James Golden (chibifs)
Artist and Designer for Studio Chibi-Co!
Email: <chibifs@gmail.com>
- Southgate, Michigan, US
Website: http://studiochibico.com
- AIM: chibifs
- Forums: Chibi
Freenode / EFnet : chibifs or ChibiCng
- Second Life: Chibi Chang
OSS Contributions
- Xfce-Dusk in XFLD (ported to ubuntu by MOTUxfce)
- gnome-system-settings/NVIDIA settings applet icons for Slackware/XFCE4 (deprecated)
- Original Concepts for the Ubuntu and XFCE girls, both taken over by more talented artists at .jp, still keeping some of my ideas. :3
- Support on Ubuntu and XFCE forums, #slackware, #ubuntu, and #xfce
- Knoppix
- Slackware 9-10
- Debian Unstable
- Pre-Ubuntu 4.04-X/Ubuntu 6.06+
JamesGolden (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:01 by localhost)