
Discussion of HelpWikiQualityAssurance.

Please sign comment so we can all see who wrote it. (Add @ S I G @ without the spaces to date and sign your comments) -- duncan-lithgow 2008-08-07 12:27:21)

Ubuntu version specific pages

Application version specific pages

* Is there a need for adding category version tags for individual software applications or just Ubuntu releases? (Unsigned)


I don't quite understand what you're talking about here in the next points. Could someone explain it another way or more? -- duncan-lithgow 2008-08-07 12:27:21

... which addresses two of the issues mentioned on this page. -- duncan-lithgow 2008-08-07 12:27:21

The CategoryCleanup list

* -- duncan-lithgow 2008-08-09 12:04:13 = 297 someone is making some progress. * On July 17, 2006 there were 344 pages in CategoryCleanup. Given the amount of people with time available to work on CategoryCleanup, we cannot possibly keep this list short.

For that reason, I suggest that when it comes to quality assurance efforts we limit ourselves to simply indicating why any one page is placed into CategoryCleanup. We need some mechanism so that random wiki users will know why the page is in CategoryCleanup.

The notification below is a suggestion.

To meet the quality standards for Community Docs, this article or section requires additional work.

Text specific to the problem goes here. Problems can be grammar and spelling, technical, style, or whatever. Include links to appropriate help sections on the wiki.

You can discuss this issue on either Freenode IRC channel #ubuntu-doc or on the mailing list.

This page was placed into CategoryCleanup by (name here) on (date here)

This method does not require the creation of new macros. When you put a page into CategoryCleanup, simply copy-and-paste the above table into the top of the page and modify it as required.

People should know why the page needs cleaning up so they know whether or not they can trust the content. If the note says that the page is in CategoryCleanup for poor grammar and spelling only, then people will know that they can rely on the information in the page. As a bonus, they may even be motivated to do the cleaning up themselves. As it is now, merely placing the tag CategoryCleanup says nothing about the condition of the page.

It's very easy to put the CategoryCleanup tag onto a page, but difficult and time-consuming to actually fix the problems, especially if you don't know why the page is there in the first place.

Also, simply sticking a page into the category is a blunt instrument, and might deter people from further contribution. We treat contributors with a bit more respect when we take the time to indicate exactly why their page falls short, tell them who put their page into the category, and give links to information that might help them out.


Although this category was suggested earlier on the mailing list, we probably don't have the resources available yet to do a proper job of reviewing in a timely manner all the pages that would end up in it.

Wiki Software

What software is used for this wiki, and why? MediaWiki (the software used by Wikipedia) has several useful features this wiki is missing. For example, Talk pages are automatically bound to the article pages, there is a list of RecentChanges, and I think templates (macros) are easier, though I haven't figured out how they work here. --MattFlaschen

Website visuals

I haven't seen any mention of the look and feel of the help wiki. It's important that it looks and feels a bit different from the current People need to notice where they are. 7.nov2007 DuncanLithgow

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HelpWikiQualityAssurance/talk (last edited 2008-08-09 12:22:10 by 1704ds1-sd)