
Revision 1 as of 2011-09-30 17:02:04

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  • Name : Bruno A. Benitez

About me

I'm a library science student from Argentina, I've been using Linux sporadically since 1999, only in the last semester of 2010 and beginings of 2011 I've started to use linux intensevely. My choosen OS is Xubuntu, because it was the only OS that could fit on my old machine and make it powerful, today I still use it because I find it better and more useful than any of its contrincants.

I've always liked the idea of saving information for the future, the idea that we shouldn't duplicate efforts and that we should be able to search all of mankind's knowledge, thats why I study library science, thats why I make the best of my efforts to develope ways in wich help people to find the information they need, and even to store it.

Skill Set

  • I am very good at searching information, thats pretty much my thing.
  • I speak spaƱish and something of english.
  • I understand basic php and html, plus some xml.

My Contributions

Support & Bug Triage

Note: homepage "template" borrowed Charlie-tca who borrowed it from Cody Somerville. Please feel free to use it if desired.
