The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 17th February 2010, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode.
MootBot was used to keep minutes and logs. Minutes. Logs.
- ebel
- lau1
- airurando
- slashtom
- czajkowski
Agenda item
Dublin people going to Limerick event?
Free Jam
please add
please add
14:06:23 LINK ebel 14:06:27 LINK ebel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-02-17 14:07:19 Topic: FOSDEM 14:09:21 LINK czajkowski http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/02/06/ubuntu-at-fosdem/ 14:09:31 LINK czajkowski http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/02/08/my-weekend-at-fosdem/ 14:09:52 LINK ebel http://fosdem.org/2010/ 14:12:52 Topic: Dublin people going to Limerick event? 14:20:39 LINK ebel http://maps.cloudmade.com/?lat=52.668185&lng=-8.582854&zoom=15&directions=52.67265451804871,-8.570977449417114,52.66422892435329,-8.58607292175293&travel=foot&styleId=1&opened_tab=1 14:22:46 LINK ebel http://maps.cloudmade.com/?lat=52.667821&lng=-8.58294&zoom=15&directions=52.67265451804871,-8.570977449417114,52.667654660938666,-8.576379418373108,52.66422892435329,-8.58607292175293&travel=foot&styleId=1&opened_tab=1 14:24:42 AGREED ebel Travellodge is 'offical' hotel for the skynet talks 14:25:00 Topic: Free Jam from czajkowski 14:30:49 LINK lau1 http://desinterets.wordpress.com/talk-globaljam/ 14:32:21 LINK airurando http://etherpad.com/4hV6CeXWyK 14:41:00 Topic: Banner 14:43:23 LINK ebel https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ie-loco-roadmap/+spec/loco-banner 14:44:38 LINK ebel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Roadmaps/Lucid?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntu-ie-banner.svg 14:55:24 ACTION ebel someone should email declan on the mailing list about this 14:55:49 ACTION ebel ebel will email declan on mailing list about banner suggestions 14:59:06 Topic: Any other business? 14:59:33 Topic: OSSBarCamp 15:00:15 LINK ebel 15:00:19 LINK ebel http://www.facebook.com/ossbarcamp 15:00:24 LINK ebel http://twitter.com/ossbarcamp 15:07:50 Topic: Any other business? 15:13:30 Topic: communication methods 15:13:55 ACTION ebel ebel will make a list of different means of communication (wiki, fora, etc.) 15:16:30 Topic: Any other business?
Any Other Business
The following topics were raised in the meeting
Agenda item
Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:06:03] <ebel> Please say PRESENT if you are here and attending the meeting? [14:06:04] <ebel> PRESENT [14:06:09] <lau1> PRESENT [14:06:14] <airurando> PRESENT [14:06:19] <ebel> The Agenda for this meeting is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-02-17 [14:06:23] <ebel> [link] [14:06:27] <ebel> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-02-17 [14:06:45] <slashtom> PRESENT [14:06:59] * ebel assumes czajkowski is having connectivity problems. :P [14:07:19] <ebel> [TOPIC] FOSDEM [14:07:27] <ebel> I submitted this topic [14:07:45] <ebel> I was just wondering how the people who went got on. [14:08:01] <czajkowski> PRESENT [14:08:08] <czajkowski> sorry net is woeful [14:08:12] <ebel> (For those that don't know FOSDEM is an annual FLOSS event in Brussels, it was on 6th/7th Feb) [14:08:34] <ebel> so czajkowski, how was FOSDEM? ANyone else go? [14:08:51] <czajkowski> yup it was great [14:08:55] <czajkowski> there were 6 of us there [14:09:05] <czajkowski> myself declan, julie, jamie, patrick [14:09:08] <czajkowski> and alan [14:09:21] <czajkowski> http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/02/06/ubuntu-at-fosdem/ [14:09:31] <czajkowski> http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/02/08/my-weekend-at-fosdem/ [14:09:52] <ebel> http://fosdem.org/2010/ [14:09:54] <czajkowski> it's a great weekend and we went for dinner with ubutnu LoCos from all over the palce [14:09:57] <czajkowski> *place [14:10:10] <ebel> cool [14:11:12] <ebel> I went in 2009, it's was great fun. [14:12:27] <czajkowski> i'd recommend folks go if they can next year [14:12:27] <ebel> Anyways, next topic [14:12:52] <ebel> [topic] Dublin people going to Limerick event? [14:12:54] <ebel> from me [14:13:01] * slashtom is going [14:13:12] <slashtom> what's the name for it? [14:13:18] <ebel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Events/February-2010-Talks [14:13:33] <czajkowski> slashtom: ubuntu ireland and skynet [14:13:39] <slashtom> grand [14:13:56] <ebel> there will be a series of talks in UL (Universirty of Limerick) on FLOSS stuff on Saturday 27th February [14:14:24] <ebel> czajkowski, davem, terran_ know more than me about it (did I miss anyone?) [14:14:34] <slashtom> there is no time on that page [14:14:34] <czajkowski> MootBot: [14:14:38] <czajkowski> moonpie: [14:14:39] <czajkowski> :) [14:14:55] <ebel> tdr112 (who's not here now) and robfitz are getting a lift down with me. [14:14:59] <airurando> slashtom: I thought the time was listed at the bottom [14:15:26] <slashtom> no, that's the accommodation [14:15:27] <ebel> I'm just wondering if people are staying over on Saturday night, or what? Anything planned for after the event? [14:15:29] <airurando> right after the map [14:15:39] <ebel> Anyone going? Anyone willing to give lifts? [14:15:50] <czajkowski> moonpie: ping [14:16:01] <czajkowski> ther is some drinks and food on aftweard [14:16:04] <czajkowski> *afterwards [14:16:09] <slashtom> ah yes airurando, it's formatting issues [14:16:12] <czajkowski> students are coming from redbrick - dcu and galway [14:16:18] <slashtom> appears to the right side of the map [14:16:21] <ebel> tdr112 says you can get a twin room in the local Travellodge for ?44 IIRC But you have to book before 7 days in advance [14:16:29] * airurando is going but Ill be leaving from kildare [14:18:33] <ebel> right, well I think me and slashtom will be staying over. tdr112 and robfitz aswell. [14:18:43] <ebel> we'll go for the travellodge [14:19:15] <ebel> so if other people are staying over, we could make that the 'conference hotel' [14:19:58] <ebel> as far as I know, it's quite close to UL. [14:20:39] <ebel> http://maps.cloudmade.com/?lat=52.668185&lng=-8.582854&zoom=15&directions=52.67265451804871,-8.570977449417114,52.66422892435329,-8.58607292175293&travel=foot&styleId=1&opened_tab=1 [14:20:46] <ebel> how to get from UL to the hotel [14:21:26] <ebel> Sound like a good idea? thoughts? ideas? comments? questions? approvals? criticisms? [14:21:58] <slashtom> is there a coffee shop nearby? [14:22:25] <czajkowski> where;s mean-machine [14:22:41] <airurando> Sounds like a good idea to me. Suggest getting the idea out to the skynet organisers and mailing list. [14:22:43] <ebel> slashtom: yes there is http://maps.cloudmade.com/?lat=52.667821&lng=-8.58294&zoom=15&directions=52.67265451804871,-8.570977449417114,52.667654660938666,-8.576379418373108,52.66422892435329,-8.58607292175293&travel=foot&styleId=1&opened_tab=1 [14:22:45] <czajkowski> slashtom: pub on campus searves coffee [14:22:46] <ebel> [link] http://maps.cloudmade.com/?lat=52.667821&lng=-8.58294&zoom=15&directions=52.67265451804871,-8.570977449417114,52.667654660938666,-8.576379418373108,52.66422892435329,-8.58607292175293&travel=foot&styleId=1&opened_tab=1 [14:22:55] <czajkowski> near hotels petrol stations [14:24:42] <ebel> [agreed] Travellodge is 'offical' hotel for the skynet talks [14:25:00] <ebel> [topic] Free Jam from czajkowski [14:25:35] <czajkowski> ah yes [14:25:42] <czajkowski> well firstly - Name change OPEN JAM [14:25:47] <czajkowski> march 27 and 28th [14:25:56] <czajkowski> in conjunection with global jam I want to invite [14:26:12] <czajkowski> php python, halo labs, ruby ireland, al.net [14:26:26] <czajkowski> all groups who want to do stuff to work on their projects collectively [14:26:30] <czajkowski> and we can have some demos [14:26:36] <czajkowski> and lighnetning talk at the same time [14:26:48] <czajkowski> at the same time as this is going onn we can work on ubuntu stuff also [14:27:07] <czajkowski> I'm working on a venue right now, but what I will need is everyone spreading the work and come up with ways to get folks on board [14:27:12] <czajkowski> Questions? [14:27:30] <lau1> yes [14:28:02] <ebel> sounds good [14:28:07] <lau1> But as venue is not decided mine can wait [14:28:31] <ebel> what sort of format? Talks? misc hacking? what's the layout? [14:28:41] <ebel> Or is there no plan yet? :) [14:30:16] <lau1> I hav e plan for translation talk hoping for feedback [14:30:22] <lau1> plan is at [14:30:49] <lau1> [link] http://desinterets.wordpress.com/talk-globaljam/ [14:30:51] <czajkowski> ebel: have it somewhat laod out [14:30:54] <czajkowski> *laid [14:30:58] <czajkowski> structuered [14:31:09] <czajkowski> I had an etherpad link but my connection is rather flakey [14:31:21] <czajkowski> bascically 10-10:30 explain how to log into lp, create ssh keys [14:31:24] <czajkowski> work on areas [14:31:34] <czajkowski> break the day down into things we can workon [14:31:40] <czajkowski> work in areas in groups [14:31:50] <czajkowski> at times we can run lightning sessions [14:32:03] <czajkowski> where people can stand up and possibly talk on soething for 3-5 mins [14:32:11] <czajkowski> and it'd be great to get the other teams invovled [14:32:19] <ebel> ok [14:32:21] <airurando> http://etherpad.com/4hV6CeXWyK [14:32:24] <czajkowski> I'm working with 2 people from ruby ireland on this [14:33:13] <ebel> cool [14:34:38] <ebel> sounds good [14:35:14] <czajkowski> any ideas? [14:35:51] <ebel> not at the moment.... [14:36:16] <airurando> I liked the idea of the buddy system. [14:36:26] <czajkowski> cool [14:36:30] <airurando> Want to be useful at the event [14:36:39] <ebel> buddy system? [14:36:54] <airurando> I think the open jam should be promoted in limerick [14:37:14] <czajkowski> ebel: breaking folks into groups to work on ares [14:37:24] <czajkowski> airurando: I hope to have something up shortly on it [14:38:21] <ebel> cool [14:38:33] <ebel> yeah breaking into groups is a good idea. [14:39:45] <czajkowski> cool [14:39:53] <czajkowski> any other ideas just poke me re it [14:40:09] <ebel> :) [14:41:00] <ebel> [topic] Banner [14:41:03] <ebel> from czajkowski [14:41:31] <czajkowski> aye [14:41:37] <czajkowski> so veronica has done up a banner [14:41:48] <czajkowski> its been added to the roadmap wiki page [14:41:54] <czajkowski> we just need content/words [14:41:56] <czajkowski> any ideas [14:43:09] <airurando> Keep it simple. Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Team [14:43:13] <ebel> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ie-loco-roadmap/+spec/loco-banner [14:43:23] <ebel> [link] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ie-loco-roadmap/+spec/loco-banner [14:44:38] <ebel> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Roadmaps/Lucid?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntu-ie-banner.svg [14:44:41] <ebel> this must be in [14:44:43] <ebel> *it [14:44:56] <ebel> but it's in a SVG format, so might not work if you open it in your browser [14:45:03] * ebel hasn't looked at it. [14:46:05] <airurando> possibly add a short snappy definition of ubuntu linux [14:46:31] * airurando wasn't able to look at it even after downloading. [14:46:59] <lau1> inkscape is fine [14:50:25] <airurando> lau1: Thanks, I can see it now. [14:50:53] <lau1> no worries I had trouble with default viewer [14:52:40] <airurando> it's very nice. Not sure if this was previously discussed but was decision taken not to include Kubuntu and Xubuntu icons? [14:53:22] <airurando> What do people think of adding say website, wiki address, mailing list details etc... [14:53:59] <ebel> we should add something [14:54:06] * ebel managed to open it in inkscape [14:54:15] <ebel> we should add something for contact details [14:54:19] <czajkowski> how about www.ubuntu-ie.org ?? [14:54:26] <lau1> I would say only website to have it as simple as possible (the others can be picked from there ) [14:54:30] <ebel> yeah, website, sounds good [14:54:43] <airurando> yeah I agree keeps it simple [14:54:49] <czajkowski> oke [14:54:53] <ebel> yeah [14:55:08] <czajkowski> can soemone action someone to mail declan back on the mailing list with this info [14:55:21] <czajkowski> have to log off before I kill my pc for lack of net [14:55:24] <ebel> [action] someone should email declan on the mailing list about this [14:55:34] <ebel> ah i'll do it [14:55:49] <ebel> [action] ebel will email declan on mailing list about banner suggestions [14:57:15] <ebel> anything else on the banner? [14:57:20] <ebel> or are we done with the banner? [14:58:07] <airurando> I've nothing to add [14:58:08] <lau1> i am [14:59:06] <ebel> [topic] Any other business? [14:59:16] <ebel> Anyone got anything else they'd like to talk about? [14:59:24] <czajkowski> ossbarcamp april 17th [14:59:33] <ebel> [topic] OSSBarCamp [14:59:49] <czajkowski> just to confirm we are running one in april [14:59:52] <czajkowski> lpi exams again [15:00:10] <czajkowski> I'l be looking for ideas and voluneers [15:00:15] <ebel> [link] [15:00:17] <czajkowski> drop info@ossbarcamp.com [15:00:19] <ebel> [link] http://www.facebook.com/ossbarcamp [15:00:24] <ebel> [link] http://twitter.com/ossbarcamp [15:00:28] <czajkowski> or join #ossbarcamp on freenode [15:00:39] <czajkowski> any thoughts/suggestions [15:01:08] <slashtom> when we have a team assembled, can we arrange a site visit? [15:01:28] <airurando> again promote in Limerick and at Open Jam [15:01:35] <slashtom> yes [15:01:53] <ebel> yep, promote and mention at limerick and openjam [15:02:55] <czajkowski> aye [15:03:04] <czajkowski> slashtom: you on the team :D [15:03:18] <slashtom> certainly! [15:03:21] <czajkowski> yat [15:03:27] <czajkowski> I shall arrange site visit so [15:03:55] <slashtom> thanks [15:05:09] <ebel> Anything else on ossbarcamp? [15:05:11] <airurando> should we have specific IRC planning meetings for open jam and ossbarcamp [15:05:17] <czajkowski> airurando: good idea [15:05:42] <ebel> we could dedicate a meeting to it.... [15:05:49] <ebel> have lots of agenda items on it [15:05:54] <czajkowski> aye [15:06:01] <czajkowski> start with open jam [15:06:11] <ebel> keeping the same meeting time is good, keeps attendance high... [15:06:13] <czajkowski> airurando: facy coming up with some items we could discuss [15:06:17] <czajkowski> aye [15:06:29] <airurando> perhaps discuss further at ubuntu hour [15:06:37] <czajkowski> see ye there [15:06:52] <airurando> will certainly have a think about it czajkowski [15:07:00] <ebel> yeah [15:07:50] <ebel> [topic] Any other business? [15:08:12] <airurando> one very small thing [15:08:39] <ebel> oh? [15:08:41] <airurando> regarding listing events on website wiki twitter mailing list etc [15:08:59] <airurando> discusssed extensively at last months meeting [15:09:14] <ebel> *ahem* yes :) [15:09:57] <airurando> my point is that I am very happy to oversee all this but I don't know what I'm doing yet [15:10:25] <airurando> only last week discovered I could add event to website [15:10:37] * ebel didn't make the list of things from last time like i said i would... [15:10:48] <ebel> airurando: i've been meaning to make you an admin on the website.... [15:11:42] <airurando> ebel: thanks very much and I'd love to but I wouldn't know what to do at present [15:11:59] <ebel> well website admin just means you can do things when you want. [15:12:06] <ebel> you don't *have* to do anything.... [15:12:26] <ebel> as for communication.... *shrug* [15:13:02] <airurando> I ask is that the full list of places to hit is decided upon and the order for hitting them given and then you teach me what to do [15:13:24] <ebel> Alright :) [15:13:30] <ebel> [topic] communication methods [15:13:34] <ebel> (so it goes in the minutes) [15:13:55] <ebel> [action] ebel will make a list of different means of communication (wiki, fora, etc.) [15:14:11] <airurando> ebel: oh I know I don't have to do anything but I do want to help out as much as i can. [15:14:50] <ebel> airurando: cool :) [15:14:58] <ebel> thanks :) [15:16:30] <ebel> [topic] Any other business? [15:19:14] <ebel> ok... i think that's it [15:19:18] <ebel> thanks for the meeting guys [15:19:20] <ebel> #endmeeting Meeting ended.
Parent pages: IrishTeam/IRCMeetings IrishTeam
IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-02-17 (last edited 2010-02-21 18:30:48 by 109)