Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference
All serious issues should be still submitted as bug!
Please nest a reply when you are responding on another reaction. Otherwise it will grow in a mess.... Thank you.
Known issues:
- Compiz is not easily installable. I didn't manage to make it work.
- No tool to install restricted drivers as in Ubuntu
- On my MSI Megabook 271S (Turion TL-56) it was necessary to switch ACPI off (boot option acpi=off) to be able to boot the Desktop 64 CD. Had the same problem with Dapper, but it was solved sometimes (not sure whether during normal updates or after Feisty upgrade).
- Let's have it!
I hope that the next release will has by default the driver for my usb wireless adapter (Sitecom WL-113 v1 002). The driver can be found here: ("rt73 USB nightly CVS tarball: rt73-CVS") and I think that the driver are OpenSource so they can be included in Kubuntu.
- I tried to boot the LiveCD on an IBM Thinkpad T22, but it failed with a black screen and no tty in the standard mode (with and without quiet splash). In Save Graphics Mode Tribe 2 booted until Desktop, but neither mouse nor keyboard worked. (I did not try out installtion.)
- Once more we don't learn... I will try to explain it again. The default K Menu Icon is confusing. First: it has the same size as neighboring icons. Confusing for new users and for basic level users. Second: is not visually attractive. Many people spend per day with the Operating System as much time as with a girlfriend or wife. So same as with the girlfriend we want the OS to be attractive. Just look what OpenSUSE is doing, or what Linspire is doing. You don't chose your girlfriend because it works, you don't choose your car because it works, and you don't chose your OS because it works, you choose all of those because you like them!
- As long as the menu is not replaced by something completely different (e.g. kickoff), simplification is very difficult (won't KDE4 revamt the whole menu?). The less folders you have, the more apps will be in one, which leads to clutter. The more folders you have, the more you will have to search to find the right one. And subfolders just add to the confusion (IMHO). The best "solution" right now is the list of most / recently used apps. The list is rather intelligent, insofar as apps won't be added, which you have in your system tray. So a user always has his most used apps available after 1 or 2 clicks. This should be enabled by default. --Sokraates
- I agree with Menus being very well organize. The issue is with the default KMenu icon itself.
- Check this three links and tell me what icon a beginner (think on your mother) will click to get access to the KDE Menus: The Linspire one is the most clear one, even in the icon is written "Launch", you know you have to click that one. Followed by the OpenSUSE one, just because the icon is clearly different. The Kubuntu one (or KDE one) is confusing, it has the same size as the neighbouring "System Menu" and "Desktop Menu". And what is more important, changing it gives some personality to the distro. I have seen some screenshots of KDE 4, and they have pretty much the same default icon, so the problem stays...
Check: KDE 4
- Check this three links and tell me what icon a beginner (think on your mother) will click to get access to the KDE Menus: The Linspire one is the most clear one, even in the icon is written "Launch", you know you have to click that one. Followed by the OpenSUSE one, just because the icon is clearly different. The Kubuntu one (or KDE one) is confusing, it has the same size as the neighbouring "System Menu" and "Desktop Menu". And what is more important, changing it gives some personality to the distro. I have seen some screenshots of KDE 4, and they have pretty much the same default icon, so the problem stays...
- I agree with Menus being very well organize. The issue is with the default KMenu icon itself.
- As long as the menu is not replaced by something completely different (e.g. kickoff), simplification is very difficult (won't KDE4 revamt the whole menu?). The less folders you have, the more apps will be in one, which leads to clutter. The more folders you have, the more you will have to search to find the right one. And subfolders just add to the confusion (IMHO). The best "solution" right now is the list of most / recently used apps. The list is rather intelligent, insofar as apps won't be added, which you have in your system tray. So a user always has his most used apps available after 1 or 2 clicks. This should be enabled by default. --Sokraates
- Inclusion of GDebi KDE is a great idea.
- It is. Finally you can simply double-click a deb-file, instead of having to go through the right-click-menu to install it (though that was already a huge improvement and a good solution in it's own right). --Sokraates
Like usually, I tested this GustyTribe2 on my ASUS A6Q007H Laptop using the x86_32 LiveCD.
First I disagree with the above comment concerning the KMenu : it is one of the most clear icon menu among linux distributions. Everything is here, and useless sub-menus are absent. Don't change this, no need to be another heavy-slow OpenSuse or Vista.
- Second : this alpha2 version of Kubuntu Gusty ran nicely on my computer (Sound and light via Fn blue buttons of the keyboard works out of the box) but :
- microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw for bcm43xx wifi chipset is still missing and asked during boot ; it would be nice to include it by default.
- I second this motion. --Sokraates
- Kmix isn't loading good parameters by default (Mono channels muted by default, channel PCM muted by default) : it appeared randomly.
When using SolarWinds OpenGL screensaver setup Xorg crashes.
- Reboot doesn't work. It appeared randomly
- there is no tools to manage grub settings for boot. I think it is really missing and should be included in System Settings panel (advanced tab, for example).
- the security tab of settings:/Security/ of KDE Configuration should also be linked to your System settings panel. It is also missing I think.//Nikoo, June 30th 2007
- microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw for bcm43xx wifi chipset is still missing and asked during boot ; it would be nice to include it by default.
- Why in 'add/remove programs' a lot of programs' icons are not displayed? (is displayed only a gear...) While in 'add/remove programs' in Ubuntu the programs' icon are displayed...
- if I run 'glxinfo |grep rendering' in a Konsole, the X server crashes (it happens also with Kubuntu Feisty). My graphic card is a SIS M650, and my pc is a laptop.
I prefer 4 desktops by default, not only 2. And, how about disable the "Show windows from all desktops" option for the taskbar panel, it'll have more sense. And correct the ssl for registering this page (I was afraid of somebody had cracked it
I think that 2 desktops are the best solution, you have to think at newbie users... --FrancesKo
I'm agree with disable the "Show windows from all desktops" option for the taskbar panel (so the 2 desktops have a sense
) --FrancesKo
- I think it's as clear (easy) using 2 desktop as using 4, but having 4 is more powerful.
- I'd like to change the default kopete's theme for kubuntu. It crops the large niks and makes dificult reading the time of the message (the nick hide it).
- Ubuntu has a notifier that indicates the user when it's necessary reboot after upgrade, why kubuntu doesnt?
- For newbie user /home/ folder is to disorganized. I think it should be like in Mandriva or XP, some folders created by adding new user. e.g. home/user/pictures; home/user/music; home/user/documents; home/user/videos and home/user/downloads. It would be nice to have folder home/pub with all folders described above if more than two users are created. I use pub folder to share documents betveew two or more users, so I and my wife doesn't need to go to other users home to look for family photos, and all movie files are in same folder accessible for mythtv.
GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Kubuntu/Feedback (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:50 by localhost)