Meeting held on July 31st, 2011 in #ubuntu-meeting.

Attendance: nhandler, topyli Guests: k1l

Due to the lack of quorum and short agenda, this was a more informal meeting than usual.

The main topic of the meeting was k1l's membership application. nhandler and topyli questioned him, but were unable to vote due to lack of quorum. The other IRCC members will be contacted, and the results of the membership application will be sent out shortly.

It was also announced that the eir-ubottu integration testing has been going well. The plugin will be enabled in #ubuntu soon (announcement will precede this action).

Full Log:

The Ubuntu IRC Council is pleased to welcome Achim Behrens as the newest Ubuntu IRC Member.

Achim Behrens |

Achim has been doing some great work in the German support and offtopic IRC channels. He has advanced from giving support to serving as an operator to being asked to serve as a superop. We hope to see him continue with this great work, as he plays an essential role in keeping the channels running smoothly.

A transcript of the meeting where Achim was questioned is available, but the vote was done privately following the meeting (due to lack of quorum).

Other actions

IRCCouncil/TeamReports/11/July (last edited 2011-08-16 14:44:08 by cpc2-smal7-0-0-cust80)