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Revision 25 as of 2006-05-20 15:24:30
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All links about installing Ubuntu [[TableOfContents]]

= Basic Installation =
 * HardwareSupport and SupportedArchitectures - Check if your hardware works with Ubuntu
 * GettingUbuntu - How to obtain the Install CD
 * BurningIsoHowto - Once you've obtained the CD image, burn it to CD with this guide
 * ["Installation/I386"] - Guide to the install process on Intel based computers
 * ["Installation/AMD64"] - Guide to the install process on AMD 64-bit computers
 * ["Installation/PowerPC"] - Guide to the install process of Power-PC (MAC) computers

= Advanced Installation Methods =
 * SmartBootManagerHowto - Installing from PC which will not boot from CD
 * ["Installation/FromKnoppix"] - If the Ubuntu installer lets you down
 * [:InstallFromDebianSargeCDHowto: InstallFromDebianSargeCDHowto] - When the only thing you have is a debian 3.0 CD set. <-- page doesn't exist
 * ["Installation/Netboot"] - Installing over the net, e.g. with no CDROM or non-bootable SCSI CDROM
 * ["Installation/FromWindows"] - Installing Ubuntu from Windows without using floppies, a CD, or any other removeable media.
 * ["Installation/FromUSBStick"] - Installing Ubuntu from an USB memory stick
 * ["Installation/OnNFSDrive"] - Installing on a NFS-server and using with diskless clients.
 * WartyUpgradeNotes - upgrading from pre-Release or Debian Woody to Warty Warthog
 * BootFromFirewireHardDisk - How to boot linux from a firewire hard disk.
 * VirtualMachines - Using Ubuntu with VMware and XEN
 * WindowsDualBootHowTo - install Ubuntu on the same hard drive as an existing Windows installation
 * ["Installation/LowMemorySystems"] - Install Ubuntu on older computers with low memory
 * FakeRaidHowto - How to install a ubuntu system on a bios raid
 * ["Installation/LVMOnRaid"] - Installing onto a Software RAID Array, with all partitions on RAID and LVM (including root and boot)
 * ["Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies"] - Installing Ubuntu without a CD drive or Network capapbilities
 * ["Installation/XubuntuDesktop"] - Installation of a full function desktop using Xubuntu as a base

= Related pages =
 * [:forum/installation/Partitioning:Partitioning] Safely split your hard drive into smaller parts
 * LowEndSystemSupport - Making the desktop interface snappier on machines without much memory

CategoryDocumentation CategoryCleanup


Basic Installation

  • HardwareSupport and SupportedArchitectures - Check if your hardware works with Ubuntu

  • GettingUbuntu - How to obtain the Install CD

  • BurningIsoHowto - Once you've obtained the CD image, burn it to CD with this guide

  • ["Installation/I386"] - Guide to the install process on Intel based computers
  • ["Installation/AMD64"] - Guide to the install process on AMD 64-bit computers
  • ["Installation/PowerPC"] - Guide to the install process of Power-PC (MAC) computers

Advanced Installation Methods

  • SmartBootManagerHowto - Installing from PC which will not boot from CD

  • ["Installation/FromKnoppix"] - If the Ubuntu installer lets you down
  • [:InstallFromDebianSargeCDHowto: InstallFromDebianSargeCDHowto] - When the only thing you have is a debian 3.0 CD set. <-- page doesn't exist

  • ["Installation/Netboot"] - Installing over the net, e.g. with no CDROM or non-bootable SCSI CDROM
  • ["Installation/FromWindows"] - Installing Ubuntu from Windows without using floppies, a CD, or any other removeable media.
  • ["Installation/FromUSBStick"] - Installing Ubuntu from an USB memory stick
  • ["Installation/OnNFSDrive"] - Installing on a NFS-server and using with diskless clients.
  • WartyUpgradeNotes - upgrading from pre-Release or Debian Woody to Warty Warthog

  • BootFromFirewireHardDisk - How to boot linux from a firewire hard disk.

  • VirtualMachines - Using Ubuntu with VMware and XEN

  • WindowsDualBootHowTo - install Ubuntu on the same hard drive as an existing Windows installation

  • ["Installation/LowMemorySystems"] - Install Ubuntu on older computers with low memory
  • FakeRaidHowto - How to install a ubuntu system on a bios raid

  • ["Installation/LVMOnRaid"] - Installing onto a Software RAID Array, with all partitions on RAID and LVM (including root and boot)
  • ["Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies"] - Installing Ubuntu without a CD drive or Network capapbilities
  • ["Installation/XubuntuDesktop"] - Installation of a full function desktop using Xubuntu as a base

Related pages

  • [:forum/installation/Partitioning:Partitioning] Safely split your hard drive into smaller parts

  • LowEndSystemSupport - Making the desktop interface snappier on machines without much memory

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Installation (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:06 by localhost)