The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting will be held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 17th November 2010, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode. Everyone is welcome to attend and to add topics to the agenda (below)
- airurando
- infoturtle`
- czajkowski
- tdr112
- ebel
- slashtom
Agenda item
Review of previous action items
Standing agenda item
Team Events December Schedule
Our Loco Team Logo
Facebook and Twitter Front
Meeting started by airurando at 14:08 14:09:20 LINK airurando https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-11-17 14:18:20 ACTION airurando infoturtle` to take on task of ubuntu-ie website webmistress/webmaster. 14:20:29 LINK airurando http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/527/detail/ 14:20:58 LINK airurando http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/526/detail/ 14:34:38 ACTION airurando infoturtle` to take over lead organiser for end of year/new year team event. 14:40:47 ACTION airurando slashtom to generate doodle poll to decide on date for winter bowling team event. 14:41:51 Topic: Team Events December Schedule 14:50:20 ACTION airurando airurando to e-mail list informing subscribers that there will be no scheduled Dublin and Limerick Hours for December. 14:52:11 Topic: Our Loco Team Logo 14:52:55 LINK airurando http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/ 14:54:01 LINK airurando http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1463311 15:04:53 Topic: Facebook and Twitter Front 15:23:09 ACTION airurando infoturtle` to generate new improved Fecebook page for ubuntu-ie. Delete old page and try to migrate subscribers over via email. 15:23:56 Topic: Any other Business Meeting ended at 15:25.
Any Other Business
The following topics were raised in the meeting
Agenda item
Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:08:27] <airurando> If Welcome all, if you are here for the monthly meeting please indicate so by saying PRESENT [14:08:37] <airurando> PRESENT [14:08:38] <infoturtle`> PRESENT [14:08:57] <czajkowski> PRESENT [14:09:04] <tdr112> Present [14:09:05] <ebel> PRESENT [14:09:06] <airurando> The wiki page for this meeting, which includes the meeting agenda, is located at [14:09:20] <airurando> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-11-17 [14:09:37] <airurando> We'll start off with a review of previous action items [14:09:41] <slashtom> PRESENT [14:09:57] <airurando> We have a couple of old action items which relate to updating the Ubuntu-ie Loco Website [14:10:26] <airurando> This appears to have gone off the boil for the moment so unless anyone objects I feel we should drop it from the agenda until somebody shows an interest in taking up this challenge. [14:10:47] <airurando> any thoughts? [14:10:47] <infoturtle`> what's needed? [14:11:09] <ebel> anyone wanna do it? [14:11:34] <ebel> I have a feeling I am supposed to give someone else access, there's a few people who have access to the blacknight account [14:11:35] <infoturtle`> Sure if I knew what was needed to update [14:12:11] <airurando> infoturtle` I suppose a willingness to take on the challenge and a ability with website design [14:12:23] <airurando> ebel: could you elaborate [14:12:23] <infoturtle`> have both of those [14:12:43] <ebel> airurando: essentially we have web hosting with blacknight [14:13:01] <ebel> i.e. ubuntuie has a blacknight account username/password [14:13:24] <ebel> with that you can access the blacknight control panel, install various LAMP web applications etc [14:13:33] <ebel> i.e. everything you need to set up the website. [14:13:58] <ebel> the webmistriss/webmaster will need this details to 'maintain the website'. [14:14:16] <airurando> does anyone still have a link to shaunos mockup? [14:14:27] <ebel> if anyone wants to be our webmistress/webmaster just let me know, and (unless other are opposed) I'll give it to 'em [14:14:39] <ebel> I've given said details to other people already. [14:14:41] <infoturtle`> I'd be happy to do it, will it involve changing the layout or adding content? [14:15:03] <ebel> infoturtle`: you can do as little and as much as you want. essentially we need a webmistriss/webmaster. [14:15:18] <infoturtle`> cool, I'll help with that [14:15:20] <infoturtle`> ^^, [14:15:27] <airurando> excellent [14:15:43] <airurando> anyone have any other input [14:16:34] <infoturtle`> not on this matter but I did want to ask something else [14:16:37] * ebel gives username/password to infoturtle` (see pm) [14:17:18] <airurando> infoturtle` want to leave it to AOB section at the end? [14:17:42] <infoturtle`> oh, sorry, ya cool [14:18:20] <airurando> [ACTION] infoturtle` to take on task of ubuntu-ie website webmistress/webmaster. [14:18:49] <airurando> thanks for that infoturtle` [14:19:02] <airurando> thanks ebel for granting access [14:19:16] <infoturtle`> no prob airurando [14:19:23] <airurando> moving on [14:19:44] <airurando> at last months meeting I was actioned to generate Ubuntu Hour listings for Dublin and Limerick only for the month of October [14:19:59] <airurando> this was done and the listings for November were also generated. [14:20:15] <airurando> November Ubuntu Hours happening next week in Dublin. [14:20:29] <airurando> [LINK] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/527/detail/ [14:20:37] <airurando> and Limerick [14:20:58] <airurando> [LINK] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/526/detail/ [14:21:30] <airurando> tdr112 was actioned to contact the Dublin colleges in an effort to organising Ubuntu 10.10 CD distribution. [14:22:03] <airurando> tdr112: want to say anything on this [14:23:12] <airurando> tdr112 was also actioned with the responsibility to lead the effort to organise a team event for November [14:23:25] <tdr112> yep i gave out a lot of cds [14:23:30] <tdr112> lots of them [14:23:54] <tdr112> czajkowski: got me another 100 for an event the other day so we have about 50 left , [14:25:31] <airurando> I know imgarysmith had an item on the agenda relating to DC distribution but he withdrew due to the fact that he would not be present at this evenings meeting [14:25:47] <airurando> *CD [14:26:00] <tdr112> well theren are some left and he is welcome to them [14:26:11] <tdr112> airurando: do you have an email for him/her [14:26:21] <airurando> afraid not [14:26:27] <airurando> The targeting of college comp socs seemed to go well. [14:26:52] <tdr112> yep i contact them via irc [14:27:38] <airurando> Maybe we should discuss this more at a later date when imgarysmith is around. [14:27:51] <tdr112> ok [14:27:55] <airurando> warrants further discussion IMO [14:28:28] <airurando> tdr112 anything on the end of year team event? [14:28:55] <tdr112> nope i am hoping to hand this off to someone else i am mad busy in college [14:29:24] <airurando> anyone available to take this up? [14:29:57] <infoturtle`> I've got the time of no one else can [14:30:42] <airurando> infoturtle` you are fast becoming a legend. [14:31:05] <airurando> anyone have any ideas on what we could do? [14:31:18] <infoturtle`> ^^, what can I say, I have a boring life [14:32:34] <airurando> [14:32:49] <airurando> come up with a few target dates. [14:33:07] <airurando> hit the mailing list for thoughts [14:33:26] <airurando> at this stage it may be a new year event [14:33:31] <infoturtle`> can do if you want to leave it with me to come up with stuff [14:33:38] <airurando> no real rush [14:34:18] <infoturtle`> I'll get some ideas and trow it around the mailing list, see what people think [14:34:38] <airurando> [ACTION] infoturtle` to take over lead organiser for end of year/new year team event. [14:34:45] <airurando> great stuff [14:34:47] * slashtom was thinking of doing a doodle poll [14:35:00] <slashtom> like before, selection of dates and events [14:35:11] <infoturtle`> no prob [14:35:33] <slashtom> although we may be limited for events, given the weather and short days [14:35:40] * slashtom suggests bowling [14:35:56] <slashtom> either december or january [14:36:06] <ebel> indoors++ [14:36:24] <infoturtle`> it will have to be indoor to be fair [14:36:46] <slashtom> i said bowling not bowls ;) [14:36:55] <infoturtle`> golf isn't a real option like [14:37:16] <infoturtle`> oh i know i was just saying something [14:37:32] <airurando> to set it up will we just say bowling? [14:37:46] <airurando> then doodle poll for date? [14:37:59] <slashtom> that seems good [14:38:01] <infoturtle`> yep, we can do that [14:38:04] * slashtom can take care of that [14:38:23] <airurando> ok so [14:38:24] <slashtom> iirc there is a bowling alley iin stillorgan [14:38:59] <infoturtle`> we want that venue? [14:39:17] <slashtom> you have any other suggestions [14:39:38] <airurando> is there nothing more central? [14:39:39] <slashtom> the stillorgan venue is on the bus route 46A [14:39:49] <slashtom> no, nothing more central [14:39:49] <infoturtle`> no, don't mind, would just like the info for when I ask [14:40:01] <ebel> (46a = one of the most common busses in the country)( [14:40:47] <airurando> [ACTION] slashtom to generate doodle poll to decide on date for winter bowling team event. [14:41:17] <airurando> infoturtle` you're off the hook for that one. [14:41:28] <infoturtle`> ok cool [14:41:30] <airurando> moving on the agenda items proper [14:41:51] <airurando> [TOPIC] Team Events December Schedule [14:42:09] <airurando> With this being 'the most wonderful time of the year' I was wondering if we should plan accordingly. [14:42:26] <airurando> Is there any point in having Ubuntu Hours on the 29th and 30th of December? [14:42:37] <czajkowski> nope [14:42:53] * slashtom and ebel will be in .uk then [14:42:58] <ebel> yarp [14:42:59] <czajkowski> airurando: how about teaming uo with python and ruby and alt.net for some sort of xmas thingy [14:43:16] <czajkowski> airurando: remember the mails vicky send on re an event [14:43:38] <airurando> czajkowski yeah got them [14:44:13] <czajkowski> perhaps that can be done instead of an ubuntu hour for december? [14:44:28] <airurando> czajkowski you propose calling that team quiz event a combined social event for December [14:44:37] <czajkowski> yup [14:44:46] <airurando> Good Idea [14:44:59] <infoturtle`> I likes it too [14:45:19] <airurando> is it agreed that we will drop Ubuntu Hours for December? [14:45:38] <infoturtle`> agreed [14:46:17] <airurando> I'll ask citizenjonker about the Limerick one. It will be up to him really. [14:46:40] <infoturtle`> He online now, will i ask him to join? [14:46:45] <infoturtle`> *he's [14:47:04] <airurando> as there are no objections thought we won'e schedule a Dublin Ubuntu Hour for December. [14:47:18] <airurando> infoturtle` please do [14:47:48] <airurando> *won't [14:48:17] <airurando> Should we have our monthly IRC meeting on 15 Dec 10 as would be expected given it is the default third Wednesday of the month. [14:48:34] <tdr112> airurando: i think an email to a list telling people its not on would be good [14:49:05] <airurando> tdr112: agreed I'll take that on [14:49:17] <infoturtle`> citizenjonker said he's cool with it [14:49:22] <infoturtle`> actual words [14:50:20] <airurando> [ACTION] airurando to e-mail list informing subscribers that there will be no scheduled Dublin and Limerick Hours for December. [14:51:05] <airurando> everyone OK with next months meeting happening on 15 Dec 10? [14:51:10] <slashtom> aye [14:51:15] <infoturtle`> sure am [14:51:24] <ebel> yep [14:51:33] <airurando> good stuff [14:51:48] <airurando> I'll schedule that so. [14:51:55] <airurando> next item [14:52:11] <airurando> [TOPIC] Our Loco Team Logo [14:52:27] <airurando> Do we need a redesign? [14:52:42] <airurando> Are we bound to using the new brand guidelines? [14:52:55] <airurando> [LINK] http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/ [14:53:02] <infoturtle`> at the last ubuntu hour in limerick, some one brought a design that i loved if ye want to look at the idea of it [14:53:10] <infoturtle`> its rough but the idea is there [14:53:13] <airurando> Should we update the font at least? [14:53:38] <airurando> infoturtle` yeah that was Hugh [14:53:53] <infoturtle`> sure was [14:54:01] <airurando> Hugh Mulqueen an artist generated a logo which he posted to the forums some time ago. [14:54:01] <airurando> [LINK]http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1463311 [14:54:23] <airurando> I've chatted to Hugh on the forums and discussed the possibility of a more subtle update to the logo. [14:54:23] <airurando> He seemed keen. [14:54:38] <airurando> Hoped he would be here tonight [14:55:07] <airurando> does anyone have thought on this? [14:55:17] <airurando> is it needed? [14:55:57] <infoturtle`> he was keen to let us use it at the meeting [14:56:06] <infoturtle`> so I'd say he'd be fine with it [14:56:09] <infoturtle`> chuffed even [14:57:15] <airurando> infoturtle` based on the new branding I told Hugh I thought his design was a bit extreme. [14:57:48] <airurando> czajkowski: can you provide any guidance on this? [14:58:36] <czajkowski> ahh [14:58:52] <czajkowski> well once a new logo is created [14:58:59] <czajkowski> we can just ask canonical to check it#s ok [14:59:04] <czajkowski> they come back within a few days [14:59:10] <czajkowski> onces it's done poke me and I'll sort that bit out [15:00:24] <airurando> I've seem the UK redesign and it does not differ from the official brand as much as loco designs in the past did. [15:00:45] <czajkowski> nods [15:00:50] <czajkowski> they had it checked out also [15:01:04] <airurando> I don't believe there is scope for much artistic license [15:01:57] <czajkowski> but we can tidy up the font [15:02:02] <czajkowski> and folks can add stuff to the design [15:03:02] <airurando> I liked Hugs effort and suggested he came up with something more subtle paying head to the new brand design guidelines [15:03:21] <airurando> I'll try to contact Hugh Again [15:03:59] <czajkowski> okie dokie [15:04:08] <airurando> infoturtle` if you come across him can you let him know I want to talk to him? [15:04:19] <airurando> right so [15:04:27] <airurando> moving on [15:04:27] <infoturtle`> will do, ill contact him once this is over [15:04:53] <airurando> [TOPIC] Facebook and Twitter Front [15:05:10] <airurando> proposer not listed on the wiki page but the entry was made by andru183 [15:05:46] <infoturtle`> Thats me, I want to make an offical Ubuntu facebook page that can post event/content to facebook users [15:06:25] <infoturtle`> at the moment I'm one of the admins for a ubunt-ie page but it cant post content so I would like to make one that can [15:07:09] <infoturtle`> anyone mind if I do this? [15:07:14] <ebel> for the ubuntu ireland facebook page? [15:07:23] <ebel> we have a twitter, you want access for that? [15:07:39] <infoturtle`> ya, I found that out after i made the post [15:07:47] <ebel> anyone opposed to giving infoturtle` twitter/identica access details? [15:08:19] <airurando> no objection here [15:08:35] <czajkowski> nope [15:09:23] <airurando> infoturtle` forgive my ignorance here [15:09:49] <airurando> do you want to update the current Ubuntu-ie Facebook page? [15:10:04] <airurando> or generate a new one? [15:10:51] <infoturtle`> no, make one, with the name ubunt-ie that people can join and I can post the news/events so people know about content on facebook [15:10:54] <infoturtle`> reminders even [15:13:18] <airurando> What about the current Ubuntu Ireland page? [15:14:01] <airurando> Do we want/need a double presence on Facebook? [15:14:05] <infoturtle`> It can post any news or anything, people can just join and write on its wall [15:14:32] <airurando> can it not be modified? [15:14:36] <infoturtle`> sorry that should be it can't [15:15:08] <infoturtle`> I understand the double presence but the current page dosen't interact with users [15:15:23] <airurando> can it not be modified? [15:15:39] * airurando knows nothing about this [15:15:52] <infoturtle`> no, its just a fan page to like, you have to create a new opage and delete the old [15:16:24] <airurando> can you migrate subscribers (likers) [15:16:57] <infoturtle`> no, but as admin i can send mail to all of them to let them know about the move and why [15:17:20] <airurando> I have no objection [15:17:28] <airurando> anyone else? [15:17:59] <czajkowski> nope [15:19:09] <airurando> any input ebel: slashtom: tdr112? [15:20:15] <ebel> i don't mind [15:20:19] <ebel> go for it [15:20:27] <infoturtle`> woo! thanks [15:20:32] <airurando> as there are no objections I reckon that's fine so. [15:20:32] <tdr112> not i facebook , dont mind [15:20:46] <tdr112> just keep it upto date , [15:20:50] <infoturtle`> thanks guys!! [15:20:57] * tdr112 does not want another thing to update [15:21:33] <infoturtle`> i will, i always update ubuntu current stuff on my own site anyway [15:21:39] <airurando> [ACTION] infoturtle`to generate the curren Ubuntu-ie Facebook page [15:21:40] <infoturtle`> this is just the same thing [15:23:09] <airurando> [ACTION] infoturtle` to generate new improved Fecebook page for ubuntu-ie. Delete old page and try to migrate subscribers over via email. [15:23:31] <tdr112> i have to head off now , i will read the rest of the logs tonight [15:23:32] <airurando> great [15:23:56] <airurando> [TOPIC] Any other Business [15:25:02] <airurando> I'll end the meeting so [15:25:17] <airurando> thanks all for attending and participating [15:25:23] <airurando> #endmeeting Meeting ended.
Parent pages: IrishTeam/IRCMeetings IrishTeam
IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-11-17 (last edited 2010-11-17 22:15:02 by 86-46-219-16-dynamic)