
Differences between revisions 137 and 138
Revision 137 as of 2009-06-16 10:30:19
Size: 2155
Editor: host134-118-static
Revision 138 as of 2009-06-16 10:40:13
Size: 2508
Editor: host134-118-static
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 * I'm an irregular user of Italian Forum.
 * I'm currently an Ubuntu Developer Contributor: as such, I maintained a [[Gaspa2/BugsList|list of almost all bugs handled till Karmic releases]]
 * I'm an active member of the Italian community:
    * I partecipated at two Ubuntu-it Meeting, helping for the organization of the second meeting in Bologna, [[|in March 2009]]
    * I organized and attended at the first [[|Ubuntu-it bugday]], where we helped in about forty bugs.
 * I'm currently an Ubuntu Developer Contributor: for further purposes, I maintained a [[Gaspa2/BugsList|list of almost all bugs handled till Karmic releases]]

Informazioni personali

Name: Andrea Gasparini

Birthdate: 1/09/1979

Job: Developer for


irc: gaspa at freenode

jabber: iogaspa at gmail dot com

launchpad account:

Activities in Ubuntu

Qa works:

  • NBS page, with a list of all package that depends on nbs. At the moment the page is hosted here: and gets refreshed once a day.

  • maint_upload is a script for searching informations on upload for a given ubuntu release. It can search in "changed-by" stanza or in gpg signature names of maintainer, given in form of regular expression.
  • I set up also a server that runs edos-(build)debcheck daily. The results could be found ATM only in raw plain-text.

Packaging from Scratch

Messy Notes

  • Raw comments on various blames heard on Ubuntu.

  • Todolist for ubuntu related work.

  • Mobile about studies on embedded supports of ubuntu.

Other Projects I work for/with

  • I'm a developer of View-OS, a process with a view:

    • I developed part of umview and I worked at the port of umview for amd64
    • I did kmview kernel module (now is device 10 231) with a great Renzo effort
  • Video4Linux: i worked also with video4linux and bttv.


Gaspa2 (last edited 2009-07-13 21:18:48 by 151)