
I’ve been using computers since my dad brought one home back in 1992 (or around that time at least). Since then I’ve used everything from DOS 6.22 through all the different MS Windows versions before finally seeing the light and moving on to Linux :o)

I've been a full time Linux user since 2003 and a Ubuntu Linux user since 2005-03-15. Right now I'm running Ubuntu 5.04 on a Zepto Znote 4200 (danish laptop brand, see here and here) and a Dell Optiplex GX270 desktop.

Contact information

Name: Henriette Holm

Nationality: Danish (born September 17th, 1977)

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Email: henriette.holm*REMOVE_THIS*@gmail.com

ICQ: 13 70 38 11

Msn Messenger: henriette.holm*REMOVE_THIS*@gmail.com

Ubuntu Forums: henriette_holm

Free and Open Source Software activities


I work as a ph.d. student at the Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark studying organometallic catalyzed reactions. In my work I use Maestro, Jaguar and Molcas.



HenrietteHolm (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:50 by localhost)