Approval Application for Japanese Team (ubuntu-jp)
Key Details
Date - 21 July 2009
Team Contact - Jun Kobayashi <jkbys@ubuntu.com>
Membership - 8 active members and tens of volunteers as of 21 July 2009. (2 new members in this year)
- One of our team member, Fumihito Yoshida, was approved for Ubuntu Membership in April.
Mailing List - ubuntu-jp on lists.ubuntu.com with 1986 members as of 22 July 2009.
IRC - #ubuntu-jp on Freenode
Launchpad Page - https://launchpad.net/~japaneseteam
Web Site - http://www.ubuntulinux.jp
Web Forum - http://forum.ubuntulinux.jp
Wiki Site - http://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp
Spread Ubuntu in Japan - Increase the number of Japanese users involved in the Ubuntu community.
Continue running LoCo team resources: Web site, IRC (#ubuntu-jp), Mailing List (unbuntu-jp@lists.ubuntu.com), Web forum.
- Hold local events for Ubuntu users four or more times per year.
- Attend local FLOSS conferences four or more times per year.
- Write articles on local magazines and web sites.
- Advise more companies which plan to use Ubuntu for business.
Meetings - Continue to organise regular weekly IRC meetings.
Make Ubuntu better for Japanese users - Translate more applications, improve Japanese input support, and work to build up and provide a better Japanese language environment.
- Continue to create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs.
- Maintain jp.archive.ubuntu.com to update comfortably for Japanese users.
Better relation ships with other FOSS communities - Expand cooperative ties with other Ubuntu and FOSS comunities.
- Improving the relationship with Debian JP Project is most important
Encourage more of the Japanese LoCo Team members to become Ubuntu Members.
Translate Japanese contents related Ubuntu - like "Ubunchu!"(see below)
Regular IRC Meeting - We organize meetings in #ubuntu-jp on irc.freenode.net every Tuesday (13:00 UTC / 22:00 JST).
Ubuntu Kaizen Project - We managed the Ubuntu Kaizen Project to manage bugs submitted in Japanese.
Meetings with companies - We have talked about Ubuntu with some companies which are considering using Ubuntu for their business.
- Hirose Electric Works, ltd. released "UBiL" which is Virtual Server Thin Client based on Ubuntu.
- ATOK X3 (propietary Japanese input method software for Linux) supports Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 9.04.
Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo - We held two Ubuntu event for users.
- In January and April meetings, we had install party, trouble shooting and seminars.
- In April meeting, we held Ubuntu 9.04 release party too.
- This event is co-sponsored by Hirose Electric Works, ltd.
- We are planning to hold this event every few months.
Japanese Ubuntu articles - We have written articles for following print and online local magazines:
Nikkei Linux August issue: "Ubuntu 8.04 effective utilization" / "How to grow Ubuntu"
"Ubuntu Linux Beginers Kit for 8.04 LTS"
Software Design: "First Review: Ubuntu 8.10"
Software Design: -Learning Unix Technology- "What is init daemon"
Nikkei Linux December issue: True face of Ubuntu 8.10 Server
Interviewd by local magazine "Kantan-Ubuntu"
- "Install Ubuntu to your second homebuilt computer" for Nikkei WinPC which is a Japanese computer magazine published by Nikkei BP.
Software Design: Let's experience merits of Ubuntu - illustrate installation, leverage netbook, create variants -
- "HP MIE Review" for a Japanese local magazine "Software Design".
- "Ubuntu 9.04 Tettei Kaibou" for a Japanese local magazine "ASCII.technologies".
- Team members talked about team's activity and Ubuntu community in ASCII Mediaworks' interview. This is described on a magazine "Sakusaku Ubuntu!" published on 27th May.
- Team members talked about team's activity for a Japanese local magazine "Linux 100%".
gihyo.jp: Ubuntu Weekly Recipe / Ubuntu Weekly Topics (ongoing)
Conference Attendance - We have attended following conferences:
- Open Source Conference: as exhibitor and speaker
Debian-Ubuntu BoF was held by Japanese Team and Debian JP Project on Japan Linux Conference 2008 (odp file for presentation)
Exhibited at the "Gathering the Linux Distributions" at Rakuten technology conference
We exhibited at the Kansai Open Source 2008
Japanese Remix Desktop CDs - We create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs for each release of Ubuntu.
Hajime Mizuno, Fumihito Yoshida who are Japanese LoCo Members and Martin Owens who is US-Massachusetts LoCo Member got the rights to translate "Ubunchu", which is a Japanese Manga comic, into English in cooperation with the author Hiroshi Seo.
- And it's translated to 11 languages.
Archive mirrors - We have deployed and maintain new archive mirrors in Japan with help of some organizations.
JapaneseTeam/ApprovalApplication/2009 (last edited 2009-08-18 13:57:36 by KD119105236119)