
Indicator Tests

Manual testing for the indicators and dependencies


  • ido
  • dbusmenu
  • libindicate
  • libindicator
  • libappindicator
  • appmenu-gtk
  • indicator-appmenu
  • indicator-session
  • indicator-datetime
  • indicator-sound
  • indicator-application
  • indicator-messages

All packages require passing unit tests as well as manual tests. There are inter-dependencies to consider in testing, for example a dbusmenu release means we need to test the indicators and appmenu.

To test the indicators, you'll need libindicator3-tools installed.


Test by performing the following tests:

  • indicator-datetime
  • indicator-sound

Build the examples in the ido source, in the examples directory. Run ./menus and perform these tests:



Test by performing the following tests:

  • indicator-appmenu
  • indicator-session
  • indicator-datetime
  • indicator-sound
  • indicator-application
  • indicator-power


Test by performing the following tests:

  • indicator-appmenu
  • indicator-session
  • indicator-datetime
  • indicator-sound
  • indicator-application
  • indicator-power
  • libindicate


Test by performing the indicator-messages tests


Test by peforming the indicator-application tests


Test by performing the indicator-appmenu tests


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

  • Clicking on the File menu and verify the menu opens
  • Hold Alt and press "f", verify the menu opens

Test the HUD service with hud-cli:

  • Open a terminal and run echo "Open Terminal" | hud-cli

    • Confirm the top result is "File > Open Terminal"


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

  • Verify there are two menus, one for session management and one with
    • the logged in users name as the label
  • Users menu
    • Verify there is a Guest account menu item
    • Verify there are menu items for each user account on the system
    • Verify clicking on the Guest menu item starts a guest session
    • Verify the currently logged in account is identified with a check
    • User switching:
      • FIXME
  • Session menu
    • Lock screen, verify activating it locks the screen
    • Log out, verify activating it prompts you to Cancel or Log Out
    • Suspend, verify activating it performs a suspend
    • Shutdown, verify activating it prompts you to Restart, Cancel or Shut Down


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

  • Drag slider left and right, verify that it slides and stops where it
    • is released
  • With mouse over the slider, scroll mouse wheel and verify the slider moves
    • with scroll and stops when scrolling stops
  • Mute menu, verify it toggles once per click and state changes
  • Media controls:
    • Launcher, ensure rhythmbox isn't running, activate the Rhythmbox launcher
      • in the indicator and verify it starts rhythmbox
    • Raising rhythmbox, minimize rhythmbox and verify that activating the
      • Rhythmbox launcher in the indicator raises rhythmbox
    • Play/Pause, verify that clicking play/pause control toggles playback and
      • the icon state changes
    • Next/Prev, verify that clicking Next and Prev controls changes the song
      • in the proper direction
  • Playlists:
    • FIXME


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

Run found at FIXME

  • Verify the indicator loaded, look for the ubuntu logo
  • Menu items:
    • Navigate to the submenu and verify it is displayed
    • Check item, verify on toggle the check state appears to change and only changes once per toggle
    • Activate "Quit" in the menu and verify the indicator goes away


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

  • Power state
    • With power plugged in verify the icon is charging
    • Unplug power and verify the icon changes to discharging
    • Plug power in and verify the icon changes to charging
  • With power unplugged, toggle the "Show Time in Menu bar" menu item and verify
    • the time is displayed and hidden appropriately on toggle
  • Multiple batteries:
    • FIXME


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/

Run found at FIXME

  • Verify there are menus for "Test" in the messaging indicator
  • Verify there is a count of 10 next to "Messages"
  • Click on "Messages" and verify the count goes to 0
  • Verify there is a time (delta) next to the entry for "Bugs Bunny"
  • Verify draw-attention is set on the indicator
  • Click on the message from Bugs Bunny and verify draw-attention gets unset


Load the indicator:

/usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/6/


IndicatorTests (last edited 2012-02-09 17:54:42 by ken-vandine)