The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting was held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday 16th September 2009, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode.
MootBot was used for keeping logs and minutes, it uses a different timezone, hence the times look wrong.
- ebel
- czajkowski
- lau1
- issyl0
- slashtom
- Mean-Machine
- Mean-Mac1ine
- fagan
Agenda item
Ubuntu-ie Booth @ OSSBarCamp
Release Party
MootBot link:
Meeting started by ebel at 14:03 14:08:40 Topic: Release Party 14:11:52 LINK czajkowski 14:17:35 VOTE Should we have the release party on Saturday 31st October 14:22:54 VOTE RESULT 4 for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Total: 4 14:38:35 Topic: Ubuntu-ie Booth @ OSSBarCamp 14:50:07 Topic: Ubuntu Global Jam 14:50:44 LINK czajkowski 14:55:03 ACTION ebel raise bug jam idea with tog community 14:55:12 ACTION ebel Mean-Machine to ask for global jam location on mailing list Meeting ended at 15:03. People Present: 1. ebel 2. czajkowski 3. ZachK18 4. lau1 5. issyl0 6. slashtom 7. Mean-Machine 8. Mean-Mac1ine 9. fagan
Any Other Business
The following topics were raised in the meeting
Agenda item
MootBot link:
Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:04:25] * ebel wonders if we'll get any more... decent enough crowd here as it is. [14:04:38] <czajkowski> heh [14:05:13] <ebel> Right well if you're here and being in the meeting, say "PRESENT" so we have an idea of who's here, please [14:05:14] <ebel> PRESENT [14:05:18] <czajkowski> PRESENT [14:05:18] <ZachK18> PRESENT [14:05:21] <lau1> present [14:05:41] <lau1> hope it's not case sensitive [14:05:54] * ZachK18 laughs at laul [14:06:30] <lau1> it's a one not a "l" [14:06:35] <ebel> :P [14:07:15] <czajkowski> ebel: perhaps start with my topic till mean-nachine arrives? [14:07:35] <ebel> yeah [14:07:44] <ebel> The wiki page for this meeting is here: [14:08:09] <ebel> When we announce a meeting, we create a wiki page and people can put topics on there that we're going to discuss [14:08:26] <ebel> Mean-Machine, who isn't here right now, had entered the first 2 topics, [14:08:33] <ebel> so we'll go onto the next one. [14:08:40] <ebel> [TOPIC] Release Party [14:08:53] <czajkowski> right so release is due soon for Karmic Koala [14:08:56] <ebel> which was added by czajkowski [14:08:57] <czajkowski> 28th October [14:09:04] <czajkowski> and I'm wondering what folks would like to do [14:09:10] <czajkowski> last time we went for a chinese buffet [14:09:12] <czajkowski> then drinks [14:09:18] <czajkowski> do folks want to do the same? [14:09:22] <czajkowski> or try something different [14:09:27] <czajkowski> but we need to start to plan this now [14:09:29] <czajkowski> thoughts? [14:10:02] <ebel> 28th October is a Wednesday [14:10:16] <ebel> that's when 9.10 (aka Karmic Koala) is out [14:10:57] <lau1> ok for me (chinese and a pint ;) ) [14:11:09] <ebel> we could do something on the wednesday or thursday or friday or saturday [14:11:52] <czajkowski> [link] [14:12:23] <ebel> that was jimmy chungs, right? [14:12:26] <lau1> no preferences for me (thursday not really good) [14:12:31] <czajkowski> ebel: aye [14:12:39] <czajkowski> aye mid week is kinda harder [14:12:42] <czajkowski> but i dont mind [14:12:52] <czajkowski> saturday is whenn a lottta folks do it [14:12:59] <ebel> yeah mid week isn't great IMO. [14:14:15] <czajkowski> would folks like to have a talk/demo ? [14:14:19] <czajkowski> then grub and pints? [14:14:44] <lau1> on the saturday [14:15:03] <czajkowski> lau1: aye? [14:15:09] <lau1> sure [14:15:11] <czajkowski> so maybe we vote saturday ? [14:15:12] <ebel> I don't think we've every done a saturday release party [14:15:16] <czajkowski> whos's in fav? [14:15:22] <ebel> it would be a good experiement [14:15:23] <czajkowski> ebel: aye last one was in jimmy chungs/ [14:15:29] <czajkowski> cant find my blog post [14:15:36] <ebel> hi issyl0, are you here for the IRC meeting/ [14:15:47] <czajkowski> issyl0: aloha [14:15:50] * ebel thinks saturday is a good idea [14:15:53] <czajkowski> issyl0: welcome [14:15:53] <issyl0> ebel, kinda, I came to see what was going on. :) [14:15:58] <czajkowski> ebel: vote? [14:16:15] <issyl0> czajkowski, thanks, I don't know what I'm doing here to be honest, I just saw your tweet and decided to join! [14:16:36] <ebel> we could vote.... but i think we've reached a consensus here. [14:16:40] <czajkowski> issyl0: you're more than welcime to join [14:17:03] <issyl0> czajkowski, considering I don't live in Ireland, that is puzzling, but thanks. :) [14:17:05] <ZachK18> may i [join]? [14:17:17] <czajkowski> ZachK18: of course [14:17:23] <ZachK18> sweet [14:17:28] <ZachK18> i meant the team [14:17:32] <ZachK18> wait nm [14:17:35] <ebel> [vote] Should we have the release party on Saturday 31st October [14:17:39] <czajkowski> issyl0: ZachK18 you cna join as many teams as you like [14:17:54] <ebel> +1 [14:17:56] <ZachK18> czajkowski, what's cna? [14:18:02] <czajkowski> ZachK18: CAN [14:18:02] <ZachK18> +1 [14:18:07] <ZachK18> oh thanks [14:18:35] <ebel> ZachK18: the Ubuntu Irish Team is open to everyone, we have no offical members. This meeting is open to everyone, so you can join in aswell [14:18:45] <lau1> +1 [14:18:49] <ZachK18> ebel, ah thanks [14:19:21] <ebel> So just say "+1" if you think we should have the release party on saturday, "-1" if you disagree, and "+0" if you don't care either way [14:19:41] <ZachK18> ebel, i already did [14:20:13] <slashtom> sorry, i'm late [14:20:35] <czajkowski> slashtom: aloha [14:21:40] <ebel> well most people are in favour of release party on saturday [14:21:45] <czajkowski> great [14:21:48] <slashtom> which saturday? [14:21:50] <czajkowski> so what do we want to do [14:22:08] <ebel> slashtom: october 31st. you're over here [14:22:14] <slashtom> +1 [14:22:19] <slashtom> :D [14:22:25] <czajkowski> slashtom: :D [14:22:54] <ebel> [endvote] [14:23:13] <ZachK18> well i think the for's have the vote [14:23:15] <ebel> By the way, the MootBot is a meeting bot we're using. more info here [14:23:29] <czajkowski> it's lovely, we do <3 MootBot [14:24:23] <ebel> Right, where'll we have it? [14:24:48] <ebel> ideas? The regular haunt (Longstone pub)? Buffet like last time? Some other restaurant? Some other pub? [14:24:49] <czajkowski> I'm still go say jimmy chungs and then a pub not necessariy mes maguires [14:25:26] <slashtom> is it going to be halloween themed? [14:25:42] <lau1> no drop bears ;) [14:26:12] <ebel> lau1: don't joke about them. [14:26:12] <czajkowski> slashtom: oh funky idea [14:26:26] <ebel> more info [14:26:32] * slashtom has never been to a halloween party [14:27:12] <ebel> hehehe [14:27:24] <czajkowski> wonder is there a holowwen party on that weekend we could join [14:27:30] <czajkowski> *holoween [14:27:45] <ebel> yeah, i worry that people might not come cause of parties on and so forth [14:27:56] <czajkowski> aye [14:28:10] <czajkowski> so maybe lunch and beers and ppl can stay on like last time [14:28:16] <czajkowski> who's in favour of chinese buffet? [14:28:23] <ZachK18> ME! [14:29:42] <ebel> czajkowski: lunch? you mean have it early at lunch time? [14:30:25] <slashtom> that could work [14:30:34] <czajkowski> aye [14:30:38] <czajkowski> say 1 pm [14:30:41] <czajkowski> or 2pm [14:30:57] <slashtom> um... not sure how early i can get ebel up :) [14:31:15] <czajkowski> slashtom: challenge for you [14:31:15] <lau1> no problem for me [14:31:28] * ebel can get up for lunchtime OK :P [14:32:48] <ebel> lunch is a good idea too [14:32:58] <czajkowski> right so 2pm jimmy chungs [14:32:58] <lau1> bait him with a bacon sarnie ;) [14:33:05] <slashtom> good idea [14:33:07] <ebel> sounds good :) [14:33:07] <czajkowski> and we can put it to the mailing list for a choice of bars to go to [14:33:11] <ebel> any comments? [14:33:15] <czajkowski> ^^ [14:33:22] <ZachK18> i don't comment [14:33:31] <czajkowski> fair enough [14:33:48] <Mean-Machine> eveninkz [14:34:20] * ZachK18 but i've had [14:34:20] <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: hi [14:34:29] <czajkowski> ZachK18: :) [14:35:16] <ebel> hey Mean-Machine [14:35:22] <ZachK18> czajkowski, my grandad gave it to me because i was sick....taking nyquil and said that's what it tasted like...he said i didn't know what i was talking about so naturally [14:35:27] <ebel> 2pm saturday, jimmy chungs? [14:35:33] <czajkowski> ebel: sounds like a plan [14:38:24] <ebel> right [14:38:27] <ebel> next up is from Mean-Machine [14:38:34] <ZachK18> well i'm out a here gentlemen [14:38:35] <ebel> [TOPIC] Ubuntu-ie Booth @ OSSBarCamp [14:38:43] <Mean-Machine> yes [14:38:59] <ZachK18> Thanks for having me all [14:39:18] <ebel> see ya ZachK18 [14:39:19] <czajkowski> ZachK18: you're welcome any time [14:39:24] <ZachK18> bye [14:39:46] <Mean-Mac1ine> so who is comming to ossbarcamp, and willing to spend a couple of hours at the ubuntu-ie booth/stand? [14:40:06] <ebel> Mean-Mac1ine: Well I'll be there, but I don't know how much time I'd be able to put into that [14:40:14] <czajkowski> I'd love to say yes, but honestlyk, I really wont have the time. [14:40:18] * Mean-Mac1ine has some ubuntu flyers and stickers [14:40:37] <Mean-Mac1ine> czajkowski: ure excused [14:40:39] <czajkowski> I think tdr112 said he would. but dont want to put him forward as he's not here [14:40:40] <lau1> sorry wedding I am not available [14:41:48] <Mean-Mac1ine> well, if we don't have at least 4 ppl to volunteer then there's no point in having a booth, as I'd also would like to see a few of the talks :P [14:42:00] <ebel> yeah, me too [14:43:07] <Mean-Mac1ine> fagan: how r ya? [14:43:29] <fagan> Sorry guys for being late network manager got messed up [14:43:34] <fagan> bad update [14:43:43] <fagan> just fixed it [14:43:49] <fagan> what did I miss [14:43:54] <Mean-Mac1ine> fagan: did u say u would do some time at the ubuntu-ie bstand @ ossbarcamp? [14:44:01] <fagan> yep [14:44:07] <fagan> no bother [14:44:16] <Mean-Mac1ine> cool [14:44:28] <fagan> anything else? [14:45:06] <Mean-Mac1ine> fagan: do u have a place to stay? [14:45:31] <fagan> Hmm dont know [14:45:48] <fagan> czajkowski: any floor space? [14:45:54] <Mean-Machine> fagan: u can stay at my place [14:45:56] <czajkowski> fagan: sorry full house [14:46:01] <fagan> oh cool [14:46:20] <Mean-Machine> which nite? [14:46:30] <fagan> sat [14:46:36] <Mean-Machine> no probs [14:47:20] <fagan> Its just so I can stay on a bit later. I had to go home really early last time [14:47:41] <Mean-Machine> fagan: no worries [14:47:51] <fagan> Thanks [14:47:58] <czajkowski> coolio [14:48:04] <ebel> cool [14:48:08] <Mean-Mac1ine> so I decided to do half day at the stand [14:48:46] <Mean-Mac1ine> we're having one, feck it [14:49:06] <Mean-Mac1ine> fagan and ebel will help out ;-] [14:49:12] <fagan> yep [14:49:27] <fagan> eye eye captain [14:49:28] <ebel> yeah i will a bit [14:49:54] <Mean-Mac1ine> next topic mr chairman please [14:50:07] <ebel> [topic] Ubuntu Global Jam [14:50:12] <ebel> from Mean-Mac1ine again [14:50:28] <Mean-Machine> here's some bad news... [14:50:41] <Mean-Machine> czajkowski: would u like to give an update? [14:50:44] <czajkowski> [link] [14:51:01] <czajkowski> yeah so DIT cannot hoold us for Saturyda 3&4th of cotober due to budget constraints [14:51:08] <czajkowski> so we need to find an alternative [14:51:10] <czajkowski> and FAST [14:51:17] <Mean-Machine> correct [14:51:18] <czajkowski> so I know someone mentioned UCD on mailing list [14:51:19] <czajkowski> I dont mind [14:51:22] <czajkowski> I also wont be here [14:51:28] <czajkowski> so just want to make sure it;s sorted [14:51:40] <Mean-Machine> can anyone remember who mentioned UCD? [14:51:55] <czajkowski> nope [14:51:59] <fagan> nope [14:52:01] <ebel> no... [14:52:44] <Mean-Machine> [Action] Mean-Machine to ask for global jam location on mailing list [14:53:09] * fagan doesnt know if ill be able to afford to go up but ill make sure to be on IRC all that day to help out if needed [14:53:29] <Mean-Machine> fagan: cool [14:54:07] <fagan> Id say you could get carlow IT if you wanted to hold it there [14:54:25] <fagan> but most people would prefer dublin [14:54:28] <ebel> :P [14:54:28] * Mean-Machine will also talk to TOG commitee [14:54:42] <ebel> yeah.. TOG could work [14:54:43] <ebel> as an open day [14:54:55] <fagan> Oh good idea [14:55:02] <Mean-Machine> ebel: yep, might just be 1 day tho [14:55:03] <ebel> [action] raise bug jam idea with tog community [14:55:12] <ebel> [Action] Mean-Machine to ask for global jam location on mailing list [14:56:13] <Mean-Machine> that's pretty much from me for today [14:56:33] <ebel> that sorta ends that topic [14:56:38] <czajkowski> oh [14:56:42] <ebel> is there anything anyone else wants to talk about? [14:56:42] <czajkowski> did you see the link I posted [14:56:45] <czajkowski> abotu how to report bugs [14:56:52] <Mean-Machine> any mailing list moderators here at the moment? [14:57:08] <Mean-Machine> czajkowski: yep, very good guides [14:57:48] <fagan> hmmm i could include that in my talk [14:58:27] <fagan> you know go to terminal and type sudo ubuntu-bug [14:58:32] <Mean-Machine> fagan: is ur talk ready and practiced 100 times yet? [14:58:44] <Mean-Machine> :P [14:58:46] <czajkowski> fagan: will you even turn up on time :p so much for 7pm for you [14:58:59] <fagan> Ha [14:59:17] <fagan> ill get the 7 train its early but not too bad [14:59:41] <czajkowski> hah [14:59:45] <Mean-Machine> ebel: what's your talk? [14:59:47] <czajkowski> who's gonna lay a bet he's gonna miss it [15:00:06] <Mean-Machine> czajkowski: btw, nice post on ubuntu NGO! [15:00:07] <fagan> well my talk is at 1 so even if I do make a hash of it I can still get up there before my talk [15:00:13] <ebel> Mean-Machine: my talk is on free culture with no internets :P [15:00:13] <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: thanks, 1 of many [15:00:22] <ebel> anyways, nothing else on the agenda? [15:00:30] <czajkowski> nope [15:00:31] <czajkowski> diddly [15:00:48] <Mean-Machine> noffin [15:00:56] <fagan> Oh any college students other than me around? [15:01:09] <fagan> I want to ask a question [15:02:10] <fagan> no takers? [15:02:14] * ebel isn't in college [15:02:20] <Mean-Machine> no students :P [15:02:20] <ebel> tdr is but he's not here now [15:02:20] <fagan> ill ask on the mailing list [15:02:22] * lau1 is old [15:03:27] <ebel> nothing else? [15:03:31] <ebel> #endmeeting Meeting ended.
Parent pages: IrishTeam/IRCMeetings IrishTeam