mvo |
Todo |
investigate snapshot integration with apt's dpkg::pre-install-pkgs hook |
mvo |
Todo |
provide UI to discard snapshot after upgrade to save space |
mvo |
Todo |
LP: 598946 : Include btrfs support for gparted (gparted) |
csurbhi |
Complete |
foundations-m-cd-build-speed (0/0/7) |
Add and use dpkg option to turn off syncing entirely |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Evaluate live-helper as a replacement for livecd-rootfs |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate effects on parallelisation of livefs builds |
lamont |
Todo |
Investigate removing /usr/share/doc report and fdupes run from release builds |
lamont |
Todo |
Log total time for livefs builds |
lamont |
Todo |
Switch to tmpfs for non-DVD builds |
lamont |
Todo |
rsync tree to a safe location following debootstrap, and following non-DVD builds; copy this back as the starting point when necessary, but only if the corresponding archive timestamp is correct |
lamont |
Todo |
foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer (6/1/15) |
LP: 605614 : [ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep (grub2) |
scott |
Todo |
LP: 605614 : [ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep (linux) |
scott |
Todo |
Arrange for a suitable GRUB background image |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Coordinate testing to ensure that GRUB can set a VBE mode on all supported hardware |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Fix Plymouth to cope with framebuffer mode change |
scott |
Todo |
Make sure GRUB shows background image even when not showing the menu |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Once everything is working well so that it can be done attractively and discreetly, restore brief pause during GRUB startup to allow menu access |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Visual indication if we wind up on fbdev as a fallback (replacing old failsafe X) |
scott |
Todo |
Change GRUB packaging to use vesafb by default if we have a new enough kernel |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Change GRUB to program vesafb on BIOS systems rather than efifb |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Develop cleanedup fbcon handoff patch kit, test, and push to maverick |
apw |
Complete |
Get the fbcon handoff patch kit together in a PPA |
apw |
Complete |
fbcon needs to be built-in on all architectures (already done on ports) |
leannogasawara |
Complete |
vesafb needs to be built-in on x86 |
leannogasawara |
Complete |
Quirk pm-utils to do VBE state/mode save/restore when using efifb or vesafb (already in place upstream; see wiki) |
scott |
Postponed |
foundations-m-installer-redesign (12/0/25) |
Add a Jockey hook |
ev |
Todo |
Add a panel to the installer session that contains indicators for sound, networking, battery, keyboard |
ev |
Todo |
Add functionality to take a photo with the attached webcam, if present |
ev |
Todo |
Clean up the 'welcome' (greeter) page |
ev |
Todo |
Create an 'installation detail' frame to show terminal output and skip buttons |
ev |
Todo |
Create copy for the 'needed for a better experience' checkbox and get legal to sign off on it |
ev |
Todo |
Evaluate whether we can preseed the data for the last logged in user of other installed operating systems in an expected fashion |
ev |
Todo |
Expose and refine the navigation controls on the slideshow |
ev |
Todo |
Install ubuntu-restricted-addons if option checked |
ev |
Todo |
Modify the installer to reboot automatically by default |
ev |
Todo |
Preseed language, keymap, timezone, wireless (?) based on other installed operating systems |
ev |
Todo |
Work with Cody and Ken to modify the progress bar (thin and dark) and remove metacity frame save the titlebar |
ev |
Todo |
Write an algorithm to calculate installation time remaining |
ev |
Todo |
Adding an --auto-install option to Jockey |
ev |
Complete |
Better align the controls on the 'About you' page |
ev |
Complete |
Change 'Strength: weak' to 'Weak password' on the 'About you' page |
ev |
Complete |
Create a 'Get Ready' page |
ev |
Complete |
Create a new automatic partitioning widget |
ev |
Complete |
Create a wireless network configuration page |
ev |
Complete |
Factor out a 'download updates while installing' checkbox that applies to both language pack and package updates |
ev |
Complete |
Flagging particular handlers for being eligible for auto-installation in Jockey |
ev |
Complete |
Integrate partitioning widget into the automatic partitioning page |
ev |
Complete |
Leverage debconf passthrough to allow components to run alongside |
ev |
Complete |
Make bcmwl the recommended driver in Jockey |
ev |
Complete |
Refresh the layout of the keyboard selection page |
ev |
Complete |
foundations-m-multiarch-support (1/0/1) |
upload multiarch support into ubuntu/maverick |
mvo |
Complete |
foundations-m-package-culling (4/0/5) |
Merge everything that is badly behind |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Compare snapshot against Maverick and the sync-blacklist, and post results to ubuntu-devel ( ) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Confirm behaviour of process-removals with respect to Ubuntu deltas (it does not consider whether a package has a delta or not, and removes it anyway) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Hunt down snapshot index of Debian unstable at Karmic DebianImportFreeze ( ) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate changing process-removals to skip packages with Ubuntu deltas, and report the results somewhere ( for now, currently empty) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
foundations-m-python-versions (5/2/13) |
Fix Python 2.7 related FTBFS |
barry |
Todo |
Review dh_python2 for support of PEP 3147 |
barry |
Todo |
Work with debian-python on Python 2.7 and 3.2 transition |
barry |
Todo |
collate results to produce easy to track status reports |
barry |
Todo |
evaluate size changes for two shared libraries on CD |
barry |
Todo |
perform rebuild test using Python 2.7 and report |
barry |
Todo |
Create PPA with Python 2.7 as default |
barry |
Complete |
PEP 3149 versioned .so files |
barry |
Complete |
Populate Python 2.7 PPA with rest of Python stack |
barry |
Complete |
Script packaging imports from Ubuntu to PPA |
barry |
Complete |
Work with PyGI group to begin planning Python 3.2 support |
barry |
Complete |
Attempt a build with Python 3.2 for all packages that support Python 3.1 |
barry |
Postponed |
Work with Debian to get Python 2.7 supported and/or default in experimental |
barry |
Postponed |
Update dh_python to support versioned .so files |
barry |
Todo |
Decide which versions of Python will be shipped with Maverick |
barry |
Complete |
Implement PEP 3149 versioned .so files |
barry |
Complete |
Investigate amount of work to backport PEP 3147 to Python 2.6 and 2.7 |
barry |
Complete |
Take versioned .so files upstream |
barry |
Complete |
foundations-m-spring-cleaning (12/2/30) |
LP: 550507 : pbzip2 should replace bzip2 (bzip2) |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Add data.tar.xz support to Launchpad |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Announce availability of lintian results |
persia |
Todo |
Complete preparation of automatic lintian runs against the archive |
persia |
Todo |
Convert all packages using -Zlzma to use -Zxz instead |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Discuss command-not-found in standard on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Discuss ftp/lftp duplication on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Discuss iputils-arping in standard on ubuntu-devel |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Discuss maintenance of list of printing packages with till-kamppeter |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate libhpmud -> libsnmp -> libsensors -> lm-sensors dependency chain |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate porting foo2zjs to a more common widget set |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate possibility of replacing bzip2 with pbzip2 ( bug 550507 ) |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate whether language-selector-common can usefully be installed dynamically |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Investigate whether libpango can load libthai dynamically |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Remove klibc from initramfs |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Review lucid-duplicated-packages and complete where necessary |
cjwatson |
Todo |
Drop acpi-support from desktop-common, or else remove its dependency on finger |
vorlon |
Complete |
Drop cdparanoia from desktop-common |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Install tasksel and aptitude dynamically |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate apparmor-utils -> libwww-perl dependency chain (filed bug 618928 ) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate gnupg's recommendation of libldap-2.4-2 |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate iputils-tracepath/mtr-tiny duplication (almost certainly not worth the effort of arranging for the union of their features in a single tool, given that the total .deb size consumed by both is only 66KB) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate whether libdns can load libgeoip dynamically (filed bug 618935 ) |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Investigate whether libgl1-mesa-* still need to be seeded directly |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Merge dpkg and drop lzma from base system |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Stop explicitly seeding bogofilter in desktop-common |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Stop explicitly seeding dvd+rw-tools and wodim in desktop-common |
cjwatson |
Complete |
Verify availability of storage for persistent lintian lab |
persia |
Complete |
Assemble use cases for availability of unpacked source |
cjwatson |
Postponed |
libjpeg8 transition (postponed in Debian, so it would not be economic to spend time on it in Ubuntu; see ) |
cjwatson |
Postponed |
Discover multi-currency capabilities of the payment system |
mvo |
Todo |
Total (47/5/111) 46% |
Milestone ubuntu-10.10
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Status |
Integrate Sikuli tests into Hudson |
ev |
Todo |
Launchpad PPA that runs tests on packages and copies them into the primary archive |
james_w, cjwatson |
Todo |
Look at hudson as a centralized location for driving tests and graphing their output |
ev |
Todo |
Look into handover of Soren's testing system to QA (Carlos?) |
hggdh2 |
Todo |
figure out what to do about failed packages |
ev |
Todo |
improve output of to show more clearly what failed |
mvo |
Todo |
run the kvm autotest update-manager upgrade test on pommerac |
mvo |
Todo |
work with QA to task someone with overseeing our test process |
mdz |
Todo |
add a checkbox to enable automatic updates to the update-manager dialog |
mvo |
Todo |
create a helper to install updates before applications start |
mvo |
Todo |
modify firefox packaging to use the helper on firefox startup |
mvo |
Todo |
modify openoffice packaging to use the helper on openoffice startup |
mvo |
Todo |
add indicator that a restart is required to the mail that unattended-upgrades sends |
mvo |
Complete |
fix unattended-upgrades config file to not hard-code the current distro_codename in it (fixes conffile prompt) |
mvo |
Complete |
security-m-metric (1/2/3) |
check in with website folks to see if there can be a common "ubuntu security" section |
robbie.w |
Complete |
define set of desired data visualizations |
robbie.w |
Postponed |
delegate data visualization tasks |
robbie.w |
Postponed |
security-m-popcon (0/0/4) |
identify cause of the spike in popcon data collection |
mvo |
Todo |
make graphs readable and interesting |
mvo |
Todo |
review bug 298617 |
mvo |
Todo |
verify that aging is happening and makes sense |
mvo |
Todo |
security-m-support-status (0/0/4) |
add cleaning out insecure packages capabilities to computer janitor |
mvo |
Todo |
add info dialog to update-manager when a release is EOL with no upgrade path |
mvo |
Todo |
add nag to update-manager when a release is EOL |
mvo |
Todo |
create logic that determines if a package is risky and needs to be uninstalled |
mvo |
Todo |
Total (3/2/25) 20% |
Milestone None
Blueprint/Activity |
Task |
Assignee |
Status |
add to default sources.list |
canonical-foundations |
Todo |
foundations-m-apt-ordering (0/5/5) |
add verification before processing |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate dontkults alternative ordering and add progress reporting for that |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate if "unpack" could actually become --install |
mvo |
Postponed |
investigate order failures in LP |
mvo |
Postponed |
try to isolate test-case |
mvo |
Postponed |
foundations-m-gsoc-usbcreator (6/6/12) |
LP: 535061 : Install and Startup Disk Creator icon is incongruous with the new Ubuntu icon set (humanity-icon-theme) |
kwwii |
Complete |
LP: 535061 : Install and Startup Disk Creator icon is incongruous with the new Ubuntu icon set (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
LP: 570174 : Please export translations and rebuild package (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
LP: 574089 : error: no such option -v (usb-creator) |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
community bonding - fix random bugs |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
submit tax-forms |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Complete |
final evaluation |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
final evaluation |
ev |
Postponed |
free ice cream at Mentor's Summit at the Google |
ev |
Postponed |
mid-term evaluation |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
mid-term evaluation |
ev |
Postponed |
submit code tarballs |
dmitrij.ledkov |
Postponed |
inclusion in ubuntu server |
ev |
Postponed |
LP: 315648 : [Feature Request] OEM config language selection should have hover text (ubiquity) |
ev |
Todo |
LP: 371444 : [Feature Request] Add Wireless configuration screen to oem-config if wireless is available (ubiquity) |
mterry |
Todo |
LP: 390677 : Hidden line during install wizard (ubiquity) |
ev |
Todo |
Benchmark oem-config install time |
ev |
Todo |
Create a derivative slideshow for oem-config |
ev |
Todo |
Fix references to installing in oem-config |
ev |
Todo |
Move oem-config removal into ubiquity, getting rid of the debconf dialog |
ev |
Todo |
Start plymouth from ubiquity when starting the new X server |
ev |
Todo |
Build prototype CI w/Hudson and test with Cheeseshop packages using Python 2.6 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to run 2to3 and test with Python 3.1 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to use Python 2.7 |
barry |
Postponed |
Extend to use Python 3.2 |
barry |
Postponed |
Investigate automated or guided Trove classification setting |
barry |
Postponed |
Quickly template for Python package best practices |
barry |
Postponed |
Spec out build system w/integration of isolated VMs |
barry |
Postponed |
Specify test API with help from distutils-sig |
barry |
Postponed |
Write guidelines for Hitchhikers Guide to Packaging docs |
barry |
Postponed |
investigate paste for ideas/useful code |
barry |
Postponed |
investigate pypi:pyron for ideas/useful code |
barry |
Postponed |
create branch that does not load the model in one go but instead uses "row_added" |
mvo |
Complete |
find a better way in trunk/ (hidding non-technical items by default and it only takes 0.8s to display it all, still 13s when clicking on show all) |
mvo |
Complete |
measure how long getting the mset from the xapian db takes compared to reading all documents (displaying all rows 13s, just reading the data from xapian 7s) |
mvo |
Complete |
measure how long it takes until the model/view is fully populated with that (depending on the paramter it can take several minutes because with the row_added signals) |
mvo |
Complete |
foundations-m-software-center-dynamic-testing-improvements (4/0/5) |
add performance regression tests for the query code |
mvo |
Todo |
add unittests policy for the non-ui bits |
mvo |
Complete |
integrate tests into the package build |
mvo |
Complete |
investigate mago (and/or LDTP) for automatic testing goodness |
mvo |
Complete |
investigate xvfb 'fake' xserver to run gui unittests headless |
mvo |
Complete |
Design ??? |
mpt |
Todo |
add create-download-bundle feature |
mvo |
Todo |
define metadata for displaying license information (e.g. for partner) |
mvo |
Todo |
add code to ufw/iptables allow 1022 if additional sshd is started (and close again after the upgrade finished/system restarts) |
mvo |
Todo |
add easy way to launch computer-janitor from u-m |
mvo |
Todo |
add upgrade via reinstall and keep /home option more prominent |
ev |
Todo |
before making the "upgrade now" button available check if internet is available |
mvo |
Todo |
check how screen can be configured to not use "ctrl" keys inside a new upgrade session |
mvo |
Todo |
check if running in screen on server upgrade and if not, display warning (optional restart inside screen) |
mvo |
Todo |
document that server upgrades can easily be resumed this way |
mvo |
Todo |
get rid of "demoted" dialog, move into main confirmation screen |
mvo |
Todo |
make the release-upgrade check if there is a running screen with "release-upgrade" label |
mvo |
Todo |
make upgrades via usb key easier (update-notifier media detection) |
mvo |
Todo |
redesign for using morphing windows instead of dialogs |
design |
Todo |
redesign release-upgrader main window to make embedding the slide show easy |
design |
Todo |
support "keep package selection" on install that preserves /home |
ev |
Todo |
get rid of popup dialogs and use inline information for cache open and restart required |
mvo |
Complete |
use port 1022 for optional server sshd |
mvo |
Complete |
add flag to firefox (and openoffice?) debian/control to detect if it breaks on background upgrade |
mvo |
Todo |
add mode for disk-space saving that performs the upgrades in steps and cleans in between the steps |
mvo |
Todo |
allow nice/ionice on update |
mvo |
Todo |
attempt to get unattended-upgrades more used in maverick |
mvo |
Todo |
check if reboot required shows up in motd when background upgrades run and require it |
mvo |
Todo |
integrate into the wrapper scripts of firefox/OOo to detect pending upgrades |
mvo |
Todo |
make it possible to "chunk" updates into small steps |
mvo |
Todo |
make unattended-upgrades faster and interrupt them on shutdown (by canceling the current chunk) |
mvo |
Todo |
offer in more prominent place to install updates in the background (background better than on shutdown) |
mvo |
Todo |
support downloading in parallel while upgrading the chunks |
mvo |
Todo |
use aptdaemon by default in update-manager |
mvo |
Todo |
provide Scott with use-cases/examples what triggers the scripts |
mvo |
Complete |
add transition plan |
mvo |
Postponed |
factor out functionality into scripts |
mvo |
Postponed |
move all the functionality into upstart user session scripts |
mvo |
Postponed |
Add a "Test Disk" option |
ev |
Postponed |
Correct the behavior of the format button |
ev |
Postponed |
Ensure that errors are reported in a clear and detailed fashion |
ev |
Postponed |
Hand caught exceptions to apport |
ev |
Postponed |
Only show the smartest choice for each disk |
ev |
Postponed |
Support GRUB2 |
ev |
Postponed |
Total (17/32/86) 56% |
Status Color Key
Color |
Definition |
Red |
In danger of not making this release |
Yellow |
Has issues that need to be resolved in order to make the release |
Green |
No issues and on track for delivery in this release |
Dark Green |
Not yet started, expected to make the release |
Grey |
Deferred |
Light Blue |
Done |
FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick (last edited 2010-10-01 12:22:26 by 82-69-40-219)