2014 ReVerification Application for the Greek Team (Ubuntu-gr)
The Greek Ubuntu LoCo team started in 2005 with a simple website and a mailing list. Since then our LoCo has become one of the largest FOSS communities in Greece. We run a website, a wiki (in maintenance), a mailing list, a forum and an irc channel. We are also active on social media so we can exchange ideas, promote Ubuntu and FOSS in general, support users and help Ubuntu development.
Key Details
Date - July 2014
Team Contacts
George Christofis <geochr22@gmail.com>
Simos Xenitellis <simos.lists@googlemail.com>
Membership - 396 members as of June 2014 (461 in 2012, 377 in 2010, 215 in 2008) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gr (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-greek-users)
Ubuntu Members - 9 of our members have been approved for Official Ubuntu membership:
Name |
Launchpad |
Forum |
eliasps |
eliasps |
salih emin |
CORTEXlinux |
Learner |
simosx |
simosx |
alkisg |
alkisg |
ntoulasd |
the_eye |
Phantomas |
Phantomas |
medigeek |
medigeek |
hakermania |
hakermania |
Launchpad's Profile - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gr ( old name: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-greek-users)
Local Community Team Portal - http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-gr (old name:http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-greek-users)
Ubuntu discourse - http://discourse.ubuntu.com/category/local-teams/ubuntu-greece
Website - http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/
Forum - http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/
Wiki - http://wiki.ubuntu-gr.org/ (under maintenance)
Mailing List - ubuntu-gr on lists.ubuntu.com (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gr/)
IRC - #ubuntu-gr @ irc.freenode.net (irc://freenode/ubuntu-gr)
Webchat - http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/webchat/
Planet - http://planet.ubuntu-gr.org/
Pastebin - http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org/
Imagebin - http://imagebin.ubuntu-gr.org/
Photo gallery - http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/photogallery/
Social media
Facebook group - 1.610+ members
Facebook page - 730+ followers
G+ group - 820+ members
G+ page - 280+ followers
Twitter - 1830+ followers
Youtube channel - 19 videos and 203 subscribers
Our Projects
QA team - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugr-qa - This team aims at testing the development branches to ensure quality adaptation for Greek and Greek-o-phone users.
Ubuntu +1 section - http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewforum.php?f=70 - For discussion about bugs and distroseries under development.
Troubleshooting - http://troubleshooting.ubuntu-gr.org/
Imagebin - http://imagebin.ubuntu-gr.org/ - 1600+ Uploads during first year (7/2011)
Automatic forum signature generator - http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15460 - a graphical utility that facilitates users to document the main software and hardware specs of their computer and attach those informations in their forum signatures, making problem solving easier, faster and more efficient.
Dmesg parser - http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22124&http#p230101 - a program that evaluates dmesg messages (Alpha state)
Mailing List - More than 440 mailing list members and more than 6.500 messages in total (in 2012 430 members with 5.000 posts, in 2010 350 members and about 2,000 posts)
Forum - 11,750 members posted ~310.500 posts in 26.700 topics since the start in May 2008 (9.500 members in 2012, 240.000 posts in 21.000 topics)
- Organize more meetings (non-virtual) of our members
- Encourage members to participate and organize events in their towns
- Participate on the next Fosscomm conferences and other events
- Continue working in our projects and the release of our magazine
- Encourage and assist new members in taking leading roles in the community
- Keep the Ubuntu translated in Greek language
- Assist our top contributors to apply for Ubuntu Membership
Activities 2012-2014
Greek Ubuntu Community's magazine. |
Our participation included a booth and an install event. We also attended the conference's round table discussion alongside several other FOSS communities in Greece. Ubuntu-gr community was represented by the LoCo contact. More photos here. |
We participated with a booth and a preview of Ubuntu 14.04 on a laptop. More photos here. |
Other events
Vasilopita |
Tech Kids Day |
A day dedicated to kids, in which we participated with a presentation and installation of Ubuntu 12.10 to parents and middle school children. We also played with small kids using education applications |
Meteorological stations |
In September 2012, lepidas member with the community's support installed a meteorological station with a rotated webcam in an old pc at Distrato (mountainous village near Vassilitsa's snow center ) which was running on Ubuntu Server 12.04 (recently the pc was replaced by a cubieboard and now the weather station runs on Debian Wheezy). Since then lepidas has installed 3 mroe stations in Thourio/Oresiada, Avdella/Grevena and Pades/Ioannina |
Ubuntu Global Events
Ubuntu hours |
Ubuntu Global Jam |
Mini-Install fest |
Installing Ubuntu 13.04 alongside with Windows 8 and Secure Boot ON |
Translation project
Translation teams |
Our community manages two translation teams: Ubuntu Greek Translator Starters team with 235 members (198 in 2012) and Ubuntu Greek Translators with 30 members. |
Ubuntu Translations |
We almost completed (~96%) the translation in Greek language of Ubuntu-specific packages that come with the default Ubuntu distribution. |
Translations meetings |
We organize at least two translation meetings on IRC before every release. The main purpose for this is to help newer translators with the familiarization and knowledge of the translation process and promote cooperative working. |
Ubuntu Desktop Guide |
We work on the package and we have almost translated 92% of the Ubuntu Desktop Guide into Greek |
Ubuntu Translation quality testing |
Several members and our QA team tested the Greek translation on Ubuntu 14.04 Alpha/Beta versions and we fixed/enhanced many messages |
DVDs and other materials
DVD shipping |
We distribute our Loco CD package to events all around Greece in which our community participates. We also send dvds in other active LUGS and Linux teams. (by George Christofis ) |
Conference packs |
We received 2 conference packs in order to equip our booth on Fosscomm 2013 and Fosscomm 2014 |
Books |
Our team has three copies of «The Official Ubuntu Book» (5th, 6th and 7th Edition) and one copy of «The Official Ubuntu Server Book» |
Ubuntu-gr t-shirts |
Ubuntu-gr Conference cards |
Beautiful cards for our lanyards! |
Posters |
We create and print posters about how to create an Ubuntu bootable USB and also we translate and print the poster for Unity usage |
Teams of Ubuntu-gr
Ubuntistas team |
This team consists of members aiming to work on our community's magazine. Ubuntistas team was created in September 2008 and since then the Ubuntistas magazine has published 18 issues |
Wiki team |
This team was created in September 2011 with the aim to maintaining and administering our Wiki page (http://wiki.ubuntu-gr.org). The Wiki team has a project in progress to refresh the wiki |
Art/Graphics team |
Created on September 2011, with the aim of designing community projects artwork. The team has contributed updated logos and banners, future release countdowns and t-shirt designs. Also, the amazing figures on our Release party cakes belong to the team. |
Release Parties
Athens |
Trusty Tahr, Sausy Salamander, Raring Ringtail and Quantal Quetzal |