Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~hampa.bruegger
Email: <hampa AT hpbyte DOT ch>
Jabber: same as E-Mail
IRC: hampa at freenode.net
GnuPG: Hampa Bruegger (0x29636284)
Blog (German content): http://www.hpbyte.ch/
Current location:
Europe,Switzerland,Canton Graubünden,District Imboden,Rhäzüns,
I work as software engineer for the biggest telecommunication company in Switzerland.
Contributions to Ubuntu
- (ch) = Switzerland, (de) = Germany
(ch) I administrate two unbuntu-Servers at work. On this Servers operates MediaWikis.
- (ch) Member of yalm magazine (Was a free Linux magazin in PDF-Format) (proofreader and wiki-Administrator), since 2008
(ch) Supporting at times newbies with their Ubuntu problems in Ubuntu-SwissTeam
(de) Assistance by integratives LoCo-Projekt
(de) Member of ubuntu Deutschland e.V. (German Ubuntu association)
(de) Member of ubuntu-de-locoteam
(ch) I administrate two unbuntu-Servers at work. On this Servers operates MediaWikis.
(ch) Supporting at times newbies with their Ubuntu problems in Ubuntu-SwissTeam
(de) Assistance by ubuntu-de.org (integratives LoCo-Projekt)
(de) Member of ubuntu Deutschland e.V. (German Ubuntu association)
(de) Member of ubuntu-de-locoteam
(de) Member of Core-Team ubucon.de (WebMaster/Content)
(ch) I administrate two unbuntu-Servers at work. On this Servers operates six MediaWikis.
(ch) Supporting at times newbies with their Ubuntu problems in Ubuntu-SwissTeam
(de) Assistance by ubuntu-de.org (integratives LoCo-Projekt) (Homepage support)
(de) Member of ubuntu Deutschland e.V. (German Ubuntu association)(Homepage support)
(de) Member of ubuntu-de-locoteam
(de) Member of Core-Team ubucon.de (WebMaster/Content)
Hampa (last edited 2010-10-24 20:44:25 by 152-173)