January 8th - Premier Samedi du Libre in Paris
This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system.- January 10th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
January 12th - "Soirée du libre" in Dijon
An Ubuntu Hour like organised by Ubuntu DijonJanuary 13th - Pause Ubuntu in Paris
An Ubuntu Hour like organised by Ubuntu-frJanuary 15th - Permanence associative organised by Ubuntu Dijon
A place where users can find help with Ubuntu and free softwares.- January 17th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
January 20th - "Jeudi de la bidouille" in Lyon
An ubuntu-hour like organised by Ubuntu Lyon- January 24th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
January 25th - IRC ubuntu-fr LoCo Team meeting on #ubuntu-fr-meeting
Our team meeting to discuss about the last events, the future events, the evolution of our websites, and some other points. agenda, minutes.- January 26th - meeting for the organisation of the Ubuntu Party in Paris.
January 29th, 30th - ubuntu-fr / framasoft meeting about the future of our store.
January 29th - Install Party in Lyon organised by ALDIL and Ubuntu Lyon
- January 31th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
FrenchTeam/TeamReports/11/January (last edited 2011-02-04 09:19:39 by cnv94-3-82-241-224-240)