About me
I have been using Linux intensively for quite a few years now. I started using Ubuntu just after the warty release.
Work & Study
Part-time work, part-time study, part-time a lot of other stuff.
Currently I'm working on a project to migrate a primary school to Edubuntu (almost finished).
At the moment I’m studying for my bachelor in software engineering at the Hanzehogeschool (Groningen, in the Netherlands). However I changed my study program a bit and put my focus on Linux in the last two years. But I end up with the same piece of paper. I expect to graduate early 2007.
Fields of interest
- Ubuntu
- Linux security (especially host based)
- Migrating Windows environment to Linux
- Terminal server stuff (Edubuntu)
- more…
- Learn spanish…
- Travel
- More Ubuntu everywhere
Links to information
My launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/people/hbos
My weblog: http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~spacey
Ubuntu work
- I file bugs if I encounter them. See launchpad profile.
- I attended Ubuntu Below Zero in Montreal, Canada for 10 days and gave input, raised discussion on topics of interest.
- Attend most Edubuntu meetings
- Give support on #edubuntu
- Give support @ edubuntu-devel mailinglist
- Test Edubuntu
- Use Edubuntu in production environment and supply feedback.
- Tested Willow for Edubuntu content filtering.
Ubuntu-NL LocoTeam
- Give support on #ubuntu-nl
- Attend occasional real life meeting
- Redistributed CD's and promoted Ubuntu at my college
- I blog about Ubuntu/Edubuntu!
Work pending
Writing a part of the EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook
- Some LTSP experience to docs
- Extensive (end-user) feedback from schoolproject to edubuntu.
Future work
Migrate more schools to edubuntu
- Continue my past efforts
- Write more documentation
HermanBos (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:41 by localhost)