The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Tuesday 10th November 2009, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode.
MootBot was used for keeping minutes and logs of the meeting, and MootBot isn't set to Irish Time, so the times look 'wrong'
- ebel
- fagan
- daithif
- airurando
- slashtom
- tdr112
- lau1
- terran
- davem
Agenda item
Ubuntu Ireland twitter/identica account
Post release party debrief
UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit
Having other types of events
try and get the loco out of Dublin, an event somewhere else
MootBot link: http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-ie.20091110_1409.html
Meeting started by ebel at 14:09 14:15:41 Topic: Ubuntu Ireland twitter/identica account 14:16:25 LINK ebel http://identi.ca/ubuntuie 14:16:31 LINK ebel https://twitter.com/ubuntuie 14:25:31 LINK ebel http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=5771419554&ref=ts 14:34:51 Topic: Post release party debrief 14:36:14 LINK ebel http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/359447 some photos from czajkowski 14:36:25 LINK ebel http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1319568/in/album/359447 a very nice group shot of people who were there 14:46:15 Topic: Having other types of events 14:54:34 LINK tdr112 http://www.charlestownonice.ie/ 15:03:05 ACTION ebel tdr112 will investigate ice skating 15:04:17 Topic: UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit 15:06:34 Topic: try and get the loco out of Dublin, an event somewhere else 15:33:16 LINK ebel http://doodle.com/ a great easy site for organing schedules / polls etc 15:35:53 ACTION ebel ebel will look into some merchandice for an event Meeting ended at 15:40. People Present: 1. ebel 2. fagan 3. daithif 4. airurando 5. slashtom 6. tdr112 7. lau1 8. terran 9. davem
MootBot link: http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-ie.log.20091110_1409.html
Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:10:25] <ebel> I'm ebel and I'll be chairing this meetingf [14:10:37] <ebel> For the record, the wiki page for this meeting is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-11-10 [14:11:15] <ebel> Before every meeting we put up a wiki page like that that lists the agenda etc. [14:11:19] <ebel> everyone can put stuff on it. [14:11:38] <ebel> we're also using MootBot, which makes taking the minutes and logs nice and easy [14:11:54] <ebel> however it's in a strange timezone, so that's why it thinks it's 14:09ish now. [14:11:59] * fagan forgot about the meeting [14:12:18] <ebel> Please say PRESENT if you are here for the meeting and paying attention. [14:12:20] <ebel> PRESENT [14:12:28] <fagan> PRESENT [14:12:29] <daithif> PRESENT [14:12:31] <airurando> PRESENT [14:12:33] <slashtom> PRESENT [14:12:46] <fagan> czajkowski wake up :) [14:12:58] <ebel> IIRC czajkowski is on a phone call at the mo [14:13:06] <fagan> oh cool [14:13:10] <ebel> ;) [14:13:20] <ebel> I think tdr112 will be along in a little bit [14:13:22] <fagan> lets push on [14:13:54] <tdr112> PRESENT [14:14:32] <ebel> :) [14:14:51] <ebel> well initially tdr112 was gonna be goign first [14:15:00] <ebel> but he asked to change it around [14:15:08] <ebel> tdr112: do you wanna go now? do you have time? [14:15:23] <tdr112> go with you first ebel [14:15:41] <ebel> [topic] Ubuntu Ireland twitter/identica account [14:15:57] <fagan> +1 blind :) [14:16:04] <ebel> Just for the record I have set up an twitter and identica account for ubuntu ireland [14:16:09] <ebel> as another form of communication [14:16:15] <fagan> url? [14:16:22] <ebel> https://twitter.com/ubuntuie and http://identi.ca/ubuntuie [14:16:25] <ebel> [link] http://identi.ca/ubuntuie [14:16:27] <fagan> (please) [14:16:31] <ebel> [link] https://twitter.com/ubuntuie [14:17:13] * fagan follows [14:17:30] <ebel> Expect updates on that account [14:17:45] <ebel> myself, czajkowski, tdr112 and Mean-Machine have the power to update it at the moment [14:18:06] <ebel> soon we'll set up a twitter list thing to follow ubuntu ie members [14:18:24] * fagan was just going to suggest that [14:18:50] <ebel> oh wait i started setting that up https://twitter.com/ubuntuie/members [14:19:33] <ebel> but y'know we need more followers. [14:19:59] <ebel> any questions about it? [14:20:08] <fagan> I just followed both [14:20:11] <tdr112> what are we going to use it for [14:20:28] <ebel> tdr112: another form of communication for people who use twitter?P [14:20:46] <fagan> tdr112: we can update it with post from ubuntu-ie planet [14:20:54] <ebel> we have this channel, regular meetups, website and the mailing list used regularly [14:21:09] <ebel> there's also a web forum, we should use that more [14:21:37] <ebel> when applying to be an approved ubuntu loco we mentioned about spreading our communication [14:22:03] <tdr112> i would not like to see it become our main source of communication [14:22:26] <fagan> tdr112: thats not going to happen [14:22:29] <ebel> tdr112: I agree. [14:22:37] <fagan> No one wants that [14:23:08] <tdr112> also i would like to see it not being over used [14:23:13] <ebel> it should also be always publically visible without a twitter account, (i.e.: none of this 'protected tweets' thing), in my opinion [14:23:15] <tdr112> *not [14:23:45] <ebel> well twitter is usually updated more than once per day. :P [14:23:47] <tdr112> ebel: it should be open to be viewed by all [14:24:33] <ebel> tdr112: I agree. I think having it closed goes against how we've done things before and would be a step back [14:25:09] <ebel> but there are people who use twitter. [14:25:27] <ebel> that reminds me, someone (i dunno who) set up a facebook group [14:25:31] <ebel> http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=5771419554&ref=ts [14:25:33] <airurando> Could the twitter (and identi.ca) bio be expanded upon. Perhaps to encourage participation in ununtu-ie? [14:26:20] <ebel> airurando: oh? got a suggestion? I'll put it in there... [14:28:49] <airurando> Ubuntu-ie LoCo Team. All users of Ubuntu and open source Software welcome to join (or something along those lines). [14:29:17] <fagan> there is a bebo thing too [14:29:46] <fagan> I have to go ill be on in 10 [14:30:36] <ebel> anything else about twitter/dent? [14:31:06] <tdr112> noting sould be put on it that does not go out on the web site or mail list [14:31:21] <tdr112> i.e for users who dont like twitter [14:31:50] <ebel> well we'll never get full coverage. Not everything on this irc channel goes onto website and/or mailing list [14:32:02] <ebel> but yes, important things [14:32:16] <ebel> i think [14:32:21] <tdr112> good [14:33:35] <ebel> airurando: that sounds like a good bio. i'll put that up [14:33:55] <ebel> i think there's a space limit, dunno what it is, if it fits, it'll go up [14:34:22] <ebel> ok [14:34:30] <ebel> nothing else? [14:34:51] <ebel> [topic] Post release party debrief [14:35:33] <ebel> we had a release party 31st october [14:35:42] <ebel> for the new ubuntu release, karmic koala. [14:35:59] <ebel> we went to jimmy chungs for lunch, then went to the karma bar [14:36:04] <ebel> there was a very good turn out [14:36:08] <slashtom> thank you to cztab for her work, it was great craic [14:36:14] <ebel> http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/359447 some photos from czajkowski [14:36:25] <ebel> http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1319568/in/album/359447 a very nice group shot of people who were there [14:36:37] <ebel> big thanks to everyone who turned out, it's great to have a good crowd. [14:36:48] <tdr112> i have a question about the time of the event [14:36:55] <ebel> oh? [14:36:56] <tdr112> was it too early [14:37:15] <tdr112> what do people think [14:37:24] <slashtom> perfect timing for lunch [14:37:29] <ebel> (for the record we met up at jimmy chungs at 1pm - 1:30pm and were at karma for about 4pm) [14:37:56] <ebel> it was good for lunch time [14:37:58] <slashtom> being halloween, we didn't want to schedule for evening [14:38:05] <ebel> although people were dripping in until about 1:30 or 2ish [14:38:12] <lau1> fine for me had friends at dinner [14:38:24] <ebel> most were there by about 1:30 [14:38:48] <slashtom> normally i think evening would be better, however it did go well [14:38:53] <lau1> PRESENT [14:39:00] <ebel> 'ello lau1 :P [14:39:06] <tdr112> i just think it was a long day in the pub [14:39:08] <lau1> bit late [14:39:29] <slashtom> tdr112 we did stay late [14:39:29] <ebel> yeah it was good for lunch time [14:39:33] <slashtom> yes, i agree [14:39:43] <ebel> i suppose it did drag into a long evening in the pub... [14:39:51] <ebel> twas a bit early to be hitting the pub IMO [14:40:08] <slashtom> especially as the pub was closed [14:40:19] <airurando> It was a long day but I was glad that a good group of you were still there when I got off work that evening [14:40:20] <ebel> yes, they had to open the pub for us ;) [14:40:38] <ebel> yeah airurando didn't show up till about 6 or 7ish [14:40:44] <lau1> I like an opening :) [14:41:01] <airurando> 7:15:-[ [14:41:46] <ebel> i suppose people have the habit of going for a drink afterwards [14:41:55] <ebel> and it was nice to have variety [14:42:01] <slashtom> tbh, i do prefer events to start in the evening (except for geeknics) [14:42:17] <ebel> go for lunch instead of just another pub meet. [14:42:19] <slashtom> true [14:42:27] <slashtom> but we could do dinner then pub [14:42:34] <tdr112> i would think it would be nice to go for dinner (5pm) then drinks [14:42:58] <slashtom> given that it was halloween and people had plans, lunch was probably the best plan [14:43:42] <tdr112> your right slashtom as it was halloween it was good to have it early [14:44:48] <ebel> yeah 5pm dinner would prevent it from dragging into 8 hours in the pub type event [14:45:20] <tdr112> and would not run out of stuff to talk about [14:45:55] <tdr112> a few drinks in ebel and he is all talk :P [14:46:02] <slashtom> lol [14:46:04] <ebel> which sorta brings us to your point tdr112 [14:46:15] <ebel> [topic] Having other types of events [14:46:51] <tdr112> I would like to see other stuff than just pub events [14:47:12] <ebel> sounds good [14:47:13] <slashtom> wrong time of year for geeknics, so any other suggests? [14:47:22] <slashtom> suggestions* [14:47:32] <tdr112> someone said a table quiz , [14:47:36] <ebel> aye winter is upon us, no more picnics for a while.. [14:47:41] <lau1> freeznik ;) [14:47:57] <ebel> it would be fun to have another local bug jam [14:48:24] <tdr112> another bug jam would need a lot of work [14:49:00] <ebel> table quiz could be fun, but they're mostly in pubs :P [14:49:00] <lau1> enough irish speakers for a translation jam ? [14:49:30] <tdr112> after going to the last two , without any what out any structure in place a bug jam is kind of a waste of time [14:49:40] <airurando> introduction/help for new users ? [14:50:11] <ebel> tdr112: yeah you gotta be careful with bug jams... [14:50:23] <tdr112> yep , people need help to know what to do , at the moment you just turn up and thats it [14:51:01] <slashtom> how about something non-tech, visit somewhere... be tourists in your own city [14:51:08] <slashtom> as a group [14:51:30] <lau1> dressed as penguins ;) [14:51:31] <slashtom> social visit to a museum or something of interest? [14:51:36] <airurando> sessions where people can learn would be popular I think. [14:51:44] <ebel> or something even a bit techy, science-y [14:51:55] <ebel> or even going to the cinema, then some food after [14:52:11] <tdr112> these are all great ideas [14:52:24] <airurando> iceskating [14:52:34] <slashtom> could work [14:52:44] <ebel> oh nice [14:52:47] * tdr112 likes iceskating [14:53:07] <ebel> me too :)P [14:53:17] <ebel> right so we need to go iceskating :) [14:53:56] <slashtom> followed by food [14:53:57] <ebel> hasn't started yet has it? [14:54:03] <ebel> (the ice skating?) [14:54:03] <lau1> I don't have knees left for that :'( [14:54:22] <airurando> don't think so [14:54:33] <lau1> december no ? [14:54:34] <tdr112> http://www.charlestownonice.ie/ [14:54:42] <tdr112> its open all the time [14:54:46] <ebel> oh [14:55:40] <ebel> nice [14:55:41] <ebel> :) [14:56:00] <lau1> I might put my kneebraces and have a go anyway [14:56:36] <ebel> :) [14:56:40] <ebel> right we'll have to do that then [14:58:16] <ebel> does anyone wanna organise any event? pub quiz? cinema? ice skating? etc? [14:58:30] <tdr112> everyone hides [14:58:40] <ebel> :P [14:58:59] <ebel> always the way :0 [14:59:10] <ebel> tdr112: that ice rink is up near where you hail from, right? [14:59:24] <ebel> wanna find out the prices / how to get there from town / when it's open? [14:59:53] <tdr112> ok i will get all the intel and put it on the mail list [14:59:54] <ebel> then send an email to the list about it, see if people wanna go, use something like doodle to select a saturday, etc [15:00:02] <airurando> should you not look for opinion via one of those online poles you do first. Get the wider community discussing it first to maximise attendance. [15:00:23] <airurando> sorry ebel [15:00:33] <ebel> airurando: good idea. [15:00:52] <ebel> there's nothing special about 'ubuntu events' [15:01:15] <ebel> it's just a pile of people with common interest and respecting the code of coduct, and doing something together [15:03:05] <ebel> [action] tdr112 will investigate ice skating [15:04:17] <ebel> [topic] UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit [15:04:36] <ebel> this is just a reminder that the ubuntu developer summit is on soon in america [15:05:02] <ebel> both czajkowski and fagan got sponsored by canonical to fly to dallas and go to it [15:05:30] <ebel> hope they have a good time, learn a lot, and spread the word of our loco [15:05:38] <ebel> etc :) [15:05:48] <tdr112> good luck to both of them [15:05:53] <slashtom> yep, hope it goes well! [15:06:00] <airurando> ditto [15:06:27] <ebel> :) [15:06:34] <ebel> [topic] try and get the loco out of Dublin, an event somewhere else [15:06:39] <ebel> suggested by tdr112 [15:07:05] <tdr112> ok it looks to me that this is a dublin loco and not an ireland loco [15:08:18] <tdr112> i way to get more people into ubuntu out side dublin is by trying to have an event oudside dublin [15:08:30] * ebel nods [15:08:40] <lau1> Well who is outside Co.dublin ? [15:08:54] <ebel> fagan is in carlow IIRC, but he's offline at the mo [15:09:06] <ebel> i remember someone from galway popping up... [15:09:14] <airurando> airurando is in Co Kildare [15:09:15] <lau1> It might be better to start where we have someone on the grounf [15:09:15] <slashtom> what about involving the computer societies at limerick and elsewhere? [15:09:18] <ebel> czajkowski might know some limerick people [15:09:49] <lau1> quan on parle du loup ;) [15:10:17] <ebel> fagan: we were just suggesting having non-dublin events [15:10:17] <terran> You'd get a good crowd in Limerick [15:10:19] <terran> almost all of Skynet are Ubuntu users [15:10:32] <fagan> ebel: +1 [15:10:38] <ebel> Well someone could start off small. Just call a PotD. meet up in a pub, just talk to new people who turn up [15:10:49] <ebel> terran: your from limerick, right? [15:11:00] <terran> ebel: yes, living in Galway now though [15:11:03] <tdr112> the loco should try and help people start these [15:11:31] <slashtom> how about one in Galway? [15:11:45] <airurando> Important for the Dublin based group to participate initially in such events. [15:11:58] <ebel> a road trip? [15:12:00] <ebel> :) [15:12:10] <ebel> yeah I agree the loco should help. [15:12:22] <terran> NUIG has a computer society but I'm not involved in it yet [15:12:55] <slashtom> it's a good place to start [15:12:56] <tdr112> airurando: yep help make up the numbers at one or two events to try and get them going [15:13:10] <ebel> how can the loco help? [15:13:37] <airurando> terran: do you know if ubuntu is widely used by students in NUIG? [15:13:46] <slashtom> creating groups in other cities, then coming together for events could be one way to make it a 'Irish' loco [15:14:03] <lau1> yep [15:14:04] <ebel> it can be a bit scary if it's just you running an event and you're sitting in a pub alone waiting for randomers to come up and say hi [15:14:08] <terran> airurando: I don't. I would imagine it wouldn't have the same presence as it does in Limerick [15:14:15] <terran> I think Limerick is the best bet for an event outside of Dublin [15:14:19] <airurando> tdr112: exactly 'critical mass' [15:14:38] <ebel> yeah, but even if there's 4 of you chatting, then you've made 3 new friends [15:15:05] <tdr112> the more people that are at an event the more likey people will turn up [15:15:24] <fagan> And if they are local you could have regular meetups [15:15:38] <ebel> yeah [15:15:49] <airurando> terran: no pressure but could you contact the computer soc and get their views on having an Ubuntu event? [15:15:49] <ebel> all you need is regular meet ups, and hey presto you're a community [15:16:09] <terran> airurando: in NUIG or UL? [15:16:39] <airurando> terran: I agree with the suggestion that limerick would be a good place to start. [15:16:42] <fagan> the computer soc in Carlow IT consists of people who dont use free software they are all games development nerds [15:16:59] <terran> fagan: as far as I've been told, NUIG compsoc is the same [15:17:02] <terran> more of a gaming soc [15:17:05] <fagan> But if we wanted to have a talk or something my college would probably do it [15:17:19] <tdr112> a compsoc is a great place to start but we want other people too [15:17:22] <fagan> Im fairly bad at talks though [15:17:36] <ebel> yeah [15:17:49] <fagan> tdr112: maybe we could just start a LUG in the colleges [15:17:57] <fagan> Even if its small it would be kinda cool [15:18:05] <terran> airurando: I'll sort something with skynet, they'd be well up for it, it might get some of the new younger members more involved in the wider commnity [15:18:09] <terran> *community [15:18:15] <fagan> I know I could get like 5 members in my college [15:18:53] <ebel> fagan: so you could have a meet up, even a pub meet, or lunch or caf� meet in your college? [15:19:02] <ebel> even if there's 5 people there, that's a win [15:19:22] <airurando> terran: maybe even get so guys from Galway down to limerick for the first one? [15:19:30] <terran> yeah [15:19:31] <fagan> I dont know anybody myself but I do know some of the international students use ubuntu [15:19:35] <terran> we've done that before [15:19:49] <fagan> I saw a few ubuntu stickers about [15:20:09] <tdr112> fagan: put up a poster [15:20:13] <ebel> fagan: put up a few signs, post to boards.ie, local web forum, mailing list etc :0 [15:20:21] <ebel> colleges are normally fine with putting up posters. [15:20:32] <terran> I just mentioned the idea in skynet's IRC channel and the vibes are good [15:20:48] <ebel> terran: they can come in here! :) [15:20:57] <lau1> drive to limerick then ;) [15:21:10] <terran> ebel: a good few of them are! [15:21:10] <ebel> let's get this ball rolling. skynet seem like a compsoc with their heads screwed on [15:21:57] <slashtom> has skynet got a point of contact? [15:22:06] <terran> slashtom: well there's loads of us in here [15:22:08] <terran> in fact [15:22:13] <terran> davem is in here I believe [15:22:21] <terran> and he's the current Skynet president [15:22:38] <slashtom> perfect [15:22:38] <terran> and there's me, I'm intersocs officer [15:22:49] <terran> and czajkowski is ex-president [15:22:52] <airurando> czajkowski would want to be involved in this discussion. [15:23:21] <ebel> nice :) [15:24:13] <fagan> is the meeting over yet? [15:24:20] <terran> what time should this event take place, and should it just be drinks or what? [15:24:25] <terran> or a talk and drinks? [15:24:35] <ebel> terran: *shrug* it's up to who ever wants to organise it, i suppose [15:25:33] <terran> Okay right now I'm thinking talk with some Ubuntu merchandise to hand out followed by drinks and finger food in one of the campus Bars [15:26:12] <airurando> I think a talk would be important to introduce the guys to ubuntu-ie. [15:26:31] <airurando> terran: I totally agree with your suggestion. [15:26:36] <ebel> terran: nice :) [15:26:44] <ebel> we might be able to get some merchandice [15:26:57] <tdr112> terran: what day would you be thinking of having it [15:26:58] <ebel> i think czajkowski has applied for a pack for karmic [15:27:16] <tdr112> midweek or the weekend ? [15:27:19] <ebel> since dublin has an established community, we should donate this gear to the non-dublin peeps [15:27:33] <davem> terran: who wants me? -_- [15:27:59] <terran> tdr112: well, midweek would probably suit people that are actually in UL, weekend would suit me, and possibly Dublin people [15:28:02] <tdr112> and we had the last pack [15:28:21] <ebel> davem: we're talking about having an ubuntu-ie event outside dublin and limerick / skynet was suggested [15:28:30] <terran> davem: we're discussing the possibility of a skynet-backed Ubuntu-ie event in Limerick [15:28:37] <slashtom> the event should be posted to the usual ubuntu-ie places, hopefully get a few people brought in from elsewhere including from dublin [15:30:28] <terran> I think Thursday night if we're to have it during the week, Saturday night if a weekend [15:31:00] <terran> Next thing is, should it be before Christmas? Or in Jan? [15:31:20] <fagan> Crimbo isnt a good time for most people [15:31:28] <tdr112> terran: are you exams before or after xmas [15:31:49] * fagan gets no crimbo exams :D [15:31:56] <terran> tdr112: UL and NUIG are both before Christmas [15:32:24] <ebel> sounds like postxmas makes more sense then [15:32:35] <ebel> IIRC most of UCD is exams before xmas [15:32:47] <tdr112> mine are after :( [15:32:48] <slashtom> doodle! [15:33:16] <ebel> http://doodle.com/ a great easy site for organing schedules / polls etc [15:33:17] <terran> Yeah I think early-mid Jan [15:33:38] <tdr112> sounds good [15:33:38] <airurando> These topics of alternative meetups in Dublin and meetups across the country have generated a great response. Should there be an extra IRC session to discuss ideas further? [15:34:00] <terran> Yes [15:34:02] <ebel> yeah [15:34:22] <ebel> I'd like to see country wide events become just another kind of event we run [15:34:34] <ebel> and just as regular as our current dublin based events [15:35:32] <terran> I would also like this [15:35:42] <ebel> i'll look into getting some merchandice [15:35:49] <terran> and I'd like to make it to some of the Dublin based ones at some point :p [15:35:53] <ebel> [action] ebel will look into some merchandice for an event [15:36:00] <terran> Try not having them on Halloween :) [15:36:13] <airurando> thanks to tdr112 for tabling the topics:-D [15:36:31] <tdr112> no prob [15:36:33] <ebel> terran: do you wanna be the 'go to person' for this idea? [15:36:50] <terran> ebel: the Limerick event idea? Absolutely [15:36:59] <ebel> nice [15:37:11] <ebel> how are you at organising it, considering you're in galway... [15:38:09] <terran> Won't be a problem, I'm in constant contact with the skynet committee and used to organising events all over the place for intersocs [15:38:17] <ebel> we'll include this in the next meeting. [15:38:22] <airurando> good start:) [15:38:35] <ebel> yeah [15:39:08] <ebel> that's all on the agenda [15:39:14] <ebel> any other business? [15:39:49] <fagan> nope [15:39:54] * fagan needs tea [15:40:02] <ebel> nope [15:40:31] <ebel> cool that's it [15:40:31] <ebel> #endmeeting Meeting ended.
Any Other Business
The following topics were raised in the meeting
Agenda item
Parent pages: IrishTeam/IRCMeetings IrishTeam
IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-11-10 (last edited 2009-12-01 00:14:47 by 79)