
What is needed is to modify the packaging of some of the existing packages (log4j, commons-codec, etc) to include their pom's as described in

The list of packages that need work is currently:



















... and many others.

Add yourself as the owner in this page to avoid duplicating work.

To get started, you need some preparation:

First, add to your sources.list, then

sudo apt-get refresh
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install maven-ant-helper maven-repo-helper

I have a collection of Bash scripts which I use a lot to simplify packaging. Install them in ~/Projects/bash-scripts for example, and add them to your ~/.bashrc

  1. bzr branch lp:~ludovicc/maven-packaging-support/bash-scripts ~/Projects/bash-scripts
  2. Add to ~/.bashrc at least the following

export PATH="${PATH}":~/Projects/bash-scripts
source dev-utils
source pkg-utils

Get the sources for the packages you want to work on. Use either

  1. apt-get sources libmypackage-java
  2. svn checkout

Copy those sources onto your working folder. You will want also to keep track of changes with Bazaar, and publish them in your Launchpad account. I'm using a neat trick ( to make the process simple when you're managing lots of small projects.

I have the following organization:

  • ~/Projects/onLaunchpad/uj/

This folder contains all the projects which are published under the uj (Ubuntu Java project) on Launchpad.

In ~/.bazaar/locations.conf, I have

push_location = lp:~ludovicc/
push_location:policy = appendpath
public_branch = lp:~ludovicc/
public_branch:policy = appendpath

It is then possible to do something like:

cd ~/Projects/onLaunchpad/uj/
mkdir test
cd test
bzr init
touch test.txt
bzr add .
bzr commit -m "* Initial"
bzr push

The push command will create automatically a new branch on Launchpad under the uj project. Really cool!

Now that the setup is done, we can enhance the existing packages to include Maven metadata:

  1. Copy the project under the uj/ folder
  2. Run the following commands

# remove the svn information if the project was copied from svn
find . -name ".svn" -print | xargs rm -r
# remove the quilt information found in some projects
rm -rf .pc
bzr init
bzr add
bzr commit -m "* Initial"
uscan --report --verbose

Use this command to increment the Debian version of the package in changelog:

  • dch -i

Append to the ubuntu version the ppa version, and use jaunty, for example you should have

  • ant (1.7.1-0ubuntu3~ppa3) jaunty; urgency=low

or if uscan reports a new upstream version, try to package it:

  • dch --newVersion=${upstream_version}-0ubuntu1~ppa1

Keep track of all changes done for the packaging in the changelog file.

Edit debian/control, and change the following: - change the section to java, this is to comply with the new Debian rules

  • Section: java

- update the standards version field

  • Standards-Version: 3.8.1

- on all Depends: fields, add

  • Depends: ${misc:Depends}

Execute those commands

bzr bd-do

Add to debian/rules, or merge debian/ into debian/rules:

  • mh_installpoms -plib$(PACKAGE)-java mh_installjar -plib$(PACKAGE)-java pom.xml build/$(PACKAGE)-*.jar usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE).jar usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).jar

Add to changelog: (if you packaged a new version)

  • New upstream version, add myself to Uploaders

(if you did those changes)

  • Change section to java, bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.1

(if debhelper was 4 or less)

  • Bump up debhelper to 6
  • Add the Maven POM to the package
  • Add a Build-Depends-Indep dependency on maven-repo-helper
  • Use mh_installpom and mh_installjar to install the POM and the jar to the
    • Maven repository

(if you did those changes)

  • Remove the patch for the POM as it's no longer needed, as well as
    • the dependency on Quilt

(if you did those changes, check to see if a bug is opened against the package)

  • Change the build dependency on java-gcj to default-jdk (Closes: #xxxx)

(if you did those changes)

  • Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends to clear Lintian warnings

(if you did those changes)

  • Remove Depends on Java runtimes as it is a library

Execute those commands:

rm debian/
bzr add debian
bzr commit -m "* Added POM support"
sudo debi
bzr push
# once you are happy that the package is ready to be deployed on your PPA

JavaTeam/AddMavenMetadata (last edited 2009-07-06 18:41:30 by bb-87-80-43-137)