

Getting Started
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Thursday, December 6th 2012, 16:00 UTC

Next Packaging Training Session (details)


Getting Started With MOTU

One of the best means of contributing to Ubuntu is by helping to keep the thousands of different free software applications in form of Ubuntu packages in shape. To get involved in this effort, we have the MOTU project (which stands for Masters Of The Universe). This team helps to train new packagers and get everyone up to speed maintaining software in Ubuntu.

This guide helps you get started in MOTU quickly and easy. If you get stuck at any point, see MOTU/Contact for how to get help.

  1. The Packaging Guide is your friend on your MOTU journey. It gives you a nice overview over how packaging works generally. To get a first impression, you also might want to check out the MOTU Videos.

  2. Once you are a bit more familiar with the tools and the general concepts behind Packaging, you might want to check out MOTU/Contributing and see how the team works.

  3. To get started and actively participate in Ubuntu development, you need a development environment installed on your development machine. Ubuntu Developers' Tools Installation Quick Start will take you step by step through the process and get you up and running quickly.

  4. Also you need to be running the latest Ubuntu release: UsingDevelopmentReleases explains how to safely do that.

  5. If you ever get stuck with any of Ubuntu's development processes, you should consult the Ubuntu Development overview, this will help you get an idea how the different pieces fit together. Definitely check out UbuntuDevelopment/KnowledgeBase for a good list of in-depth guides, tutorials and guidelines.

  6. While studying the Packaging Guide, don't hesitate to ask for help in the #ubuntu-devel IRC channel.

  7. Once you have gotten the hang of a few packages, why not fix an existing bug? For a more advanced test of your skills, try to package something new.

  8. Subscribe to the ubuntu-motu mailing list.

  9. Once you have produced a new package or one that fixes a bug, you are ready to get it reviewed! Read about the Sponsorship Process, and get follow the instructions given on that page.


  1. If you don't have a weblog yet, create one and blog about your progress as a MOTU.
  2. Add your blog to Planet Ubuntu by following these instructions.

  3. Keep a copy of playbook.pdf near to remind you about this whole process.

Go back to MOTU.

MOTU/GettingStarted (last edited 2024-11-11 23:56:58 by rikmills)