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Members meetings/Workshop

Every thursday evening, French Ubuntu members from Paris meet each others at the Fondation for Human progres under Contribution to Free projects Evening (alongside of Parinux particulary)

http://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/2ccda8d7-tick-orange.svg April, 07th@Atelier (Paris): First overhaul workshop on ubuntu-fr.org Website, various work to prepare the Ubuntu Party Paris 16.05

http://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/2ccda8d7-tick-orange.svg April, 14th@Atelier (Paris): Continuation on overhaul Workshops on ubuntu-fr.org Website, brief discussion about the Ubuntu-fr booklet Project

http://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/2ccda8d7-tick-orange.svg April, 21th@Atelier (Paris): Mini-workshop about the booklet before going to the release party

http://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/2ccda8d7-tick-orange.svg April, 28th@Atelier (Paris): Shooting of a video for the USB key, UPP, Geek Faeris and miscallenous preparations.