
* On the suggestion to have ads on our forum and site for income it was decided to not doing it.
* Since we have a problem now that one of our leaders isn't doing what the community decided there was a suggestion to discuss on how we can make sure it won't happen again. we didn't get any way to make sure it will happen.
* We decided to make a standard of how to say what was done from the previous meetings and how anyone progressed, the user shpongle will make a suggestion how to make the reports in the meeting.
* There was a suggestion while we had the meeting to have a rotation in the positions, but since we are rather a small community we decided against it, so only if some one will think there should be an election for some position we will have one.
* We had a suggestion to have a PR team to visit other forums and so on and to suggested to tell about our forum and community whenever there is a relevant question to ubuntu, it got postponed to the next meeting.

IsraeliTeam/TeamReports/July (last edited 2010-07-05 20:08:26 by bzq-79-180-198-18)