
Revision 7 as of 2009-03-01 13:21:27

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  • Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference

  • All serious issues should be still submitted as bug!


  • Post known issues here
  • (almost) no support for ATI graphics card + KDE desktop effects (fglrx doesn't work with Jaunty's xserver, bug 313027 , and there are reports of open source drivers being very slow).


  • First of all thank you for another great alpha Smile :-) I'm really starting to love this jackalope hehe. I have one suggestion though: In my opinion the time zone thing in the installers looks well really improvable, how about combining the best of something like this: (basically the highlight idea) with the best of the current installer (continent-dropdown and city-dropdown box) ? If you'd like I'd be eager to help by for instance supplying images!! -- ANDREA54 (

  • I agree that the timezone selector looks terrible. It was the most beautiful part of the install, now it is the ugliest. I would suggest using the older photo from <= Intrepid, and only highlighting the area that is under the mouse cursor. - Dotan Cohen

  • Surely Kubuntu 9.04 wil get the best version ever. Latterly I read this post and I thought for me that everyone I know, who could be interested in using Kubuntu, uses too the live messenger. So it would be a great plus for them if Kmess would be a standard application. -Robert

  • What is the deal with Quassel? It's just too confusing, and I'm hardly a computer novice. What on earth are 'buffer views', why is the channel list called 'Buffers'? I really could not make head nor tail of configuring these. It also doesn't have automatic logging of channels, which I just take for granted coming from Konversation. It has this weird bug where the channel list keeps appearing and disappearing (beautifully animated, of course, but totally bizarre). Seriously, I can't understand it being a default choice.
  • The python change to 2.6 breaks some packages on my system. In particular, it wants to remove rdiff-backup (which I need), and python-pysqlite2 (which I think I need for development)
  • I updated from 8.10 using "update-manager -d". This worked without any immediately visible problems.

One problem is that mysql-server was not installed, probably because installing this package requires user input and update-manager cannot handle this. I discovered that mysql was missing because the bootup time was 10 seconds longer than with 8.10 and the extra time was used idling by the mysql startup script. Installing mysql-server in synaptic fixed this problem. 9.04 seems to work pretty good. I have only one problem. But a serious one. I cannot log off, or shutdown from inside KDE. Trying to shutdown via the menu has no effect other than to make the system more unresponsive it seems. So I have to use the shutdown command in the console to turn off my computer -Viktor

  • Add feedback here