In the Ubuntu community we always need more packagers. There are literally thousands of applications out there that need maintenance, and one of the major reasons why people choose Ubuntu is that there is a huge catalog of software that is ready to install and use. These thousands of applications are maintained by a large and growing community of community volunteers who help to package these applications and maintain high quality packages. As the number of applications grows though, we need more and more volunteers.

Generally if someone expresses an interest in packaging, we point them to MOTU/GettingStarted and off they go. Another great way to get people up to speed is with...Packaging Jams!

With a huge world-wide network of LoCoTeams, more and more teams are running Packaging Jams - special events in which people meet up and a few instructors show the attendees how to get involved with Ubuntu package maintenance. Not only are these events extremely valuable in attracting new packagers, but they are huge fun! This page offers a simple guide to running a Packaging Jam. Smile :)


A Packaging Jam is very similar to any kind of jam, but it's a bit special. You need a few things:

You also want to provide some snacks and drinks to help people through their new packaging journey. Alternatively you can schedule a time when you go to a nearby pizza place or anywhere else to get some food.

Asking people to prepare for the Jam

Running The Jam


Holding the Session




Translate the Packaging Guide

Go to and translate away! Smile :)


Jams/Packaging (last edited 2016-10-27 07:44:00 by dholbach)