Maverick Release Party Attendees
Number and Name are most important - other information is used to help people recognize attendees by means other than their names. Remember when you arrive to say you're part of the Ubuntu party.
Number |
Name |
Planned Arrival Time |
Wiki Page |
IRC nick |
Forums nick |
Note |
1. |
Michael Schultheiss |
Slightly before 7:00 PM |
schultmc |
schultmc |
I'll be wearing a Team T-shirt |
2. |
Jason Corfman |
sometime between 6 and midnight |
Corfy2 |
computers at corfyscorner dot com |
corfy |
corfy |
I'll may still be dressed up a bit from a wedding earlier in the day |
3. |
Gayle Corfman |
see Attendee #2 |
N/A |
mrscorfy at mrscorfyscubby dot com |
N/A |
N/A |
4&5. |
Simón and Sarah Ruiz |
Aiming for 6:59 |
SimonARuiz |
simon dot a dot ruiz at gmail dot com |
simon.a.ruiz |
Team T-Shirt! |
6. |
Mark C. Miller |
7ish |
N/A |
mr.mcmiller at |
eyore15 |
eyore15 |
Nothing impressive |
IndianaTeam/MaverickReleaseParty/AttendeeList (last edited 2010-10-23 16:20:06 by c-68-58-83-227)