Frogs Hair

Revision 3 as of 2013-02-24 16:24:29

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About Me

I am a working student from the Midwestern United States and have been using Ubuntu /Linux since 2010. I joined the Ubuntu Wisconsin Lo Co Team in April 2012. The bulk of my of my work experience is commercial electronics manufacturing for a company that provides non consumer completed assemblies to other companies.I also have many hobbies and some include mountain biking , fishing , computers, and playing guitar.

Contact Information





Ubuntu User



My Ubuntu journey began after read a review of 9.10 and installed via wubi and quickly moved to a dual boot system. One day while visiting Ubuntu Forums I decided to leave the community cafe and start helping on the sub forums which has become habit and I wish to continue doing so. I have been involved in beta testing and error reporting with 12.04 and 12.10 releases. My contributions have been sustained and always well intended. I really enjoy helping new Ubuntu users customize their new desktops and provide answers and information on the operating system in general. To write that I have learned through helping others is an understatement and it is difficult to place a value on what I have gained !

Future Goals

Future goals include increasing my knowledge of Ubuntu /Linux with the help of Ubuntu community members and documentation.It is my goal to improve my ability to help others within to forum community and perhaps beyond. I will continue make an effort to learn about the many new desktop environments available to Ubuntu users and assist when ever possible. Continuing to spread Ubuntu awareness at my collage is also something that I would like to peruse with a future release.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.