
Revision 4 as of 2010-07-29 10:18:27

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  • Barry Smyth has kicked off a project for the Irish Team. The profile of the day is an initiative to encourage members of the Irish team to get to know each other more. For more details see here

  • Laura Czajkowski, a member of our loco headed off to Leeds to give a great talk on Ubuntu Women. Write up here.

  • Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 21st July 2010.

  • We held a Geeknic on the Sunday 18th of July in the Peoples Park, Dun Laoghaire. It was a great day , the rain stayed off for a few hours. A nice write up can be found here with some photos.

  • We had a great Ubuntu Hour on the 28th of July at 6pm at the Trinity Capital Hotel bar.

  • Planing is under way for a Bug Jam we will be holding next month as part of Globe Jam.