
Revision 8 as of 2009-06-11 21:52:52

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I, Andrea Gasparini, apply for MOTU.


Andrea Gasparini

Launchpad Page

Wiki Page


Debian QA Page


Who I am

I'm 29, from Bologna, Italy... married with two little children and an electronics engineering degree.

I'm an embedded developer for a videosurvaillance company, recently I work mostly with device driver and "low-level stuff" in some kind of ARM SoC, but I worked at almost all abstraction level, from webapps to initscripts.

Linux is my only OS for quite a long time. ( I don't remember the exact year, but the first distro I clearly recall on my PCs is Debian Potato, so probably it was near 2000). I'm using Ubuntu since the ealier releases, starting with only some "install tests", but ever with a growing attention, till the September of 2007, when I really started my contributions.

My knowlegde inside Linux involves mainly C and Python as programming language, although my job is a whole-round kind, so I touched from the kernel to web interfaces, being a programmer as than a sysadmin, probably without having a deep experience of all what I did, but a very good knowledge of the system in his whole. I wrote scripts and code,scripts and pages also in Perl, C++, HTML, XSL(plus XPath&Co.), Javascript and probably some other stuff I didn't recall, and I'm studying Haskell and functional programming in this period (at a veeeery slow rate, my free time is currently very low) Wink ;)

Apart the time devolved to free software, I like spend time in mountains, free climbing and miniature painting...

My Ubuntu story

My first work for Ubuntu was on usplash, when I worked on it for my job, and subsequently sent some patches that was reworked and accepted ( see bugs #152933 #152952 #154234 ). This makes me discover a very dynamic and comfortable community of developers. Seeing my work accepted in few time, makes me happy to begin to actively contribute to bugfix, merge and sync.

My involvement

  • italian community, teach to new devels, talk in devweek.
  • QA, script and builder server
  • bug in ubuntu, build machine.
  • I trust that working for Ubuntu means also working for Debian, as the more code we share, the more code we could get better and better. Said so, I usually try to get new packages to Debian direcly, and bugs reported to both distros:
    • I currently maintain two packages in Debian, and one is awaiting for a sponsor in (note that for smile I'm working with the person that's uploading it to revu )
    • This is a list of some bugs reported in debian by me:

      • ( often I try also to contact directly the maintainer in IRC or mail )

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

  • usplash, but quite old.
  • vtk merge, even if still bugged Sad :(

  • matita and ikiwiki as an example of debian collaboration.

Areas of work

Things I could do better

  • more international partecipation
  • Be more precise: sometime I fall into the "run thoughts" and this distract me from some particular.
  • More effective and save time to do things I like more (python&3d applications are in my sight since too much time, but I never had the time to study and apply seriously in these kind of stuff).

Plans for the future


  • qa
  • mentor and sponsor queue.
  • debian collaboration

What I like least in Ubuntu

  • the size of


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
=== Areas of Improvement ===
