This is a shell script to install Trac with geolocation capacity
At this moment is in spanglish only :P'
Works well: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
It doesn't work: Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS (bzr version too old to work with Launchpad and python-pip, python-virtualenv packages are missing.
Autor: JavierRovegno
Installation of Trac issue tracker and plugins:
- Not need to be root
- Do not need complicated configurations
- Do not require modification trac.ini
Only need the install of a minimum number of packages from Ubuntu official repositories:
bzr subversion python-subversion python-bzr-svn python-setuptools python-virtualenv pip apache2-utils
Can be used without problems in parallel with Trac installation from official repository Ubuntu.
- Configuring SMTP notification with Gmail account
- Add ticket-custom fields: Location, Coordinates.
- Fill the coordinates if a Location is given.
Get this branch: bzr branch lp:~jrovegno/+junk/trac-geo-portable
Hosted on Launchpad
For INSTALL: (Estimated time <2 min)
- Download the Trac Geo scripts:
$ bzr branch lp:~jrovegno/+junk/trac-geo-portable
- Change the directory to trac-geo-portable
$ cd trac-geo-portable
- Install dependencies from the official repositories Ubuntu (requires root privileges)
$ sh
- Install Trac and Trac Geo plugins on ($HOME/trac-portable)
$ sh
- Create svn and bzr on ($HOME/geo-repository) and the Trac Geo project on ($HOME/trac-geo)
$ sh
Ready! Now check your http://localhost:8000
- To stop trac-geo
$ sh
- To run trac-geo
$ sh
To UNINSTALL just deleted: (Estimated time <1 min)
- Delete Repository svn and bzr
$ rm -rf $HOME/geo-repository
- Delete Project trac-geo
$ rm -rf $HOME/trac-geo
- Delete trac-portable
$ rm -rf $HOME/trac-portable
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JavierRovegno/TracGeo (last edited 2011-03-04 21:21:04 by pc-196-200-160-190)