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Crane on irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-alabama |
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<crane.aswp@gmail.com> |
About Me
- I have been using Ubuntu from the release of Warty. I started linux running a game server and migrated it to a desktop usage.
I play FPS games such as Quake3 and 4, UT2004, Urban Terror, True Combat, and others. I am not a coder or programmer so my technical knowledge is limited. I love to help others when there is a problem and hope I can bring something back to the community as well. I am 38 years old, Live an Birmingham, Alabama U.S. I've been married for 17 years and loving every minute of it. I have 2 children, Daughter 10 years old, and a Son 5 years old.
Current Projects
I am an active member of the LoCo group for Alabama, US.
- The group has done a couple of projects which include:
Birmingham TechMixer 07
- Alabama Lug Fest
- Donating and assisting with computers for schools.
- The group has done a couple of projects which include:
- Upcoming events include:
- Gutsy installfest - Oct.27
- Birmingham Techmixer - Feb. o8
- Alabama Lugfest 08 - T.B.A.
- Latest News
Currently I am still working with the LoCo, helping a couple of schools with hardware for computers and working with Cartridgesforkids to help raise money for the schools.
I try to get on irc channel as much as I can on freenode at #ubuntu-alabama #ubuntu-us #balu and a couple others. I still try to help answer questions on the forums at ubuntu as well as a couple of other Ubuntu related communities.
JasonSandlin (last edited 2008-08-06 16:39:58 by localhost)